Saturday, September 21, 2024

Rosa Maria da Cruz (there were MANY of them) & Maria da Cruz BOA VISTA


This is a photo of Maria Antonia Encarnacao, daughter of Antonia Rosa (da Cruz) Encarnacao, granddaughter of Rosa Maria da Cruz # 2, great granddaughter of Maria da Cruz Boa Vista.  (She is also the daughter of Manoel Joao Almeida/Manoel Rosa Varella, d/o Rosa Antonia Varella, d/o Antonia Varella & Antonio Manoe Belchior.   It is not as simple as that, however.  There were a number of Rosa Maria da Cruz & two had the same father (Manoel Jose Duarte da Conceicao). RMdC #2 is my great great grandmother, and RMdC#1 is her older half sister. 



(1)  Rosa Maria da Cruz #1  / Her name at marriage was Rosa Maria Fortes   - b. probably 1830 - probably in Boa Vista - Daughter of Manoel Jose Duarte da Conceicao & his first wife, Maria Andreza Fortes/Maria da Cruz/ Maria da Cruz Boa Vista,   RMdC was the wife of Antonio Roberto de Brito, Sister of Antonio Manoel Duarte (b. probably 1845,   Sister of Margarida Maria Andreza;  Mother of Maria Roza da Cruz (b. 1853, d. 1876)   ..........    Aunt of Pedro (b. 10/6/1871), hereinafter "RMdC # 1". (FOR a while I thought she was the mother of Jose Luis Dias but his mother was Rosa ANNA da Cruz). 

(2) Rosa Maria da Cruz # 2 - b. definitely born 1850 (from marriage record), of Pico Agudo, *****   2nd Wife of Miguel Antonio Evora (md 4/30/1892);  *****   Daughter of Manoel Jose Duarte da Conceicao & his second wife, Maria da Cruz Boa Vista     *****    Mother of Antonia Roza (da Cruz) da Encarnacao (b.     ), Anna Roza da Cruz (b.     ), Julia Roza da Cruz b. 1865 (wife of Elisen Francisco Almeida - md on 7/1892); Mother of Maria (b.  9/22/1894 (child of her husband Miguel Antonio Evora))  Mother of Margarida Rosa da Cruz (b.        ) wife of Jose Bento Gomes;  Had a child with Pedro Vicente de Almeida       *****   Grandmother of Maria Anna da Cruz (b. 8/15/1880), Grandmother of Maria Antonia Encarnacao (b.. 7/8/1892) MY GRANDMOTHER, Grandmother of Raphael b. 10/24/1894)  Grandmother of Josepha Antonia Encarnacao  (b. 3/10/1895), Grandmother of Rosa (b. 7/14/1895); Grandmother of Daniel (b. 3/11/1896);  Grandmother of Maria (b. 1/2/1897);  *****  Sister of Jose Manoel Duarte (b.     ); Sister of Margarida Maria da Cruz (b.      )      Sister of Catharina Maria da Cruz (m. Miguel da Cruz Moraes in 1900).   & I believe that what I formerly had as #5 is the same as # 2.  Partner of Pedro Vicente Almeida & they are parents of Anna Rosa da Cruz (b.  , ) & the grandparents of her daughter  Julia (b. 4/4/1895) & (not sure who his father is)  Pedro (b. 919/1899)                                                       

(3)  Rosa Maria da Cruz # 3 - b. probably 1865, Wife of Estevao Silverio dos Santos (s/o Maria Gomes da Graca)  , Daughter of Maria da Piedade da Cruz Velha;   Mother of Julia (b. 5/3/1896, d 9/8/1899)  

(4)  Roza Maria da Cruz # 4 - Wife of  Manoel Antonio dos Santos; Mother of Antonio Manoel dos Santos; Grandmother of Candida (b. 3/11/1896).    

(5)  Rosa Maria da Cruz # 6 - was born in 1870 - of Tope Vermelho - Wife of Jose Francisco Martins - Daughter of Jose Manoel Rodrigues & Roza Maria Lopes, Mother of Roza (b. 8/30/1898);

(6)  Rosa Maria da Cruz # 7 -  b. around 1825? -Wife of Lourenco Soares Ramos, Mother of Anacleto. 

(7)  Rosa Maria da Cruz # 8 - (born 1861 -  died 1874 at 13y) Because of her young age she probably never married or had children. Daughter of Antonio Fortes Maria & Maria Rosa da Cruz.   

(8)  Rosa Maria da Cruz # 9 md Francisco Manoel Gomes, she died on 1/6/1884. NOTE:  THIS IS THE FIRST ROSA MARIA DA CRUZ TO APPEAR IN THE SAO NICOLAU RECORDS!!!!!

(9)  Rosa Maria da Cruz # 10 - b, around 1835 - Wife of Miguel Francisco do Rosario - Daughter of Antonio Domingos Roquella & Maria Roza da Cruz, mother of Roza Florinda da Cruz, Grandmother of Maria (b. 1/12/1878).

(10)  ROSA MARIA da CRUZ - probably b. around 1838  --- Wife of Antonio Domingos Roquella who was probably b. around 1838 - Mother of Roza Florinda da Cruz ---  Grandmother of Maria (b. 1/12/1878) da LBaps 1875-95 121/17, On 3/9/1878, Maria was bap, b/ 1/12/78, d/o Antonio Miguel do Rosario who was not md to Roza Florinda da Cruz (who was the d/o  Antonio Domingos Roquella and Rosa Maria da Cruz).  This record is also in 1866 - 1881 but with a different image/page number.

(11)  Rosa Maria da Cruz - doRBaps1852-64 - 45/-  On 2/10/1855, Gertrudes was bap, b d/o Rosa Maria da Cruz, godpts:  Antonio dos Reis Braz & Gertrudes Luis Monteiro, w/o Francisco Belchior Soares.  

(12)  Rosa Maria da Cruz  - Wife of Luis Antonio Gomes 

(13)   Wife of Sequeira

(14)    Daughter of Maria Anna da Cruz.   


THIS IS HOW THE PROBLEM STARTED:   I was convinced that the family of Antonio Roberto de Brito & Maria Rosa Fortes (later Maria da Cruz) was mine - b/c their grandson, Manoel Roberto de Brito, was my godfather.  But I believe my line is a different, but closely associated, line.  I believe that Manoel Duarte da Conceicao was married twice and that Rosa # 1 and Rosa # 2 are half sisters.  I also believe that Rosa # 1 was my godfather's grandmother, and Rosa # 2 is my second great grandmother.  



Records mentioning Rosa # 1: 

1848 da LMats1846-66 - 8/, On 1/2/1848, Antonio Roberto de Brito (s/o Roberto Rodrigues de Brito & Anna Maria das Neves) md Roza Maria Fortes (d/o Manoel Duarte da  Conceicao & Maria Andreza Fortes).  The priest was Manoel Antonio de Espirito.  SHE IS MARRIED in 1848 so PROBABLY B. AROUND 1830.     

