This is me, the compiler, when I was twelve. I am Cape Verdean on my mother's side. My father is Black though by DNA he is 75% European & 25% African (Benin). My mother's people were from Sao Nicolau by way of Boa Vista (my maternal cv side (Duarte da Conceicao & Cruz) ----- & ----- Sao Vicente by way of Santo Antao & Sao Nicolau (my paternal cv side Santos & Nhango/Josefa). If the Sao Nicolau - CV naming patterns had persisted my name would have been Carol Juanita da Cruz. Instead, I have an entirely English/German sounding name. I have always wished for a Portuguese/Kriolu sounding name - or at least a name ending with a vowel.
I look like my mother, & she looks like her father, so it seems that our looks come from the Santo Antao/Sao Nicolau gene pool (it is a look that persists through to my granddaughter). My BOA VISTA ancestors are Manoel Jose Duarte da Conceicao & Maria da Cruz Boa Vista (who was actually born in Sao Nicolau but lived her life in Boa Vista - though it seems that all of her children went to & lived in Sao Nicolau in the Covoada / Pico Agudo area).
======================================================================== Key:
doRObits is Sao Nicolau & anything with this in front of it means N.S. do Rosario of Sao Nicolau (so also doRBaptisms/Baps & doRMats/Matrimonios)
daLObits is Sao Nicolau & anything with this in front of it means N.S. da Lapa of Sao Nicolau (so also daLBaptisms/Baps & daLMats/Matrimonios
When there is a number followed by a back slash (24/-) then that is the page number
w - means witnesses
gods - means godfather/godmother/godparents
bap = baptized
f/d - filho/filha de - child of
there are numbers in parentheses (XXX) after an entry it means that
entry is also located in another volume.
Surname: ALMEIDA
Joanna Theodora de Almeida -
b. 1818, d/6/12/1898 ---
Daughter of Theodora Abreu *****
1898 -- doRObits1898-1900 BV tab 20/86, On 6/12/1898, Joanna Theodora de Almeida died at 80y, b. 1818, single, of BOA VISTA, (d/o Theodora Abreu) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Luis Fortes de Almeida
1921 -- Immigration for his wife, Carolina: SHIP CANADA - departed from Lisbon 1921 &
arrived in Providence, RI on 7/27/1921, (she appears on line 6), her age
at the time of immigration was 26, she was 5'2", had $25., was a
domestic, her final destination place was New Bedford, Masss; she left
behind her father - Luis Fortes Almeida in BOA VISTA, she will join her
husband, Severiano Francisco Rocha at 29 L Second Stret (it actually
says L), New Bedford, she had lived in BOA VISTA. b. 2/23/1892 d. 8/12/1875 - Father of Frank, Mary, Grace, Isabel, & Louis ***** Immigration for his wife, Carolina: SHIP CANADA - departed from Lisbon 1921 &
arrived in Providence, RI on 7/27/1921, (she appears on line 6), her age
at the time of immigration was 26, she was 5'2", had $25., was a
domestic, her final destination place was New Bedford, Mass; she left
behind her father - Luis Fortes de Almeida in BOA VISTA, she will
join her
husband, Severiano Francisco Rocha at 29 L Second Stret (it actually
says L), New Bedford, she had lived in BOA VISTA.
The family of Maria Luiza Medina Tavares de Almeida & Antonio Jose de Carvalho
1895 -- doRMats1892-95 -- 487/277 - On 12/4/1895, Maria was bap, b. 11/18/95 in BOA VISTA -St. Isabel (x), d/o Antonio Jose de Carvalho (s/o Jose Antonio de Carvalho & Maria Dias Faria da Carvalho (d)) & Maria Luiza Medina Tavares de Almeida of BOA VISTA (x) (d/o Francisco Tavares de Almeida & Maria Michaella Medina Tavares de Almeida (d)), proprietarios), gods - Jose Antonio de Carvalho, widower, proprietario & (Dona) Joanna Baptista de
Oliveira ( ), md, proprietaria.
The family of Pedro Candido de Almeida & Maria da Luz de Almeida - b. probably around 1870 *****
1893 -- SaoVicente daLuzBaps1893-97 - 149/80 - On 11/20/1893, Joao was bap, b. 11/15/98, s/o Pedro Candido de Almeida of Santa Isabel, BOA VISTA (s/o Candido Antonio de Almeida & Maria Clara Almeida) & Maria da Luz de Almeida of Sao Vicente (d/o Francisca Lopes Duarte), gods - Manoel Fernandes Pereira, md & Amelia Lucrecia Pereira. (Note - it seems as though this child was a twin - second born - but there is no mention of the first born twin). ===========================================================================
=============================================================================-Surname: ALVES
Anna Maria do Rosario Alves
1859 -- doRBaps1852-64 -- On 10/1/1859, Antonia/o was bap, b. 7/24/59, child of Luis Antonio Alves & Anna Maria do Rosario Alves of BOA VISTA (x) , gods - Francisco Joaquim Spencer & Anna Narciza do Rosario; -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Joanna Fortes Alves & Theophilo Fortes Evora
b probably around or before ...
