Laura Gomes See Laura R. Spencer, w/o (1) edit Spencer & (2) Victor Gomes. ========================================================================== Laura Gomes
b. 1936 --- Daughter of Victor Gomes & Laura Spencer Gomes ---
1940 Census, NB, 257 Acushnet Ave, 4 y, d/o Victor 44. ========================================================================== LEOPOLDINA
The family of Leopoldina Anna Gomes & Joao Pedro Gomes
Estancia de Braz
b Mother of
Isabel Leopoldina Gomes --
Grandmother of Constantina *****
daLBaps1892 - 1891 CORRECT THESE YEARS!!!!! - 364/48 - On 6/15/1890, Constantina
was bap, b. 6/3/1886, (1st child of Isabel Leopoldina Gomes), d/o
Leopoldina Anna Gomes & Joao Pedro Gomes, gods - __________ &
Maria Anna da Piedade. ========================================================================= LIZZIE
Lizzie Gomes & Jose Gonsalves
Brava - w/o Jose Gonsalves, d/o Frank Gomes & Maria Baptiste. =========================================================================== LOTTIE - Also see Carlotta
Lottie M. Gomes
CV b. 7/1/1884 ---
US SS Apps & Claims - 025-16-3930, b. 7/1/1884 at CV, claim date - 9/22/1930, Life Claim. =========================================================================== LOURENCA
Lourenca da Silva Gomes
Sao Vicente (Aldea da Graca) *****
1894 -- SVdaLuzBaps1893-97 303/1 - On 1/1/1894, Joao was bap, b. 8/3/93, son of Joaquim Jose dos Santos (s/o Jose Francisco dos Santos & Antonia Anna Gomes) not md to Josepha Francisca dos Santos (d/o Pedro Francisco da Luz, Jr. & Francisca Micaella dos Santos), of Aldea da Graca, parents are both from SANTO ANTAO, w - Manoel Julio do Rosario, single & Pedro Joao Gomes (md), gods - Carlos Antonio Gomes & Lourenca da Silva Gomes, mentioned - Manoel Ramos Souza. ======================================================================== LOURENCO
Lourenco Gomes & Felippa Duarte das Neves
1842 -- doRBaps1842-52 - 12/ - On 12/29/1842 1842, Lourenco Gomes died, edit for age, husb of Felippa Duarte das Neves who was godmother to Antonia Joia. ========================================================================== Laurance Antonio Gomes
Sao Nicolau -- b. Laurance Antonio Gomes is mentioned on – pages Jan. 1899 ========================================================================== Lourenco Antonio Gomes & Julia Maria da Piedade
b In ??? Obits of 7/15/1866, obit - page 4, his son Miguel died, he is md to Julia Maria da Piedade.
1884 -- daLMats1884-85 - 5/4 - On 2/21/1884, Lourenco Antonio Gomes, Antonio Lopes Neves, Maria Gomes da Piedade, Joanna Antonia Duarte & Antonia Anna Duarte are mentioned. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------LOURENCO CARLOS
The family of Lourenco Carlos Gomes& Maria Rosa de Brito
Lourenco was b. & Maria was b. & she died of CHOLERA in 9/1856. Lourenco was the son of & Maria was the daughter of They were married on
Parents of
(1) Rosa Maria (b. d. 4/16/1856)
(2) Anna Maria de Brito (b. **********
1852 -- doRBaps1842-52 - 302/- On 5/16/1852, ????first name Rosa de Brito m/d Lourenco Carlos Gomes was a godmother. THE FIRST NAME IS MARIA
1855 -- doRObits1855-65 - 23/- On 4/16/56, Rosa died at ??? age, d/o Lourenco Carlos Gomes & Maria Rosa de Brito.