1854 -   da LMats 1846-66 -  20/ - On 5/18/1854 - Joze Antonio de Brito,(s/o Ignez da Graca) md Margarida Maria da Cruz (d/o Manoel Duarte Conceicao & Maria da Cruz). The witnesses were  Boaventura Joao de Brito & Joao Francisco de Brito.           

analysis:   Margarida could be the daughter of his first OR second wife  

1862  daLMats1846-66 - 40/ - On 1/18/1862, Antonio Manoel Duarte (s/o Manoel Duarte da Conceicao & Maria Soares Boa Vista) md Guiomar Roza da Piedade (d/o Roza Maria da Piedade of SAL), w: Jose Pedro Fermino & Julio Manoel Fermino.  da LMats1846-66 - 40/ - On 1/18/1862, Antonio Manoel Duarte (s/o Manoel Duarte da Conceicao & Maria Soares Boa Vista) md Guiomar Roza da Piedade (d/o Roza Maria da Piedade of SAL), w - Jose Pedro Fermino & Julio Manoel Fermino.         

analysis:  Now the wife of Manoel is referred to as Maria Soares Boa Vista - the Soares has not appeared before for either the first OR the second wife.  

1872 daLBaps1872 - 137/6 - On 2/4/1872, Pedro was bap, b. 10/6/71,  of Covoada, s/o Jose Antonio de Brito (s/o Antonio Clara de Brito & Ignez Rosa da Graca) & Margarida Maria Andreza (d/o Manoel Duarte Conceicao & Maria da Cruz Boa Vista), gods -  Pedro Carlos Fermino & Rosa Maria da Silva.         

analysis:  the bride is probably the granddaughter of Maria Andreza Fortes who was the mother of Rosa # 1 b/c her name includes the name Andeza. Now Maria Andreza Fortes is being called Maria da Cruz Boa Vista. 

1875 - da LBaps1875-95 9/3, AND 1866-81 - Baps, 233/3 - On 1/9/1875, Anna was bap by Padre/Vigaro Jose Gomes Moreiro, b. 1/5/75 at "onze horas de noite", of Tope Vermelho, the legitimate daughter of Jose Luiz Dias (s/o Rosa Maria da Cruz) & Serafina Maria da Piedade (d/o Francisco Joao Bento & Anna Maria da Piedade).  She lived in "no sitio de Tope Vermelho d'esta ribeira", gods - Anna Gertrudes do Rosario, single & Antonio Pedro Gomes, single. Mr. Gomes signed the document.  THIS SAYS ROSA MARIA BUT ON HIS MARRIAGE CERTIFICATE HIS MOTHER IS ROSA ANNA SO I BELIEVE THAT THE ROSA MARIA IS A MISTAKE AND HE CERTAINLY DOESN'T FIT IN WITH ANY OF THE ROSA MARIA'S. 

1876   daLObits 1871-76 - 38/6 - On 7/15/1876, Maria Rosa da Cruz died at 23y, d/o Antonio Roberto de Brito & Roza Maria da Cruz.    

analysis:  this is definitely Rosa # 1 as she was married to Antonio Roberto de Brito.  

1881   doRMats, 1871-74 (in the alternate volume it is 14/21, On 7/16/1881, Roberto Antonio de Brito (s/o Antonio Roberto de Brito & Rosa Maria da Cruz) md Anna Rosa dos Santos (d/o Antonio Serafim dos Santos & Rosa Maria da Natividade).  No ages are given for either member of the couple.  Padre Berardo Jose da Costa Pinto performed the marriage.  The witnesses were Joao Jose Monteiro & Felipe Manoel Goncalves.

analysis:  this is Rosa # 1 wife of de Brito.  



does this record belong with Rosa 1 or 2?  - Jose Manoel (probably b. around 1855) would be a sibling of either 1 or 2????      da LBaps 1875-95 - 23/40 - On 4/25/1875, Josefa was bap, b.  3/28/1875, of Covoada, d/o Jose Manoel Duarte (s/o Manoel Duarte Conceicao & Maria da Cruz Boa Vista) & Julia Anna do Rosario (d/o Antonio Manoel Ribeiro & Anna Domingos do Rosario), gods -  Antonio Jose da Silva & Josefa Roza Lopes.   (249/40) 

***** ***********************************************************************


Records mentioning Rosa # 2:   

1874 - doRObits (Boa Vista tab) 1874-86,  10/39, On 8/31/1874, Maria died at 15 days old, (d/o Rosa Maria da Cruz);   

1875  daLBaps1875-95   19/30, On 4/8/1875, Manoel was bap by Padre/Vigro Jose Gomes Moreiro, b. on 3/8/1875, of "no sitio de Covoada", s/o Miguel da Cruz Moraes (s/o Justiniano da Cruz Evora & Maria Lopes Moraes - both of Boa Vista) & Catharina Maria da Cruz (d/o Manoel Duarte da Conceicao of Boa Vista & Maria da Cruz of Sao Nicolau, trabahadores naturaes), gods - Roza Maria da Cruz, single, of Covoada & Manoel Anacleto Silva, single, of Ribeira Brava (& he also signed the document).      THIS FOLLOWING RECORD DOES NOT MENTION ROSA # 2 BUT I BELIEVE THE CHILD'S FATHER WAS HER BROTHER.daLBaps1875-95 - 23/40 - On 4/25/1875, Josefa was bap, b.  3/28/1875, of Covoada, d/o Jose Manoel Duarte (s/o Manoel Duarte Conceicao & Maria da Cruz Boa Vista) & Julia Anna do Rosario (d/o Antonio Manoel Ribeiro & Anna Domingos do Rosario), gods - Antonio Jose da Silva & Josefa Roza Lopes.   

1876 - daLBaps1875-95 73/71 & 1866-81Baps, 300/71, On 11/1/1876, Manoel was bap, b.  9/13/76 in the morning, s/o Rosa Maria da Cruz, (d/o Manoel Duarte Conceicao & Maria da Cruz of Boa Vista), gods: Francisco Manoel da Cruz of Racento & Catharina Maria da Cruz of Covoada.    

1886 - daLMats1866-86, 138/11, On 7/15/1886, Margarida Rosa da Cruz, 28y of Pico Agudo (d/o Roza da Cruz) md Jose Bento Gomes, 26y, of Q (s/o Bento Silvestre Gomes & Julia Michaella do Rosario).  The priest was Jose Gomes Moreira, w -  Jose Joao de Brito, single & Jose Antonio Ramos, md, of Ribeira Brava. 

1887 --   da LBaps 1875-95 -  378/37, On 5/29/1887, Joao was bap, b. 5/20/87, of Pico Agudo de Fanjam, s/o Julia Roza da Cruz (d/o Roza da Cruz), who was not md to the father edit for the name of the father   (whose parents were Francisco Joaquim Almeida & Joanna Francisca de Brito).  The godfather was Joao Francisco Almeida, single, & he seems to have been from Sao Vicente, & the godmother was Anna Roza da Cruz (undoubtedly the mother of the child's sister as she was also from Pico Agudo).    