Daughter of Hypolito Fortes & Maria da Piedade Alves (in one record Hipolito is his father & in another her father - need to reconcile this - tricky b/c they both have Fortes in their names). *****
1897 -- daLObits1890-1901 - 61/31, On 3/11/1897, Joanna Fortes Alves died at 60y, of BOA VISTA, (widow of Theophilo Fortes Evora), d/o Hypolito Fortes & Maria da Piedade Alves. daLObits1890-1901, 55/3 - On 1/11/1897, Theophilo Fortes Evora, b 1827, died at 70y, of BOA VISTA, h/o Joanna Fortes Alves, (s/o pais incognitos) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Luis Antonio Alves & Anna Maria do Rosario Alves
b. probably around or before *****
1859 -- doRBaps1852-64 - 124/- On 10/1/1859, Antonio/a was bap, b. 7/24/59, child of Luis Antonio Alves & Anna Maria do Rosario Alves of BOA VISTA, gods - Francisco Joaquim Spencer & Anna Narciza do Rosario; =========================================================================
========================================================================== Surname: ANTONIO
The family of Manoel Antonio (? da Rocha) & Maria das Dores da Graca
b. d. 6/2/1864
Son of Romaldo da Rocha & Antonia Fortes de Barros *****
1864 -- doRObits1855-65 - 90/- On 6/2/1864, Manoel Antonio died, no age given, h/o Maria das Dores da Graca, s/o Romualdo da Rocha & Antonia Fortes de Barros. ========================================================================
The family of Theodoro Antonio Antunes & Margarida Ramos de Brito of BOA VISTA
1857 -- doRObits 25/- On 8/21/1857, Antonio died at __, s/o Theodoro Antonio Antunes & Margarida Ramos de Brito of BOA VISTA ========================================================================= first name: ARCHANGELA
1866 -- doRObits 1865-73 - 28/101 -- On 10/27/1866, ARCHANGELA (no surname or middle name is given) of BOA VISTA died at 80y. ========================================================================= Surname: ASSENCAO
Maria Francisca da Assencao b --- *****
1886 -- doRObits1874-86 - Boa Vista tab - On 4/1/1886, Maria Francisca da Assencao of BOA VISTA died at 44y, trabalhadora, had 3 kids. ========================================================================= Surname: AZVEDO
Francisca Fernandees de Azevedo & Candida da Luz Monteiro
1855 -- doRBaps1852-64 - On 12/6 - Maria was bap., b. 11/4/55, d/o Francisca Fernandes de Azevedo & Candida da Luz Monteiro - both of BOA VISTA (x) , gods - Diogo Isidoro da Silva & Maria Clara de Almeida, (widow but husband not named);
========================================================================== Surname: BARROS
Anselmo de Barros - See Rita Monteiro
family of Antonia Eugenia Barros & Joao Baptiste de Moraes
1877 -- doRBaps1875-81 - 178/4 - On 1/6/1877, Ricardo was bap, b. 12/18/76, s/o Joao Baptiste de Moraes (s/o Pedro & Rosa Costa ( )) & Antonia Eugenia de Barros of BOA VISTA ( ) (d/o Eugenia de
Barros), gods- Ricardo Joao Aniceto & Rosa Barros.
Note that it was difficult to discern whether this last name was Barros
or Ramos. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
The family of Candida Felicidade de Barros & Jose Antonio Araujo
b. 1816, d. 1/15/1886 -- *****
1886 -- doRObits1874-86 52/8 - On 1/15/1886, Candida Felicidade de Barros died at 70y, of BOA VISTA, w/o Jose Antonio Araujo. 52/4 - On 1/4/ Candida Felicidade de Barros died at 70y, of BOA VISTA (x), w/o Jose Antonio Araujo WHAT IS THE CORRECT PAGE? ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mauricio de Barros -
b. 1839 d, 10/18.1865 --- Son of Anselmo de Barros & Rita Monteiro *****
1865 -- doRObits1865-73 - 6/- On 10/18/1865, Mauricio de Barros, of Sao Joao, BOA VISTA. 26, single, died, s/o Anselmo de Barros & Rita Monteiro. =========================================================================
========================================================================== BEBIANA as a first name
Bebiana -
1864 -- doRObits1855-65 - 100/- On 12/?/1864, Antonio died at 1y, s/o Bebiana de BOA VISTA. ======================================================================== Surname: BOA VISTA
Domingos Pinto Boa Vista & Izabel Joanna Rodrigues
b. probably b. around 1780
Father of Gertrudes Isabel Rodrigues (b. 1804, d. 3/9/1897) *****
1897 -- daLObits1890-1901 - 14/12, On 3/9/1897, Gertrudes Isabel Rodrigues died at 93y, (widow of Andre Antonio da Silva)
(d/o Domingos Pinto Boa Vista & Izabel Joanna Rodrigues).
