Thursday, September 19, 2024

da Lapa Matriominios 1845


Mikele & Troy - 323 Purchase Street, New Bedford - camera is facing downtown & they are facing the beach/levees. 

1845 has its own Volume 

Beginning with 1846 almost everything is in da Lapa Matrimonios Volume 1846 - 1866.

1845 - da Lapa Matrimonios

I struggled with this section of records as I am not a native Portuguese speaker &, as it was, I had to teach myself how to translate CV church records.  Fortunately, RoWad, who also does research re: CV records, was able to tell me what this section is about.  She said that it is relative to "the whole marriage process of Joaquim Martins de Moraes (b. 5/6/1812, bap 5/13/1812) & Maria Anna do Livramento (b. 9/21/1820, bap 9/28/1820).  They were requesting old Church records in order to get married.  They may have been cousins.  They could not get married without a special mandate.  In the margin the supervising clergy wrote a note that the marriage was approved.  Conclusion:  July 30, 1845, no impediment to marriage".
This is what I was able to pick up on my own:

2/ -- On ??, Miguel Antonio da Silva / & Rosa Gertrudes Araujo
3/ - Joaquim Martins de Moraes & Maria Anna do Livramento
4/ - THIS APPEARS TO BE A MANDATE - On 5/13/1802,  Joaquim, child of Narciso Martins de Moraes & Anna Gomes Ramos, gods -  Joaquim Soares Ramos & Josefa Gomes da Conceicao. 
5/ - THIS APPEARS TO BE A MANDATE - 9/28/1820  "Certifico que" .... Mentions Maria Anna do Livramento, (d/o Anna Maria do Livramento) relative to a baptism which occurred on 9/28/1820, where the gods appear to be Felippe Jose Benicio & Maria "filha de Manoel Soares da Silva" .  Reverend Gaspar Antonio da Silva, mentioned -  Michael Antonio da Silva. 
6/-  Begins with the words "Com favor de Dios" .... Joaquim Martins de Moraes, (s/o Narcizo Martins de Moraes & Anna Gomes Ramos) & Maria Anna do Livramento, (d/o Anna Maria do Livramento).  IS THIS A MANDATE SEEKING TO CONFIRM A MARRIAGE?  "Tres dias de festas continuas".

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