1888/1889 -Maria Anna da Cruz - Sao Nicolau - b. 8/15/88 - Daughter of Anna Rosa da Cruz - Granddaughter of Rosa Maria da Cruz - da LBaps1889 - 41/66 - On 6/2/1889, at 3 a.m., Maria was bap, of Pico Agudo, b. on 8/15/88, d/o Anna Rosa da Cruz (an operaia), (d/o avo incognito/grandfather unknown & Rosa Maria da Cruz), gods: Pedro Miguel Moraes (single, trabalhador, of Covoada) &  Maria Rosa da Conceicao (single, operaia, of Pico Agudo).  The certificate indicates that the mother was unable to pay the baptism fee due to her poverty (Por Pobreza).  Jose Bento Gpmes went with her to the baptism so that he could sign the certificate on her behalf as she did not know how to sign. 1892     

da LMats 1892  -  178/8 - On 6/11/1892, Jose Antonio da Silva 29y, of ?Caixnco? (s/o Anna Antonia Silva, operaia) md Anna Rosa da Cruz, 24y, trabalhadora, of Pico Agudo, (d/o Rosa Maria da Cruz, trabalhadora).  RMC is my 2nd grg & Anna is the sister of my great-grandmother.  The witnesses were Francisco Antonio Fortes & Arthur Dias BenDavid, single.  

180/10 - On 6/20/1892, Elisen Francisco Almeida, 32y, trabalhador, of Batan, (s/o Francisco Joaquim Almeida & Joanna Francisca de Brito) md Julia Rosa da Cruz 27, ooperaia, of Pico Agudo, (d/o Roza Maria da Cruz, operaia) , witnesses - Manoel Miguel Ramos, md of Fanja & Joao Baptista Gomes, single, of Q.

1892 --  do RObits1890-93, 67/4, On 1/7/1892, a recem died at 15 days, was bap in case of emergency, d/o Rosa Maria da Cruz, trabalhadora. (look for a corresponding birth record)  - the only reason it might not be her is b/c it is the wrong church     da LMats1874-96-  176/5, On 4/30/1892, Miguel Antonio Evora, (widower of Rosa Ignacia da Piedade), md Rosa Maria da Cruz, 39y, operaia, of Covoada, d/o Manoel Jose da Conceicao & Maria Boa Vista da Cruz, w: Roberto Antonio do Rosario & Miguel da Cruz Moraes 

 1894   daLBaps1892-94 77/17, On 3/18/1894, Maria was bap, b. 7/8/1892, of Pico Agudo, illegit d/o Manoel Joao Almeida (aka Manoel Rosa Varella) (s/o Rosa Antonia Varella) & Antonia Roza da Encarnacao (d/o Rosa Antonia Rosa Maria da Cruz # 2). 1894   daLBaps1896-98 - 48/16 & 48/17 are siblings Raphael & Maria, b. 10/24/1894 at one a.m. & 1/2/1897 at 10 at night, legitimate children of Jose Bento Gomes, of Mouro (s/o Bento Silvestre Gomes & Julia Michaella do Rosario) & Margarida Rosa da Cruz, (d/o avo incognito & Rosa Maria da Cruz), gods of Raphael were: Valentim Roberto Duarte, md, worker, of Q & Maria Antonia da Silva, md, proprietaria, of VRB, gods of Maria were Esteveo Manoel Duarte, md, trabalhador, of Fanja, & Maria Antonia Silva, md, propreietaria (so both children had the same godmother).   

1895   - daLBaps1875-95 -   604/7 - On 1/13/1895, Antonia of PICO AGUDO was bap, b. 2/13/93, d/o Jose Antonio da Silva (s/o Anna Antonia da Silva) & Anna Roza da Cruz (d/o Rosa Maria da Cruz - this is RMdC #2), gods - Nicolau Ramos, md, prop, of VRB & Julia Roza da Cruz, md, operaia, of Pico Agudo; 

1896 - daLBaps 1896-98 - 14/23 - On 4/19/1896, Josepha was bap, b. 3/10/95 at 10 a.m, of Pico Agudo, illegit d/o Antonio Manoel Gomes (s/o Manoel Joao Gomes & Antonia Isabel de Brito) & Antonia Rosa da Encarnacao (d/o Rosa Maria da Cruz, the grandfather was avo incognitio).  Both parents were trabalhadores, gods:  Francisco Manoel Gomes, single, Isabel Antonia de Brito, single, both gods were trabalhadores; mentioned:  Joao Baptista Gomes, single & Pedro Manoel Ramos, md (Pedro is the child's uncle by her father).  both mentioned lived in Q.  The godmother Isabel would die in 1899.  This is about the same time the child's mother died. 

1897 - daLBaps 1896 - 60/35 - On 5/31/1897, Rosa was bap, b. 7/14/1895 at 5 a.m., of Pico Agudo de Fanja, legit d/o Eliseu Francisco Almeida (s/o Francisco Joaquim Almeida & Joana Francisca de Brito) & Julia Rosa da Cruz (d/o Rosa Maria da Cruz), both parents were trabalhadores, gods:  Julio Miguel Monteiro, single, of Sao Vicente & Julia Antonia Monteiro, single, operaia, of Fanja.   daLBaps 1896-98 - 62/38 - On 6/6/1897, Daniel was baptized, b. 3/11/1896 at 10 p.m, of Fanja, s/o Jose Antonio da Silva, trabalhador (s/o Anna Antonia da Silva) & Anna Rosa da Cruz, trabalhador, (d/o Rosa Maria da Cruz), the godparents were Daniel Jose Correia, single, worker, of Cachacho  & Antonia anna Silva, single, operaia, of Cachacho. 1898 - da Lapa Baptisms 1896 - 1898 - 124/80 - On 5/29/1898, Maria was baptized, b. 9/22/1894, d/o Miguel Antonio Evora (s/o Antonio Miguel Evora & Emilia Roza de Brito) & Roza Maria da Cruz Boa Vista (d/o Manoel Duarte da Conceicao & Maria da Cruz Boa Vista); gods - Jose Maria Soares, md of Covoada, Anna Julia do Rosario, single, operaia, of Covoada. 1904 - NOT ABSOLUTELY SURE THAT THIS FOLLOWING ONE GOES HERE - NEED CORROBORATION - 1904do Rosario Matrimonios 1902 - 1909 - 16/3 - On 4/14/1904, Manoel Francisco Almeida, 28, single, trabalhador, of Covoada  (s/o Rosa Maria da Cruz, trabalhadora) md Roza Maria Gomes, 26, single, operaia (d/o Joao Manoel Rodrigues of Santiago & Maria Francisca Gomes) of Ribeira Funda;   w:  Joao Baptista Gomes, single, of Q, & Antonio Gomes Semedo, single, of Q.  (NOTE- it is the correct area - Covoada or Pico Aguda; she is the correct age to have been his mother; )

I NOW BELIEVE THAT NUMBER TWO AND NUMBER FIVE ARE THE SAME PERSON - based on the fact that she was the one who lived in Pico Agudo & had a daughter of this name & also Pedro Vicente Almeida was single when he died and until her last child all of her children were illegitimate.  : 

Partner of Pedro Vicente Almeida -- Mother of Anna Rosa da Cruz - Grandmother of Julia (b. 4/4/1895) & (Pedro b. 9/19/1899)                                                                                                                 da Lapa Baptisms 1896 - 1898 - 40/3 - On 1/6/1897, Julia was baptized, b. 4/4/1895, of Lombo de Pelado, d/o Jose Antonio da Silva (s/o Anna Antonia da Silva) & Anna Rosa da Cruz (d/o Pedro Vicente Almeida & Rosa Maria da Cruz), both parents were trabalhadores, gods:  Daniel Jose Correia, single, trabalhador, of Cachacho & Julia Rosa da Cruz, md operaia, of Pico Agudo;   da Lapa Baptisms 1899 - 1900 - 43/84 - On  7/15/1900, Pedro was baptized, b. 9/19/1899, of Canto de Fanja, s/o  Jose Antonio da Silva (s/o Antonio Manoel da Silva & Anna Antonia da Silva) & Anna Roza da Cruz (d/o Pedro  Vicente Almeida & Rosa Maria da Cruz), gods - Pedro Manoel Ramos & Antonia Maria de Brito. 