========================================================================== Surname: de BRITO
Amelia Maria de Brito
(b. 1860, d. 12/16/1899) - Daughter of Diamantina Lelis -- Mother of Francisco (b. 12/12/1899, d. 12/18/1899) *****
1899 -- doRObits1898-1900 - Obits Boa Vista tab, 54/204 - On 12/16/1899, Amelia Maria de Brito died at 29y, of BOA VISTA (d/o Diamantina Lelis). Two days later, on 12/18/1899 (55/207) her infant child Francisco died at 6 days old. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Camillo da Cruz da Silva de Brito
1859 -- doRBaps1852-64 - 121/ - On 7/18/1859, Eugenia was bap, b 8/15/58, d/o Joao Antonio Lopes de Almeida & Maria de Freitas de Almeida, gods - Camilio da Cruz Silva Brito of BOA VISTA (x) & Pedro de Freitas Machado of Sao Nicolau. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Francisco Lourenco de Brito -
(b, d, 5.6.1860) ***** was it 1850 or 1860?
1850 -- doRObits1855-65 - 50/- On 5/1/1860, Francisco Lourenco de B:rito of BOA VISTA died.
1860 -- doRObits1855-65 - 50/- On 5/6/1860, Francisco Lourenco de Brito of BOA VISTA died. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Justinio Rosario de Brito
1889 -- doRMats1883-89 - 105/14 - On 5/30/1889, Romualdo Antonio Ramos, 26y (s/o Antonio Romualdo da Luz & Anna Soares da Luz) md Gertrudes Maria de Brito, 24y, (d/o Joao Antonio de Brito & Maria do Rozario Silva), w - Theophilo Jose Dias de Pina & Justiniano ?Rozario de Brito of BOA VISTA. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------The family of Margarida Ramos de Brito of BOA VISTA & Theodoro Antonio Antunes
Parents of:
(1) Antonio Theodoro Antunes (b. d. 8/21/1857)
(2) Eugenia Margarida de Brito (b. 3/20/1865, d. ) *******
1855 -- doRObits1855-65 - 25/- On 8/21/1857, Antonio died, s/o Theodoro Antonio Antunes & Margarida Ramos de Brito of BOA VISTA (x).
1857 -- doRObits_____ 25/- On 8/21/1857, Antonio died at __, s/o Theodoro Antonio Antunes & Margarida Ramos de Brito of BOA VISTA
1865 -- doRBaps1864-66 -- 90/48 - On 4/2/1865, Eugenia was bap, b. 3/20/65, d/o Theodoro Antonio Antunes (s/o Miguel Antonio Antunes & Joanna Cosme de Andrade) & Margarida Ramos de Brito ( ) of BOA VISTA (x), (d/o Policarpo Ramos de Brito ( ) & Joanna Dionizio da Cruz), gods - Antonio Manoel Gomes & Eugenia Maria das Neves; ========================================================================== Maria das Dores de Brito
1855 - doRBaps1852-64 -- 51/- On 6/3/1855 Maria was bap, b. the 18th but not sure of which month, d/o Maria das Dores de Brito of BOA VISTA (x). ========================================================================== Maria do Livramento de Brito -
b 1855, d. 5/1/1898 --
Daughter of Maria Livramento *****
1898 -- doRObits1898-1900BV tab 17/73 - On 5/1/1898, Maria Livramento de Brito, died at 43y, single, of BOA VISTA (d/o Maria do Livramento) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Miguel Serafim de Brito
1858 -- doRObits1855-65 - 35/- On 6/6/1858, Francisca Maria de Brito died, no age given, w/o Miguel Serafim de Brito of BOA VISTA. I AM NOT SURE IF IT IS HE OR HIS WIFE OR BOTH WHO ARE FROM BV ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
The family of Rosa Francisca de Brito & Manoel Francisco Ramos
b, 1819. d. 11/29/1898 ---
1898 -- doRObits1898-1900-BV tab 41/184, On 11/29/1898, Rosa Francisca de Brito
died at 79y, of BOA VISTA, w/o Manoel Francisco Ramos, d/o pais
========================================================================= Surname: CARMO
Maria do Carmo of BOA VISTA
b. - Daughter of Joao Roque & Antonia Barbara Roque -
1876 -- doRObits1874-76 - BV tab - 45/53 - On 9/6/1876, Maria do Carmo of BOA VISTA died, single, no age given, (d/o Joao Roque & Antonia Barbara Roque). ==========================================================================
