The obituaries/obitos for da Lapa Church 1882 can be found in two volumes:
(1) da Lapa Obits 1882 - 1889
(2) da Lapa Obits 1874 - 1889
The 1882-89 volume begins with a cover page on page one. The cover page indicates that the section covers the period of November 5, 1882 - February 25/1885.
This means this volume only has November and December of 1882 =========================================================================
The 1874 - 1889 volume includes 1882 which starts on page 78. ========================================================================== THE FOLLOWING IS FROM THE 1882 - 1889 VOLUME:
page two: 2/33 (This corresponds to the other volume where it would be 89/33. See that below at the other volume. Likewise see numbers 34 - the end. There is an additional entry in this volume and that is for
Joao Jose Lopes
========================================================================= THE FOLLOWING IS FROM THE 1874-1889 VOLUME ========================================================================== January
page seventy eight: 78/1 - Antonio Jacob da Roza died on 1/9/1882, at 20y, single, s/o Antonio Jacob da
Roza & Francisca Roza
Gomes (x); =========================================================================== page seventy nine: 79/2 - Roza Antonia da Conceicao (x) died on 1/31/82 at 36y, d/o Serafim Pedro Lopes & Antonia Anna da Conceicao (x)
; February 79/3 - Maria died on 2/12/82 at 11 days, d/o Jose Manoel do Rosario & Thereza Maria de Brito (x) 79/4 - Joaquim Roberto Spencer died on 3/13/1882 at 94y, h/o Roza Gomes Mathias March page eighty: 80/5 - Jose Manoel da Cruz ( ) died on 3/15/1882 at 72y, h/o Margarida Isabel da Silva, 6 children 80/6 - Sebastiao died on 3/27/1882 at 6y, s/o Joao Miguel Soares ( ) & Narciza Roza da Graca April 80/7 - Clara died on 4/13/1882 at 13 days, d/o Maria Roza Gomes (x) 80/8 - Joao died on 4/18/1882 at 29 days, s/o Barbara Josefa da Graca ======================================================================= page eighty one: 81/9 - Roza died on 4/22/1882 at 2y, d/o Eugenia Maria das Dores May 81/10 - Venancio died on 5/9/1882 at 5y, s/o Joao Jose Monteiro & Maria Antonia Isabel 81/11 - Anna Maria da Silva died on 5/23/82 at 35y, d/o Jose Domingos Fortes & Maria Anna da Silva. page eighty two: 82/12 - Miguel died on 5/27/1882, at 5y, s/o Joaquim Manoel Felisberto & Roza Anna da Silva 82/3 - Anna da Silva Ramos ( ) died on 5/29, (widow of Antonio Francisco Ribeiro) 82/14 - Francisca died on 5/29/1882, at 5y4m, d/o Jose Antonio Diniz & Maria Francisca Lopes ( ). 82/15 - Bernardino died on 5/30/1882 at 9 mos, s/o Maria Joaquina Soares ( ) June ========================================================================== page eighty three: 83/16 - Maria Archangela da Cruz ( ) died on 6/1/1882, at 72y, single, 2 kids. 83/17 - Anna Soares Affonso ( ) died on 6/20/1882, 88y, (widow of Joaquim Antonio Vicente (x)) 83/18 - Serafim Antonio Diniz died on 6/27/82, 28y, h/o Anna Antonia Gomes (x) page eighty four: 84/19 - Jose Antonio Neves died on 6/21/1882 at 19y, s/o Ignez Joanna da Graca 84/20 - Julia died on 6/22/1882 at 18 mos, d/o Roza Antonia da Conceicao ( ) 84/21 - Anna Roza do Rozario died on 6/24/1882, age 71, single, 1 daughter ========================================================================= page eighty five: 85/22 - Anna died on 6/26/1882 at 8 mos, d/o Antonio Francisco Delgado & Maria Anna da Graca. 85/23 - Claudina Maria Silva died on 6/28/1882 at 68y, (widow of Miguel Francisco Ramos ( ) ), 3 kids. July 85/24 - Jose died on 7/28/1882, at 2y2m, s/o Joaquim Manoel Soares ( ) & Roza Antonia Correia August 85/25 - Joao Aniceto Araujo died on 8/3/1882, h/o Juliana Maria - ends with the words "de