Records mentioning Rosa # 3:
Roza Maria da Cruz  born 1862,                                                                                                    

Daughter of Maria Piedade Velha / Maria Piedade da Cruz 
Wife of Estevao Silverio dos Santos   (m. 2/19/1885)
Mother of Julia (b. 1897, d. 9/8/1899)
da Lapa - Matrimonios -- there are two records (1) 1884 - 1885, 23/3 & (2)1866 - 1886 133/3 --  On 2/19/1885, Estevao Silverio dos Santos, 22y, single, trabalhador, of Lombo, (s/o Maria Gomes da Graca, trabalhador) md Roza Maria da Cruz, 23y, single, trabalhador, parishioner at N.S. do Rosario, of Mato de Queimadas (d/o Maria Piedade Velha, trabalhador), witnesses: Estevao Lopes Monteiro, trabalhador, widower, of Terra Branca (TB) & Francisco Antonio Ribeiro, single, proprietario, of TB.  da Lapa Baptisms 1896 - 1898 - 115/61 - On 5/29/1898, Julia was baptized, b. 5/3/1896, of Q, d/o Estevao Silverio dos Santos (s/o Maria Antonia Gomes) & Rosa Maria da Cruz (d/o Maria da Piedade da Cruz), godparents:  Antonio Manoel dos Reis, md, commerciante, of VRB & Rosa Maria da Conceicao, md, operaia, of Q.                                                                                                                   da Lapa Obits - 1890 - 1901 - 123/37 - On 9/8/1899, at five o'clock in the afternoon, Julia died at 2y, of Lomba de Queimadas (Q), d/o Estevao Silverio dos Santos & Rosa Maria da Cruz, trabalhadores.  Julia was buried in the public cemetery.


Records mentioning Rosa # 4:

Sao Vicente, N Sra da Luz, 1893 - 1897 - 561/95 - On 4/21/1895, Maria was baptized, b. 1/5/1895, (d/o Antonio Manuel dos Santos (s/o Manoel Antonio dos Santos & Rosa Maria da Cruz) & Julia Antonia Soares of Santo Antao (d/o Jose Simoes Lopes & Antonia Lopes).  The godparents were Manoel Joao Lopes & Anna Maria Pires.
Sao Vicente N Sra da Luz 1893 - 1897, 672/137, On 7/19/1896, Candida was baptized, b. 3/11/1896, legit & 2nd child of Antonio Manoel dos Santos (s/o Manoel Antonio dos Santos & Rosa Maria da Cruz, both deceased) & Julia Antonia Soares of Santo Antao, godparents, Marcellino Pedro Jesus, single, negociante & Rosa Maria Pires, single, costureira


I now believe #2 and #5 to be the same person          


Records mentioning Rosa # 6:   

da Lapa Matrimonios 1874 - 1896 -  197/10, On 6/17/1894, Jose Francisco Martins, 21y, of Tope Vermelho (TV), (s/o Maria Archangela do Livramento) md Roza Maria da Cruz, 24y, b. Tope Vermelho (d/o Roza Maria Lopes).    da Lapa Baptisms 1899 - 1900 - 31/56 - On 7/20/1899, Roza was baptized, b. 8/30/1898, of Tope Vermelho, d/o Jose Francisco Martins (s/o Francisco Jose Martins & Maria Clara Antunes) & Roza Maria da Cruz (d/o Jose Manoel Rodrigues & Roza Maria Lopes). The godparents were Antonio Jose Rodrigues & Anna Michaella da Souza.   da Lapa Baptisms 1896 - 23/39 - On 6/28/1896, Manoel was baptized, b. 7/26/1895, s/o Jose Francisco Martins (s/o Francisco Antonio Martins & Maria Archangela Tantuna) of TV & Rosa Maria da Cruz (d/o Rosa Maria Lopes, father unknown), godpts - Nicolau Antonio da Cruz, of Q, single, trabalhador & Rosa Felicia da Cruz, single, operaia, of Villa Ribeira Brava   da Lapa Matrimonios 1874 - 1896 - 197/10 - On 6/9/1894, Jose Francisco Martins, 21y, of Tope Vermelho, (s/o Maria Archangela do Livramento) md Roza Maria da Cruz, 24y (b. 1870), (d/o Roza Maria Lopes). 


Records mentioning Rosa # 7 - 

do Rosario Baptisms 1842 - 1852 - 109/ - On 1/4/1846, Anacleto was baptized, b. 12/26/1845, s/o Lourenco Soares Ramos & Roza Maria da Cruz, the godparents were Anacleto Joze Cabral & Francisca Roza da Silva, mulher de Nicolao Antonio da Cruz; 

Records mentioning Rosa # 8 -
do Rosario, Obits, 1874 - 1876, (Boa Vista tab), 7/27, On 7/9/1874, Rosa Maria da Cruz died at 13y, (d/o Antonio Fortes Maria & Maria Rosa da Cruz)  do Rosario Obits 1874 - 1876 p. 8/27, On 7/9/1874, Rosa Maria da Cruz died at 13y, d/o Antonia Fortes Maria & Maria Rosa da Cruz.  Is his name Antonio Fortes Maria or did the priest just write the name Maria twice?  Look at other entries for him.   Is it 7/27 or 8/27??????

Records mentioning Rosa # 9 

do Rosario Baptisms 1842 - 1852 - 21/- On 4/18/1843, Antonio was baptized, child of Francisco Manoel Gomes & Rosa Maria da Cruz.  (edit for the balance of the information).  

Records mentioning Rosa # 10 -                                                                                                                   da Lapa Baptisms 1866 - 1881 -  216/39, On 5/24/1874, Miguel was baptized, b. 9/1/1873, of ??????, s/o Antonio Miguel do Rosario (s/o Miguel Francisco do Rosario & Anna Maria Duarte) & Rosa Maria da Cruz (d/o Antonio Domingos Roquella & Maria Rosa da Cruz), godparents Miguel Lopes da Silva, Jr. & Pulcheria Duarte Araujo, widow.  da Lapa - Baptisms 1875 - 1895, 121/17 AND 1866 - 1881  345/17,  On 3/9/1878, Maria was baptized, of Ribeira de Aviz/Janeiro,  illegit d/o Antonio Miguel do Rosario (s/o Miguel Francisco do Rosario & Maria de Araujo Neves) & Rosa Florinda da Cruz (d/o Antonio Domingos Roquella & Roza Maria da Cruz), godparents:  the priest & Pulcheria Araujo Duarte, md, trabalhadora, of Q.  






