Friday, June 30, 2023

do Rosario Baptisms 1899 - to end of records -- 1906


Juanita "Nita" Maria Santos 

1899  (done by DT -   See   CV DNA files) 

*************************************************************************                  1900 is in a Volume all its own - Volume 1900 - it has 153 pages & begins on page 3. 

page three:     3/1 - On 1/1/1900, Antonio was bap, b. 11/10/99, s/o Edmund Charles St. Aubyn of London (s/o Geoffrey St. Andrew St. Aubyn & Agnes St. Aubyn) & Jenny Maria Leite (        ) of Sao Nicolau (d/o Julia Maria Leite (        ), gods - Antonio Ferreira Loureiro of the University of Coimbra, procurador of Conego Jose Rodrigues Pindo Cardozo, Professor of the Seminary & Agnes St. Aubyn;   3/2 -  On 1/6/1900, Manoel was bap, b. 12/6/98, s/o Pedro Marcello Leda (s/o Manoel Francisco Ramos & Julia Maria Lima (        )) & Geralda Antonia Ramos (d/o Nicolaou Jose Duarte & Antonia Rosa Duarte), gods - Manoel Soares da Luz & Maria Francisc Duarte, sem sello por pobreza;  page four:   4/3 On 1/6/1900,  Antonio was bap, b. 1/7/99 of Praia Branca, s/o Jose Estevao Domingos (s/o Estevao Antonio Domingas & Rosa Maria da Silva) &  Ignacia Maria de Almeida (       )  (d/o Maria Claudina de Almeida (        )) gods - Joao Manoel do Rosario;   Jose Lopes Francez & Jose de Oliveira Pinto (        ) (all empregados ecclesiasticos), sem sello por pobreza;  4/4   On         Luiz was bap, b      s/o Ramos/Oliveira (        );    

page five:     5/5 On 1/21/, Narciso was bap,  s/o da Slva / de Brito (         ) ;  5/6 On 1/25/1900 - Maria da Luz was bap,  b d/o da Silva/ de Brito (        ) , 5/7 - On 1/25/1900, Eulalia was bap,  b     d/o Manoel Jose Gomes & Paula Maria da Luz;    5// Antonio   5/9 

are these all page five????????????  Maria 10/ Julia  11/ Anna  12/ Miguel 13/   Maria was bap, (d/o Margarida Rosa da Conceicao) (d/o Pedro Joao Conceico (        ) & Roza Archangela de Almeida  (        )) 14/ Antonia 15/ Severo 16/ Antonio 17/ Maria da Piedade  (        ) 18/ Lourenco 19/ Maria 20/ - Maria.  

page forty:     40/74 - On 5/10/1900, Manoel was bap, b. PB on 3/14/99, s/o Lourenco Jose Rodrigues (s/o    ) not md to Gertrudes Rufina Andrade (d/o   ), gods -  Zeferino Manoel Soares (        ), proprietario & Anna Maria da Conceicao. 

100/169 - On  Adelaide (d/o Maria Julia de Brito (        ) )

123/200 - Manoel (Silva/Lopes) 

130/212 - On 7/29/1900, Maria    213  Jose 

131/214 - Maria     215 Marcellina 

132/215 - Antonia     217 Manoel  

133/21 - On 8/12/1900, Gertrudes was bap, of Agua das Patas, b. 9/25/99, 5th child, d/o Antonio Jose dos Santos (s/o Marcellina Luzia Lopes (        )) & Amalia Roza Nicolaia (d/o Francisco de Almeida Coimbra (        ) & Roza Anna Nicolaia), gods - Francisco Joao Saores, proprietario & Gertrudes Maria da Silva  220 - Candida 

134/221 Eugenia   222 Manoel  

135/223 On 8/14/1900 Maria of PB     224 Maria  

136/225 - Antonia    226 Rosa 

137/227 - Maria Augusta   228 - Rosa.  


139/231 - Joao 8/19/1900, of Faja, b. 12/18/1899, eighth child of Roberto Antonio de Brito (     ) s/o priest has it wrong he says the father is Roberto Antonio de Brito but the father was Antonio de Brito & the mother was Rosa Maria da Cruz (#1)   &  Anna Rosa dos Santos (d/o & the priest gets this father wrong also - he puts Antonio Serafim Neves but it is the wife who is a Neves descendant - he is Antonio Serafim dos Santos & his wife is Rosa Maria (dos Santos Natividade).  THEY ARE MY ANCESTORS).  GODS - Antonio do Rosario de Figuereido & Archangela Candida dos Santos.    139/232 - Nicolau, second child  


what page?     233 - Jose 

140/234 - Benjamin 234 - Clarimundo 

141/236 - Julia   SEPTEMBER   237/ Francisca

142/238 - Joao    239  Archangela    240 Maria 

143/241 Roz   242 - Jose   243 Marcellino 

144/ - 244 Maria do Rosario    245  Maria do Carmo   246 Jose 

145 /247 Rosa    248 Maria do Rosario 


The next two are siblings 

147/249 - Joao & 146/250 - Anna -- children of Serafim Lopes dos Santos not md to Anna da Encarnacao Figueiredo.    252 - On 9/.27/1900,, Vicente of VRB was bap, b. 1/4/1898, s/o Antonio Boaventura de Almeida (s/o Clara Anna Araujo) & Anna Maria do Rosario (d/o Eleuterio Manoel Araujo & Maria Julia Silva), gods - Vicente Roberto de Almeida, (        )  proprietario & Anna Josepha do Rosario;   253, On 9/9/ Francisco     254 Margarida    OCTOBER 255 Maria 