1866 -- doRBaps1865-73 -- (Thanks for RoWad for translating this next very unusual certificate). 24/80 - On 10/14/1866, the Church was asked to recognize two obits that were not registered at the appropriate time. The witnesses had to make declarations to the Bishop who then ordered the Parish priest to record the obits. Reverend Antonio Alves Vieira, priest, received the order ..... the petitioners were Lourenco Carlos Gomes (widower of Maria Rosa de Brito (x)) & Anna Margarida do Rosario (widow of Manoel Nicolau Ganeto) Maria Rosa de Brito of SN had died in 9/1856 of Cholera & she was buried in Lombo Pelado. Manoel Nicolau was also of SN & he had also died of Cholera but his date of death was not given in the document. Manoel was buried in Joao Piquinho, Theofilo Antonio Vieira (an escrivao/Church clerk) wrote the Bishop's order
1889 -- doRBaps1888-92
- 127/38 - On 3/10/1889, Hermogenes was bap, b. ____, s/o Anna Maria de
Brito (d/o Lourenco Carlos Gomes & Maria Roza de Brito, gods -
___________________ ==========================================================================
& the Lourenco Carlos Gomes who were witnesses or godfathers: 1869 -- doRBaps1866-74 - 197/1 & 197/2 - On 1/1/1869, TWINS - Antonio & Delfina
were bap, b. 12/17/68, children of Jose Francisco Soares ( )
(s/o Francisco Joao Rodrigues & Rosa Soares Ramos ( )) &
Leonor Delfina da Luz (d/o Joaquim Manoel Spencer & Delfina Maria da Luz), gods - for Antonio - Antonio Joaquim Delgado & Antonia Lopes da Graca & gods for Delfina -- Lourenco Carlos Gomes (x) & Maria Cleopha dos Reis; -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------LOURENCO SILVESTRE
The family of Lourenco Silvestre Gomes & Catharina Maria Ramos/Catharina Maria da Silva
Lourenco was b & he was the son of . Catharina was b. & she was the daughter of They were married on
After Lourenco died, Catharina married Manoel da Silva Jorje. *******
Parents of:
(1) Antonio Lourenco Silvestre (b. ) md 5/18/1854 Maria Josefa da Silva NOTICE THE USE OF THE NAME SILVESTRE AS OPPOSED TO GOMES.
(2) Jose Lourenco Gomes (b. d. 3/16/1885) md Maria da Piedade Alves *****
1854 - daLMats1846-66 - 20/- On 5/18/54 - Antonio Lourenco Silvestre, (s/o Lourenco Silvestre Gomes (x) & Catharina Maria Ramos (x)) md Maria Josefa da Silva, d/o Luiz Braz Araujo & Josefa Anna da Silva, w - Jose Antonio Domingos & Antonio Maria ??? ;
1855 -- daLMats1846-66 - 22/- On 2/2/1855, Jose Lourenco Gomes, (x) (s/o Lourenco Silvestre Gomes (x)) md Maria da Piedade de Algado (d/o Antonio Jose de Almeida (x) & Roza Alves d ' Alga ( Delgado)) w - Theophilo Antonio Vieira & Antonio Joze de Brito ( ).
1858 -- daLMats1846-66 - 30/- On 2/25/1858, Manoel da Silva Jorje, (widower of Josefa Anna da Graca) md Catharina Maria da Silva, (widow of Lourenco Silvestre Gomes (x)), w - Caetano Antonio Almeida (x) & Manoel Joze ?Pinheiro;
1863 -- doRBaps1852-64 - 42/- On 2/14/1863, Domingos Gomes Araujo (s/o Roza Gomes Araujo) md Anna Catharina da Silva (d/o Lourenco Silvestre Gomes (x) & Catharina Maria da Silva) w - Manoel Antonio da Costa & Joze Antonio Tantuna.