The balance of this is OLD and needs to be rechecked and incorporated - edited etc.   It may not be correct info. 

Important note:  da Lapa Matrimonios 1866-1886 page 12 gives a very great clue about this family.  It relates the the marriage of the sister (Catharina) of Rosa Maria da Cruz and states that she is marrying Miguel with whom she shares 2 degrees of consanguinity.  The Bishop allowed the marriage.  RoWad believes that they were first cousins (due to the various ways that consanguinity can be calculated).  

Roza Maria da Cruz was the sister of   RECHECK ALL OF THESE !!!!!!!!
(1)  Margarida Maria da Cruz, b. ? 1835 md Jose Antonio de Brito (s/o Antonio Mathias de Brito & Ignez Roza da Graca) & she was the mother of Roza Margarida b.9/15/1875, & Maria Margarida, & Jeny Margarida)
(2)  Catharina Maria da Cruz b. 1846, d. 1/9/1883 at 35y md Miguel da Cruz Moraes (s/o Maximiano Justiniano da Cruz Evora & Maria/Rosario/Rosalia da Cruz/Evora/Lopes Moraes) & was the mother of six children - Manoel Miguel da Cruz, Rosa Catharina, Julia, Pedro Miguel, Manoel Miguel & Joaquim Miguel)); &
(3)  Jose Manoel Duarte (who md Julia Anna do Rosario (d/o Antonio Manoel Ribiero & Anna Domingas do Rosario)) & he was the father of Antonio Jose b. 3/1/1877,  Antonia Julia b. 1882, d. 8/11/98, Manuel Jose & Joao Jose.  The boys probably carried the surname Duarte while Antonia would have carried her mother's surname do Rosario.
(4)  Antonio Manoel Duarte (h/o Guiomar Roza da Piedade (d/o Roza da Piedade)).  Had a child. Julio, b. 3/10/1875, of Covoada.      

Rosa had a number of children  recheck all of this
                                               (1) Maria Rosa da Cruz b. 1853, d. 7/15/1876 at 23y
                                               (2)  Margarida Rosa da Cruz Gomes b. 1858  (wife of Jose Bento)
                                               (3) Roberto Antonio de Brito (? born around 1861?) , (husband of Anna Rosa dos Santos)                                 
                                               (5)  Anna Rosa da Cruz, b. 1868 (wife of Jose Antonio da Silva (who she married on 6/11/1892) & the mother of Maria b. 8/18/1888 & baptized 6/2/1889), & the godmother of her sister Julia's child (Joao),                                               
                                               (6) Antonia Rosa da Cruz Encarnacao  MY GREAT GRANDMOTHER - probably b. 1872 - 1875 &
                                                                                                                                                                                                    (8)  Manoel Antonio Brito/Manoel da Cruz, b. 1876

1855 - do Rosario Baptisms 1852 - 1864 - On 4/1/1855, Antonio was baptized, s/o Joze Antonio de Brito & Margarida Maria da Cruz, the godparents were Antonio Roberto de Brito & Barbara, filha de Antonio Vicente da Luz;  
1862 -

1867  da Lapa Matrimonios 1866 - 1886 - 12/- On 6/10/1867, her sister Catarina Maria da Cruz married her (?first) cousin Miguel da Cruz Moraes (s/o Maximiano da Cruz Evora & Rozaria da Cruz Moraes). 

1870 - da Lapa Matrimonios 1866 - 1886 - 19/  On 6/27/1870, Jose Luiz Dias, 29, widower of Roza Anna da Cruz md Serafina Anna da Piedade.24, d/o Francisco Joao Bento & Anna Maria da Piedade;  

da Lapa Baptisms 1875 - 1895 - 30/56, On 6/10/1874 Julio was baptized, b. 3/10/1875, of Covoada, s/o Antonio Manoel Duarte (s/o Manoel Duarte da Conceicao & Maria da Cruz Boa Vista) & Guiomar Roza da Piedade (d/o Roza da Piedade).  The godparents were Julio Bento Oliveira & Maria Roza da Cruz, single.  (?257) 
da Lapa Baptisms 1875 - 1895 - 43/89 - On 12/12/1875, Joao was baptized, b. 10/30/1875, s/o Rosa Antonia da Silva  (d/o Antonia Rosa da Silva).  The godparents were Joao Perpetua dos Santos & Maria Roza da Cruz.   (271/89). 
1876   -   da Lapa 1875-1895-Baptisms, 46/1 AND 1866-1881 - Baptisms 272/1- On 1/2/1876, Mathias was baptized by Senhor Coniego Berardo Jose da Costa Pinto, b. 12/22/1875 in the morning, of Vermelho, s/o Jose Luiz Dias (s/o of Rosa Maria da Cruz) & Serafina Maria da Piedade (d/o Francisco Joao Bento & Anna Maria da Piedade). The godparents were Mathias Nicolau Santhiago & Anna Gertrudes do Rosario (both single) & both of Reibeira das Queimadas.
1879   -   da Lapa Baptisms 1875 - 1879 - 160/12 - On 2/22/1879, Anna was baptized, b. 2/3/1879, of Covoada, d/o Jose Manoel Duarte (s/o Manoel Duarte da Conceicao & Maria da Cruz Boa Vista) & Julia Anna do Rosario (d/o Antonio Manoel Ribeiro & Anna Domingas do Rosario).  The godparents were Miguel Antonio Ramos & Maria Anna da Silva.  
1880   -   da Lapa - Obits - 1880 p. 718, On 7/9/1880, Maria died at 1 month, d/o Jose Luiz Dias & Serafina Anna da Piedade.   
Note:   JOSE is Rosa Maria's son.  Maria is Rosa's granddaughter. 
1881 - da Lapa Baptisms 1875 - 1895 - 184/16 - On 2/27/1881, Jose was baptized, b. 2/11/188`, s/o Antonio Joaquim Spencer (s/o Joao Roberto Spencer & Nicolaia Domingas Soares) & Margarida Maria Soares (d/o Antonio Manoel Oliveira & Maria Rosa Soares).  The godparents were Jose Luiz Dias & Antonia Maria Soares.    da Lapa Baptisms 1875 - 1895 - 204/61 - On 6/5/1881, Joanna was baptized, b. 5/27/1880, d/o Jose Luiz Dias (s/o of Rosa Anna da Cruz) & Serafina Anna da Piedade (d/o Francisco Joao Bento & Anna Maria da Piedade).  The godparents were Serafim Mathas Duarte & Serafina Maria de Brito. THIS IS MY FAMILY. THE PRIEST MADE A MISTAKE.  THE MOTHER OF JOSE LUIZ DINIZ IS ROSA MARIA da CRUZ & NOT Rosa Anna. Rosa Anna was his widow. 
1882  da Lapa Baptisms 1875 - 1895 -223/3 - On 1/15/1882, Joaquim was baptized, b. 10/2/1881, of Morro, s/o Pedro Miguel Ramos (s/o Miguel Francisco Ramos & Claudina Maria Silva) who was not md to Maria Margarida da Cruz (d/o Jose Antonio de Brito & Margarida Maria da Cruz).   The godfather was Joaquim Antonio Almeida & the godmother was the sister of the mother, Jeny Margarida da Cruz.  da Lapa Baptisms 1875 - 1895 - 250/64 - On 7/16/1882, Maria was baptized, b. 4/15/1881, of Covoada, d/o Manoel Jose de Brito (s/o Jose Antonio de Brito & Margarida Maria da Cruz ) & Catharina Maria Gomes (d/o Jose Maria Soares & Maria Anna Gomes).  The godparents were Jose Manoel dos Reis & Julia Anna Silva. 
1883   -   da Lapa Obits - edit for volume  95/2 - On 1/9/1883, Catharina Maria da Cruz died at 35y, six children, wife of Miguel da Cruz Moraes, (d/o Manoel Duarte da Conceicao & Maria da Cruz).     1888   -   da Lapa Baptisms - 1875 - 1895  424/53 - On 5/19/1888, Manoel was baptized, b. 1/11/1888, of Morro, s/o Jose Bento Gomes & Margarida Roza da Cruz, Grandson of Bento Silvestre Gomes & Julia Michaella do Rosario & Roza Maria da Cruz.  The godparents were Jose Joaquim Almeida, md & Guiomar Roza Soares of Covoada. 