edade de 72 annos", leaving 2 kids" but then page 86 is
blank. ======================================================================== page eighty seven: 87/26 - Antonio Manoel da Conceicao ( ) died on 8/6/1882, at 58y, h/o Antonia Roza da Graca 87/27 - Anna died on 8/12/1882 at 3m10d, d/o Maria Antonia da
Conceicao ( ) 87/28 - Joaquim
died on 8/14/1882 at 11 mos, s/o Joao Nicolau Ribeiro & Antonia
Maria do Livramento
page eighty eight: 88/29 - Miguel died on 8/27/1882 at 1 mo, s/o Antonia Gertrudes Gomes (x) October 88/30 - Antonio Theophilo de Affonseca died on 10/11/1882, 55y, from
SANTO ANTAO, he was a "chapeleiro", h/o Felippa Anna
Roza 88/31 - Francisco Estevao dos Santos died on 10/191882 at 9y, s/o Anna Isabel Lopes ( ) 88/32 - Maria Archangela Gomes ( ) died on 10/24/1882 at 10y, d/o Manoel Jose Gomes (x) & Archangela Delfina Gomes (x)
November The below entries are what can ALSO be found in the volume 1882-9. =========================================================================== page eighty nine: 89/33 - Paula died on 11/5/1882 at 3y, d/o Delfina Roza Gomes (x) 89/34 - Almerenda Maria da Graca died on 11/9/1882 at 12y, d/o Luiz Manoel Joia & Maria Roza da Graca. 89/35 - Margarida Antonia da Conceicao ( ) died on 11/14/1882, at the priest starts to put the age but then says "digo" (I made a mistake) but then he does not correct the mistake, d/o Manoel Lopes Monteiro & Antonia Rodrigues da Caridade. page ninety: 90/36 - Francisco died on 11/16/1882, at 1y 5 mos s/o Archangela Candida 90/37 - Maria died on 11/18/1882, at 7 mos, d/o Francisca Roza dos Reis 90/38 - Antonia Roza Gomes (x) died on 11/22/1882 at 22y, single, d/o Antonio Pedro Fortes & Roza Maria Gomes (x) . =========================================================================== page ninety one: 91/39 - Manoel Jose Gomes (x) died on 11/23/1882 at 40y, h/o Archangela Delfina Neves, s/o Jose Antonio Gomes (x) & Antonia Ramos da Luz. December 91/40 - Antonio Roza Beatriz died on 12/6/1882 at 28y, single, s/o Roza Beatriz 91/41 - Pedro died on 12/9, 12y, s/o Antonia Gertrudes Gomes (x) 91/42 - Carolina Maria Gomes (x) died on 12/14/1882 at 22y, w/o Felippe Joao Soares, ( ) d/o Antonio Anna Bandeira & Maria Gomes da Luz page ninety two: 92/43 - Manoel Jose Soares ( ) died on 12/22/1882, at 10y, s/o Anna Francisca Roza.
end of 1882 - Note that the other volume has a Joao Jose Lopes. 1882 - 1889 The Section 1882 - 1889 only has 56 pages ==========================================================================
The first number represents volume 1882 - 1889 (lower #s) & the number
at the end in parentheses represents volume 1874 - 1889 (higher #s).
page ninety five/1: Innocencio died on 1/5/1883 at 4y, d/o Antonio Manoel dos Reis & Dorothea Maria da Luz (95/1) page ninety five/two: Catharina Maria da Cruz ( ) died on 1/9/1883 at 7 a.m, at 35y, trabalhadora, of Covoada, w/o Miguel da Cruz de Moraes, d/o Manoel Duarte Conceicao & Maria da Cruz (who lived in BOA VISTA). 6 children. THIS IS MY FAMILY (95/2) Note that Catharina is my second great grandmother's sister - my second great grandmother is Rosa Maria da Cruz #2). These girls must have all been born around the mid 1840s.