1885 -- daLObits1882-89 25/6 - On 3/16/1885, Jose Lourenco Gomes of
Fanjam died at 52y, h/o Maria da Piedade Alves, (s/o Lourenco Silvestre
Gomes & Catharina Maria da Silva). He was the father of 3 children. ==========================================================================
========================================================================== LUIZ
The family of Luis Antonio Gomes & Rosa Clara da Cruz Also see the family of Rosa Clara da Cruz & Luis Antonio Gomes. ========================================================================== The family of Luiz Antonio Gomes & Maria Margarida da Silva
1888 -- doRMats1883-89 87/9 -- On 5/5/1888 - Luis Antonio Gomes 31y, (s/o Luis Antonio Gomes & Eulalia Maria do Livramento) md Maria Margarida da Silva 17y, (d/o Ignacio Francisco Gomes (d) & Margarida Ignez da Silva), w - Jose Joao de Brito (x) & Antonio da Costa Tavares; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
The family of Luiz Antonio Gomes & Anna Maria Ramos *****
1891 -- doRObits1890 -93 60/96 - In 11/1891, Anna Maria Ramos died at 59 y, w/o Luiz Antonio Gomes, (d/o Maria dos Reis da Conceicao). ========================================================================= Luiz Antonio Gomes b.
daLObits1897 - 59/24 =========================================================================== the Luis Antonio Gomes who were witnesses or godfathers - 1852 - doRBaps1842-52 - On 2/4/1852, Luiz Antonio Gomes was a godfather. ======================================================================== LUIS J.
Louis J. Gomes
CV --- b. 1886
1930 Census of Merchant Seaman - 4/2/1930, Ship = MIDDLESEX, 44y, b. CV, Cook, md. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- LUIS MANOEL
The family of Luis Manoel Gomes & Maria (Domingas) Lopes Monteiro
Luis was b. & he was the son of Manoel ? middle name? Gomes & Maria Simoa da Graca. Maria was b. & she was the daughter of Felippe Soares da Graca & Domingas Felippa Monteiro) They were married on
Parents of
(1) Anna Maria Monteiro (b. 5/27/1860, d. )
(2) Rosa Maria Monteiro (b. 12/25/68, d. )(3) Antonia Maria Lopes (b. d. ) md. Gaspar Raphael da Silva & they were the parents of Joaquim (b. 11/3/97).
1860 -- doRBaps1852-64 -- On 6/7/1860, Anna was bap, b. 5/27/60, d/o Luis Manoel Gomes (x) & Maria Lopes Monteiro, gods - Antonio Miguel Andrade & Anna Antonia do Rosario;
1869 -- doRBaps1866-74 - 197/3 - On 1/1/1869, Rosa was bap, b. 12/25/68, d/o Luiz Manoel Gomes (x) (s/o Manoel Gomes ? middle name & Maria Simoa da Graca) & Maria Lopes Monteiro (d/o Felippe Soares da Graca & Domingas Felippa Monteiro), gods - Antonio Spencer & Anna Rosa de Brito ( );1888 -- doRBaps1888-92 --57/108 - On 4/12/1888 Joaquim was bap, b. 11/3/87, s/o Gaspar Raphael da Silva (s/o Raphael Joaquim da Silva & Genoveva Maria da Conceicao) & Antonia Maria Lopes (d/o Luiz Manoel Gomes & Maria Domingas Lopes), all of Praia Branca, gods - Antonio Joaquim de Almeida, single & Maria da Piedade da Silva, single. ===================================================================================================================================================== The family of Luis Manoel Gomes & Narcisa Lopes da Palma
Luis was b. & he was the son of Narcisa was b. & she was the daughter of They were married on
Parents of
(1) Alfredo Luis Gomes (b. 12/10/1861)
1862 -- doRBaps1852-64 - 159/- On 1/5/1862, Alfredo was bap, b. 12/10/61, s/o Luiz Manoel Gomes (x) & Narcisa Lopes da Palma, gods - Francisco Antonio Lopes da Silva & (Dona) Eugenia Dias; ========================================================================== LouiZA
Gomes, Louise b. 1934 ---
Child of Antone Gomes & Josephine Gomes *****
1940 Census, NB, 239 Acushnet, 6y
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