  da Lapa - Matrimonios - 1887 - 1888 - 4/3 - On 6/18/1887, Antonio Joao Brito, 24y, of Covoada (s/o Joao Antonio Brito & Rofina Archangela Silva) md Roza Julia do Rozario 22y, d/o Jose Manoel Duarte da Conceicao & Julia Anna do Rosario.  da Lapa Matrimonios - 1887 - 1888  p. 2/2 - On 5/26/1887, Miguel da Cruz Moraes, 46, widower of Catharina Maria da Cruz, from Boa Vista md Serafina Maria de Brito, 41y, (d/o Joaquim Domingos Saothiago & Maria Francisca de Brito) & in a second set of records -- 125/2 - On 5/26, Miguel da Cruz Moraes, 46y, widower of Catharina Maria da Cruz md Serafina Maria de Brito, 41y, single, operaia, (d/o Joaquim Domingos Santiago & Maria Francisca de Brito).  The groom was from St. John the Baptist Parish in Boa Vista & he was b. in 1841.   
da Lapa Matrimonios 1874 - 1896  - 152/1 - On 2/11/1890, Pedro Miguel Moraes, 24y (s/o Catharina Maria da Cruz), md Antonia Maria da Conceicao, 21y, d/o Boaventura Antonio de Brito & Maria Antonia da Conceicao). 
1892   da Lapa Matrimonios - 1874 - 1896, 178/8, On 6/11/1892, Jose Antonio da Silva, 29y (s/o Anna Antonia Silva) md Anna Rosa da Cruz, 24y, of Pico Agudo (d/o Rosa Maria da Cruz). 
da Lapa Matrimonios - 1874 - 1896 - 189/10, On ?????1892, Elisen Francisco Almeida, 32y, of Batan, (s/o Francisco Joaquim Almeida & Joanna Francisca de Brito) married Julia Rosa da Cruz, 27y, (d/o Rosa Maria da Cruz).

7/8/1892 - Granddaughter - Maria Antonia (d/o Antonia Rosa) was born.  MY GRANDMOTHER. 
1893    da Lapa Matrimonios 1874 - 1896 - 186/3, On 4/29/1893, Manuel Jose Soares, 31y, of Covoada (s/o Genoveva Maria dos Reis) md Rosa Catharina da Cruz, 23y, (d/o Miguel da Cruz Moraes & Catharina Maria da Cruz).  da Lapa Matrimonios 1874 - 1893 - 186/4 - On 7/6/1893, Joao Jose da Cruz, 22, (s/o Jose Antonio da Cruz & Theresa Maria Silva of Morro) md Maria Catharina da Cruz, 24y, from Covoada (d/o Miguel da Cruz Moraes & Catharina Maria da Cruz). 

1896 - da Lapa Baptisms 1896 - 1898 - 14/23 - On 4/16/1896, Josepha was baptized, b. 3/10/1895, at ten in the morning, d/o Antonio Manoel Gomes (s/o Manoel Joao Gomes & Antonia Isabel de Brito) who was NOT md to Antonia Rosa da Encarnacao (d/o avo incognito & Rosa Maria da Cruz); the father acknowledged the child, the godparents were Francisco Manoel Gomes, single, trabalhador & Isabel Antonia de Brito, single, trabalhadora, mentined are Joao Baptista Gomes & Pedro Manoel Ramos, md.  (Note that Pedro Manoel Ramos is the brother of the father of the child).
1897   da Lapa Obits - 1890 - 1901 - 48/78, On 11/24/1897, Mathias Jose Dias died at 21y, of Queimadas, (s/o Jose Luiz Dias & Serafina Anna da Piedade).
(so he was the grandson of Rosa Maria da Cruz).                                                                                1898   -  da Lapa - Obits 1890 - 1901, 103/34  On 6/23/1898 at 11 p.m, Rosa Maria da Cruz of Pico Agudo, trablhadora natural (agricultural worker) died at age 71y, deixando filhos (leaving children).  At the time of her death she was a widow, her husband, Antonio Roberto de Brito having died.    This would mean that she was b. in 1827 (which does not make sense when compared to the ages of her siblings).     da Lapa Baptisms 1896 - 1898 - 124/80 - On 5/29/1898, Maria was baptized, b. 9/22/1894, d/o Miguel Antonio Evora (s/o Antonio Miguel Evora & Emilia Roza de Brito) & Roza Maria da Cruz Boa Vista (d/o Manoel Duarte da Conceicao & Maria da Cruz Boa Vista); godparents Jose Maria Soares, md of Covoada, Anna Julia do Rosario, single, operaia, of Covoada. 


Rosa Maria da Cruz    do Rosario, Baptisms, 1875 - 1881, 228/161, On 9/9/1877, Leonor was baptized, b. 6/?14/1876, d/o Rosa Maria da Cruz, (d/o Maria Rosa da Cruz), the godparents were Silvestre Manoel da Graca and Leonor Rosa d' Oliveira.  PROBABLY ROSA # 2 - WHERE DID SHE LIVE???????

 Rosa Maria da Cruz  do Rosario Obits - BV tab - 1874 - 1886 - 10/39 -  redo/1874, Maria died at 15 days, d/o Rosa Maria da Cruz.  



 Who was Jose Luis Dias?

A central character in my research is Rosa Maria da Cruz & I have a special tab -The various Rosa Maria da Cruz?.  At this point in time, there are 11 of them. 