148/256  On     /   /1900, Delphina was bap, b.    d/o      gods -        357 - On     /1900,  Joao was bap, b.  s/o Manoel Ramos da Encarnacao & Jenny Adelaide Soares . gods -     

149/258 - Eugenio    259 - Jose 

150/260 - Beatriz   (d/o Soares & Silva)      261 - Maria

150/261 - On 10/14/1900, Maria (Gomes & Brito (        )) 

150/262 - On _______ Maria was the 6th child of Nicolau Andre Ramalho (        )  & Barbara Rosa da Conceicao AND THEN THE NEXT RECORD IS ALSO FOR THEIR CHILD /263  On ______ Antonia, b.   

150/263 -    

150/264 - Jose  

152/265 - On ________ Maria Jose was bap, b.     



1901  - I don't see any Volume which would contain this year.

1902 - I don't see any Volume which would contain this year.

1903 - I don't see any Volume which would contain this year.

1904 - I don't see any Volume which would contain this year.

1905 - I don't see any Volume which would contain this year. 


1906 -  The entire eight pages is about Emilia da Luz Almeida, d/o Antonio Romualdo da Luz & Anna Maria da Luz.  She had been registered as AMALIA and wanted the church to make a correction to EMILIA.


1906 has 8 pages 

Emilia da Luz de Almeida   doRBaps1906     (gratitude to Ro Wad for her assistance in interpreting this document).  All eight pages - are relative to Emilia da Luz de Almeida, (d/o Antonio Romualdo da Luz & Anna Maria da Luz).  Her paternal grandparents were Romualdo Soares da Luz & Maria Narcisa Soares.  Her maternal grandparents were Jose Manuel Fortes & Maria Soares da Luz.  Her entire life she went by the name Emilia but at some point it was discovered that her baptismal documents erroneously recorded her as Amalia.  As a result of this she petitioned the Bishop in order to make the correction.  It appeared that the priest did not record the certificate at the time of the baptism & when it was later recorded it was recorded mistakenly w/ the first name Amalia.  Emilia had to present witnesses including her godfather, Joao Jose Lopes da Silva (66y, md, proprietario)  & her godmother Amalia Maria Monteiro (66y, md proprietario, of Fronteira).  Another witness was Jose Antonio da Luz (a married, 39y, proprietario).  Also mentioned is Olympia Jose da Rosa.  

Baptisms - 1906 - 8 pages
This eight pages is ENTIRELY relative to Emilia da Luz Almeida (d/o Antonio Romualdo da Luz & Anna Maria da Luz) who wanted to have her true name recognized as it had been recorded as Amalia

Emilia da Luz Almeida
Sao Nicolau - do Rosario - Baptisms 1906

(gratitude to RW of Portugal for her assistance in interpreting this document). 

(I am not sure when Emilia/Amalia was born). 

All eight pages are relative to Emilia da Luz Almeida, d/o Antonio Romualdo da Luz (s/o Romualdo Soares da Luz & Maria Narcisa Soares) & Anna Maria da Luz  d/o Jose Manuel Fortes and Maria Soares da Luz). Her entire life she went by the name Emilia but at some point it was discovered that her baptismal documents erroneously recorded her as Amalia. As a result of this she petitioned the Bishop in order to make the correction. It appeared that the priest did not record the certificate at the time of the baptism & when it was later recorded it was recorded mistakenly w/ the first name Amalia. Emilia had to present witnesses including her godfather, Joao Jose Lopes da Silva (66y, md, proprietario) & her godmother Amalia Maria Monteiro (66y, married proprietario, from Fronteira).  Another witness was Jose Antonio da Luz (a married, 39y, proprietario). Also mentioned is Olympia Jose da Rosa 
Note:  I personally think that it was thought that she was AMALIA b/c her godmother was AMALIA. In Sao Nicolau children's first names are often the first name of their same sex godparent.   

Amalia / Emilia da Luz Almeida
Daughter of Antonio Romualdo da Luz & Anna Maria da Luz
Granddaughter of Jose Manoel Fortes & Maria Soares da Luz
do Rosario Baptisms 1906  - All eight pages of this record are devoted to Emilia da Luz Almeida who petitioned the Church to recognize the fact that all of her life she had been known as Emilia but that her baptism record showed her as Amalia.  She was the d/o Antonio Romualdo da Luz & Anna Maria da Luz, & she was the granddaughter of Jose Manuel Fortes & Maria Soares da Luz.
Sao Nicolau do Rosario - Baptisms 1906
(gratitude to RW of Portugal for her assistance in interpreting this document).
She petitioned the Bishop in order to make the correction of her name to Emilia from Amalia. It appeared that the priest did not record the certificate at the time of the baptism & when it was later recorded it was recorded mistakenly w/ the first name Amalia. Emilia had to present witnesses including her godfather, Joao Jose Lopes da Silva (66y, md, proprietario) & her godmother Amalia Maria Monteiro (66y, md proprietario, from Fronteira).  Another witness was Jose Antonio da Luz (a md, 39y, proprietario) & mentioned is - Olympia Jose da Rosa

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