page seven: 7/3 - Barbara died on 1/12/83 at 15 days, d/o Isabel Leopoldina Gomes ( ) (96/3) 7/4 - Jose died on 1/16/1883 at 16 days, s/o Maria da Cruz Duarte ( ) (96/4) 7/5 - Bartholomeu dos Santos Grisantes, died on 1/26/1883, , at 78y, trabalhador, (widower but wife not shown), 1 child. (96/5) February 7/6 - Jose Antonio Miguel died on 2/11/83 at 45y, h/o Narciza Maria Gomes ( ) , s/o Eugenia Antonia de Brito ( ) (97/6) 8/7 - Maria died on 2/25/1883 at 2 mos & five days, d/o Eulalia Antonia Gomes ( ) (note that her other child died two below and they must have been twins) (97/7) March8/8 - Joao died on 3/8/1883 at 1 mo & 28 days, s/o Francisca Maria da Caridade (97/8)8/9 - Margarida died on 3/15/1883 at 2 mos & 18 days, d/o Eulalia Antonia Gomes ( ) (note her other child died two above and they must have been twins) (97/9) page eight: 8/10 - Antonio Roberto Antunes died on 3/16/1883 at 49y, h/o Archangela Antonia, s/o Anna da Silva (97/10)
page nine: 9/11 - Antonio died on 3/16/1883 at 9 days, s/o Francisco Joao Duarte & Josefina Pulcheria Neves (98/11)
9/12 - Manoel died on 5/7/83 at 3 mos, s/o Roza Maria Ramos ( ) (98/12) 9/13 - Ignacia Dorothea Gomes d 5/17/83 at 63y, d/o Francisco Antonio Fortes & Dorothea Gomes ( ) (98/13) page ten: 10/14 - Maria Roza Ramos ( ) d 5/18/83, at 31y, d/o Enzebio Francisco Ramos ( ) & Roza Anna da Graca (99/14) June 10/15 - Antonio Nicolau Theodor d 6/25/83 at 73y, single (99/15) 10/16 - Francisco d 6/25/1883, no age given, s/o Domingos Joaquim dos Reis & Maria Ignacia Soares ( ) (99/16) 10/17 - Gertrudes Antonia da Conceicao ( ) d 6/26/83, at 33y, w/o Felippe Manoel da Cruz ( ) , 5 children. (99/17) 10/18 - Antonio died on 6/26/1883 at 1y and 4 mos, s/o Antonia Ignez de Brito ( ) (100/18) July 10/19 - Miguel Manoel Santos died on 7/23/83, 7y, s/o Julia Maria Soares (100/19) 10/20 Antonia died on 7/26/83 at 18 mos, d/o Antonio Manoel Fortes & Anna Ignacia da Piedade ( )(100/20)
page eleven: page twelve: 12/21 - Antonia died on 7/26/83 at 5y, d/o Joao Jose do Rosario & Maria Ignacia Livramento (101/21) 12/22 - Pulcheria Anna Araujo died on 8/1/83 at 30y, d/o Antonio Francisco Gote & Anna Clara Araujo (101/22) August 12/23 - Nicolau Felisberto Manoel died on 8/27/83 at 45y, h/o Francisca Gertrudes Neves (101/23) September
page thirteen: 13/24 Antonio Jose ?Samo? died on 9/23/83 at 74y, (widower of Francisca Anna Lopes) (102/24) October 102/25 - This entry said that Theresa Rofina da Silva died but then it was crossed out -- died on 10/3/1883, single, 19y, d/o Mathias Joao da Cruz ( ) & Rofina Clara da Silva (102/25)
13/26 - Manoel Antonio Ribeiro died on 10/4/83 at 19y, proprietario, h/o Roza Anna Fortes (102/26) November page fourteen: 14/27 - Theresa Leonor Monteiro died on 11/9/83, 57y, (widow of no name) (102/27) 14/28 - Antonio died on 11/13/83 at 19 days s/o Manoel Jose da Graca & Roza Anna Ramos ( ) (103/28) 14/29 - Maria da Cruz ( ) neta de Anna Rodrigues Lopes died at 10y on 11/14/1883 (103/29) 14/30 - Maria died on 11/15/83 at 14 mos, d/o Archangela Francisca de Brito ( ) (103/30)
page fifteen: 15/31 - Gertrudes Delphina de Brito ( ) died on 11/17/1883, at 49y, w/o Antonio Pedro Gabriella (103/31) December 15/32 - David d 12/5/1883 at 13 mos, s/o Domingos Joaquim dos Reis & Maria Ignacia Soares ( ) (104/32) 15/33 - Florentina died on 12/6/83 at 15 mos, d/o Francisca Julia do Rosario (104/33) 15/34 - Antonio died on 12/21/83 at 7 days, s/o Julia Francisca Gomes ( )(104/34) page sixteen:
16/35 - Maria Francisca do Livramento died on 12/25/83 at 61y, w/o Joao Antonio Gomes, ( ) 2 children (105/35) 16/36 - Anacleto Miguel do Rosario died on 12/28/1883 at 36y, single, s/o Miguel Francisco do Rosario & Anna Maria Duarte ( ) . (105/35)
end of 1883
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