Rosa Maria da Cruz #1 was the daughter of Manoel Duarte da Conceicao of Boa Vista & his wife Maria Andreza Fortes/da Cruz/Boa Vista.  Rosa Maria da Cruz #2 was the d/o the same man & his second wife  - also known as Maria da Cruz Boa Vista or Maria da Cruz.  Rosa Maria da Cruz #1 married Antonio Roberto de Brito of Pico Agudo (in 1848), & then, at some point,  may have moved to his home place of Pico Agudo.  This makes things confusing b/c Rosa Maria da Cruz #2 seems to have spent her lifetime in Pico Agudo. 

JOSE LUIS DIAS was born in 1841, son of Rosa Maria da Cruz.  BUT WHICH ONE OF THE ELEVEN?????  He was married twice, first to a woman named Rosa Anna da Cruz & then after being widowed, he married a woman who was alternately recorded as Serafina Anna da Piedade & Serafina Maria da Piedade (since her mother was Anna I believe Anna to be her true middle name) (her father was Francisco Joao Bento).  


Jose Luis Dias had the following children:

his children with Rosa Anna da Cruz:

his children with Serafina Anna/Maria da Piedade: 

(1)  Antonia Serafina da Piedade (b. 1870, md 6/11/1891, d      92)   Anna (b. 1/5/1875, d. 1/14/1875);  (3)  Mathias Jose, b. 12/22/1875, d. 11/24/1897;  (4)  Antonio (b. 1/12/1879, d. 1/16/1879);     (5)  Joanna (b. 79 or 80) (6)  Maria 6/1880 - 7/9/1880);    (7)   Andreza (b. 2/4/1897).  Since Rosa Maria da Cruz #1 had a mother with the name Andreza I would tend to place Jose Luiz Dias with her, as her child. 


also a puzzle - two girls born in the same year
Joanna & Maria, b. 5/27/1880????, however these dates need to be checked.  Maria died on 7/9/1880 (see da lapa obits 1880).  Sometimes a priest will use the words "prossimo passado" or "prossimo findo" & you are not sure if he means last year or last month.  So the birth dates of these two girls need to be clarified.   edit this - volume for baptism?  


da Lapa Matrimonios 1866 - 1886 - 19/1 -  On 6/27/1870, Jose Luiz Dias, 29, widower of Roza Anna da Cruz md Serafina Anna da Piedade.24, d/o Francisco Joao Bento & Anna Maria da Piedade, the witnesses were Miguel Francisco Duarte, Manoel Santhiago Gomes, & Joao Manoel de Miranda;  
da Lapa Obits 1871 - 1876 - 29/1 - Anna died on 1/14/1875 at 8 days, (d/o Joze Luiz Dias & Serafina Maria da Piedade), both trabalhadors.    da Lapa Baptisms 1875 - 1895 - 9/3 - On 1/9/1875, Anna was baptized, b. 1/5/1875, lived in "no sitio de Vermelho" / in the settlement of Tope Vermelho  d/o Jose Luiz Dias (s/o Rosa Maria da Cruz) & Serafina Maria de Piedade (d/o Francisco Joao Bento & Anna Maria da Piedade), godparents - Antonio Pedro Gomes & Anna Gertrudes do Rosario, both trabalhadores.  (233/3)      da Lapa Baptisms 1875 - 1895  - 86/16 - On 3/4/1877, Mathias was baptized, b. 2/2/1877, (of Terra Branca (TB)), s/o Serafim Mathias Duarte (s/o Mathias Serafim Duarte & Maria Roza da Graca) & Roza Anna da Piedade (d/o Francisco Joao Bento & Anna Maria da Piedade).  The godparents were Joze Luis Dias & Anna Maria Monteiro  (312/16).  da Lapa Obits -  1874-1889 - 59/3 - On 1/16/1879, Antonio died at 4 days, of TV, (s/o Jose Luiz Dias & "Serafna Anna de Piedade), both of the parents were trabalhadors     da Lapa Obits 1880 - 7/18 - Maria (a twin) died on 7/9/1880 at 1 mo, d/o Jose Luiz Dias & Serafina Anna Piedade.    Twin of  Joanna.   da Lapa Baptisms 1875 - 1895 -  227/13 - On 2/13/1882, Jose was baptized, b. 12/24/1881, s/o Luiz Manoel Fortes (s/o Luiz Manoel Fortes & Anna Maria Fortes) who was not married to Anna Antonia da Graca (d/o Antonia Maria da Graca).  The godparents were Joze Luiz Dias & Julia Antonia da Graca.   da Lapa Matrimonios - 1874 - 1896  167/10, On 6/11/1891, Antonio Duarte da Conceicao 24, single, trabalhador, (of Serrado), s/o Julia Maria Duarte (operaia) md Antonia Serafina da Piedade 21, single operaia, (of Vermelho), d/o Jose Luis Dias & Serafina Anna da Piedade, the witnesses were Alredo Francisco Almeida & Joaquim Lopes Monteiro.   da Lapa Baptisms 1890-1901 48/78 - Mathias Jose Dias died on 11/24/1897, at 21y, of Q, s/o Jose Luiz Dias & Serafina Anna da Piedade    da Lapa Baptisms 1896 - 1898 - 115/62 - On 5/29/1898, Andreza was baptized, b. 2/4/1897, of Q, d/o Antonio Duarte da Conceicao, trabalhador (s/o avo incognito & Julia Maria Duarte) & Antonia Serafina da Piedade , trabalhadora, d/o Jose Luis Dias & Serafina Anna da Piedade), godparents - Jose Joaquim do Rosario, md of Q & Eugenia Maria da Piedade, single, of Q, operaia; 


The curious case of the TWO Rosa Maria da Cruz d/o Manoel Jose Duarte da Conceicao

Is it possible to have two women with the same name and the same father but whose ages in the records are wildly off? 

Yes, if they have different mothers. 

The following record reveals that there was a woman named Rosa Maria da Cruz who, in the beginning of 1848 married Antonio Roberto de Brito.  The marriage record indicates that Rosa was the daughter of Manoel Duarte da Conceicao  (who must have been born around 1810).  Because Rosa was old enough to be married in 1848 we might assume that she was married at age 18, and, thus, born around 1830. 

1848da Lapa - Matrimonios - 1846 - 1866 - 8/, On 1/2/1848, Antonio Roberto de Brito (s/o Roberto Rodrigues de Brito & Anna Maria das Neves) md Roza Maria Fortes (d/o Manoel Duarte da  Conceicao & Maria Andreza Fortes).  The priest was Manoel Antonio de Espirito. 

At some point in time, Rosa Maria Fortes started using the name Rosa Maria da Cruz and that was her name in 1853 when she had her daughter, Maria Rosa da Cruz.  

 da Lapa Obits 1871-1876 - 38/6 - On 7/15/1876, Maria Rosa da Cruz died at 23y, d/o Antonio Roberto de Brito & Roza Maria Cruz.  

BUT we also can see that the  mother of the Rosa Maria da Cruz - then Rosa Maria Fortes, b. 1830 was Maria Andreza Fortes.  

I am now working on the assumption that Manoel Duarte da Conceicao had TWO WIVES and that one was Maria Andreza Fortes and the second was Maria da Cruz.  Both women appear to have had some dealings in Boa Vista.  Maria da Cruz appears to have had most of her children in the mid 1850's.  If Maria Andreza Fortes was, indeed, the mother of Rosa Maria Fortes (later Rosa Maria da Cruz), b. 1830, then she would have been  40 years old when she had the brood of children in Boa Vista (who then moved to Sao Nicolau - Covoada) or who had the kids in Sao Nicolau.   Maria Andreza Fortes may have died by that time (I will have to comb through Boa Vista obits).  

So my thinking is that Maria Andreza Fortes died and then the widower, Manoel, married Maria da Cruz (of Sao Nicolau - but known in Sao Nicolau as Maria da Cruz Boa Vista).  Of course, the child of the first wife (the older Rosa Maria da Cruz) would have been absorbed into the family of the second wife, who then had a child of the same name.  This closeness of the families is probably the reason why the older Rosa's grandson is my godfather.  The older Rosa was probably 25 years older than my great grandmother of the same name. 

So I am attached to both women if this hypothesis of mine is correct.  I am attached to the older Rosa b/c her grandson, Manoel Roberto de Brito, was my godfather.  I am attached to the younger Rosa (who would have been roughly the same age as my godfather Manoel's father) b/c she is the grandmother of my grandmother.  

If I am descended from the younger Rosa (b. around 1855) and if she had her daughter Antonia in (1975) and she had her daughter/my granddaughter in 1892 (when she was 18) then this scenario makes more sense.  

To corroborate this scenario is the baptismal certificate of Manoel b. 3/8/1875.  da Lapa Baptisms.  His father was Miguel da Cruz Moraes (s/o Justiniano da Cruz Evora & Maria Lopes Moraes).  His mother was Catharina Maria da Cruz (d/o Manoel Duarte da Conceicao & Maria da Cruz).  The godmother was Rosa Maria da Cruz, a single woman ---- AND UNDOUBTABLY the baptized child's mother's SISTER.  

I will try to further support or reject this hypothesis as I continue to review the Catholic Church records. 

See complete analysis at THE VARIOUS ROSA MARIA da CRUZ.     



Maria da Cruz Boa Vista - #1

I believe Maria da Cruz Boa Vista is the second wife of Manoel Jose Duarte Conceicao, &the first wife was Maria Andreza Fortes.   She is the mother of the younger Rosa Maria da Cruz (#2).

da Lapa Matrimonios 1866 - 1881 - 159/63- On 10/13/1872, Leopoldina was baptized, b. 7/2/1872, of Covoada, d/o Jose Manoel Duarte (s/o Manoel Duarte Conceicao & Maria da Cruz Boa Vista) & Julia Anna do Rosario (d/o Antonio Manoel Ribeiro & Anna Domingas do Rosario), godparents - edit for godparents   da Lapa Matrimonios -  50/3 & da Lapa Matrimonios 1866 - 1886 - 73/3 - On 2/26/1876, Manuel Rodriguez da Luz, 39y (widower of Anna Engracia Gomes), (s/o Roza Francisca Duarte) md Maria do Nascimento Evora, 36y, (d/o Justiniano da Cruz Evora & Maria da Cruz Boa Vista THIS HAS TO BE A MISTAKE !!!! - ELSEWHERE JUSTINIANO'S WIFE IS MARIA LOPES MORAES  -----  who were from Boa Vista. edit for witnesses.  da Lapa Baptisms 1896 - 1898 - 124/80 - On 5/29/1898, Maria was baptized, b. 9/22/1894, d/o Miguel Antonio Evora (s/o Antonio Miguel Evora & Emilia Rosa de Brito) & Roza Maria da Cruz Boa Vista (d/o Manoel Duarte da Conceicao & Maria da Cruz Boa Vista), godparents (who both lived in Covoada) - Jose Maria Soares, md, & Anna Julia do Rosario, single, operaia.  THIS IS ROSA MARIA DA CRUZ #2. 

Maria da Cruz Boa Vista / Maria Andreza Fortes  #2 - probably b. around 1830

This is the first wife of Manoel Jose Duarte da Conceicao & she appears to have been a "Fortes da Cruz" so sometimes shows up as Maria da Cruz.  She is the mother of Rosa Maria da Cruz # 1 who married Roberto Antonio de Brito.  I believe that she is the grandmother of J. Dias. 

da Lapa - Matrimonios - 1846 - 1866 - 8/, On 1/2/1848, Antonio Roberto de Brito (s/o Roberto Rodrigues de Brito & Anna Maria das Neves) md Roza Maria Fortes (d/o Manoel Duarte da  Conceicao & Maria Andreza Fortes).  The priest was Manoel Antonio de Espirito.  SHE MARRIED in 1848 so  - PROBABLY B. AROUND 1830.      da Lapa Obits - 1871 - 1876 - 38/6 - On 7/15/1876, Maria Rosa da Cruz died at 23y, (d/o Antonio Roberto de Brito & Rosa Maria da Cruz), both parents were trabalhadores naturaes/farm workers, she was buried in the public cemetery.  da Lapa Baptisms 1866 - 1881 - 137/6 - On 2/4/1872, Pedro was baptized, b. 10/6/1871, s/o Jose Antonio de Brito (s/o Antonio Clara de Brito & Ignez Rosa da Graca) & Margarida Maria Andreza of Covoada (d/o Manoel Duarte da Conceicao & Maria da Cruz Boa Vista), both parents were trabalhadors/workers, godparents: Pedro Carlos Fermino & Rosa Maria da Silva.  Note - the key here to distinguish one from another is the name "Andreza" which would have been Maria's mother's middle name - or her grandmother's name). 

Maria Rosa da Cruz   #3 

Lived in Cabacalinho.  Mother of Antonia Maria da Cruz.  She was a trabalhadora. 

do Rosario Obits 1890 - 1893  - 48/42 - On 4/13/1891, Antonia Maria da Cruz died at 8y, (d/o Maria Rosa da Cruz, trabalhadora, of Cabacalinho).  

Maria Rosa da Cruz # 4  (not sure that this is the name she used as an adult but this is what her name would have been if it had followed the normal naming pattern):   Daughter of Miguel Antonio Evora & Rosa Maria da Cruz (#2). 

da Lapa Baptisms 1896 - 1898 - 124/80 - On 5/29/1898, Maria was baptized, b. 9/22/1894, d/o Migueal Antonio Evora (s/o Antonio Miguel Evora & Emilia Rosa de Brito) & Roza Maria da Cruz Boa Vista (d/o Manoel Duarte da Conceicao & Maria da Cruz Boa Vista), godparents (who both lived in Covoada) - Jose Maria Soares, md, & Anna Julia do Rosario, single, operaia  SHE WOULD HAVE BEEN MY GRANDMOTHER'S AUNT EVEN THOUGH MY GRANDMOTHER WAS TWO YEARS OLDER

Maria da Cruz # 5 - d/o Maria Escolastica da Cruz, do Rosario Baptisms in Boa Vista da Luz 1897 - 309/182 -  

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