========================================================================== Surname: CONCEICAO
Dorotheia Domingas da Conceicao
1893 -- doRObits1890-93 -- 107?42 - On 4/12/1893, Maria Dorotheia da Conceicao died at 35y, of BOA VISTA, d/o Dorotheia Domingas da Conceicao. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------The family of Joanna of BOA VISTA & Antonio Francisco da Conceicao
1900 -- doRObits1890- 1901 - 136/22 - Feliscencio Antonio da Conceicao died on 6/23/1900 at 80y, of Furado de Fanja, (widower of Maria Joaquina dos Reis), s/o Antonio Francisco da Conceicao & Joanna of BOA VISTA (x) -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Maria Dorotheia da Conceicao
1893 -- doRObits1890-93 -- 107?42 - On 4/12/1893, Maria Dorotheia da Conceicao died at 35y, of BOA VISTA, d/o Dorotheia Domingas da Conceicao. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Maria Rosa da Conceicao
1869 -- doRBaps1866-74 - 205/31 - On 2/8/1869, Jose, was bap, b. _____ s/o Maria Rosa da Conceicao (x) (d/o Rosa Maria da Conceicao (x) , gods - Nicolau Venancio da Rosa & Antonia Gertrudes de Brito ( ); ========================================================================= The family of Maria Theresa da Conceicao & Modesto Fortes Ramos
1896 -- doRObits1876-96 - 435/3 - On 1/6/1896, Maria Theresa da Conceicao of BOA VISTA died at 86, (widow of Modesto Fortes Ramos), parents unknown. =========================================================================== Rosa Maria da Conceicao
1869 -- doRBaps1866-74 - 205/31 - On 2/8/1869, Jose, was bap, b. _____ s/o Maria Rosa da Conceicao (x) (d/o Rosa Maria da Conceicao (x) , gods - Nicolau Venancio da Rosa & Antonia Gertrudes de Brito ( ); =========================================================================== Surname: COSTA
Clemente Antonia Costa b. 1844, d. 5/21/1874 *****
1874 -- doRObits1874-86 - 6/21 - On 5/21/1874, Clemente Antonio Costa died at 30y, of BOA VISTA, single. The priest did not know the parents names. Mr. Costa was not given last rites as he did not ask for them. Note that after his record there is a very long & unusual note by the priest which mentions a Francisco Raphael Silva. (Then Francisco Raphael Silva shows up in the very next record as well). I was not able to translate this note effectively & thus I will be silent on the issue but RoWad thankfully helped with the translation.
Maria Roza Ferreira da Costa
(Dona) Maria das Dores da Costa
Isabel da Costa / da Cruz Silva
Maximiliano Jose da Costa BOA VISTA -
1900 -- doLivramentoMats1897-1900 - 12/1 - On 2/17/1900, Maximiliano Jose da Costa, 22y (s/o Vinsensio Jose da Costa of Portugal & (Dona) Maria das Dores Anna Costa) md Maria Roza Ferreira, 22y (d/o Joaquim Ferreira Jr. & Maria Roza), w - __________________.
=========================================================================== Surname: COTTO
Manoel Moraes Cotto
1891 -- SVdaLuzMats1891 - 7/8, On 5/2/1891, Antonio Manoel Caetano, 24, trabalhador, of SANTO ANTAO das Pombas, (s/o Manoel Antonio Caetano & Antonia Maria Assencao) md Prisca Theresa da Graca, 21, of Sao Nicolau NS doR (d/o Theresa Prisca da Graca), w - Manoel Moraes Cotto, single, of BOA VISTA, Carlos Rufino dos
Santos, single of SANTO ANTAO, & Joaquim Joao Goncalves, single,
carpenter, of SAO VICENTE.
=========================================================================== Surname: CRUZ
The family of Antonia Clara da Cruz of BOA VISTA & Remigio Soares (? da Graca)-
Remigio was b. probably around 1840 or before & Antonia was b. probably around or before Remigio was the son of & Antonia was the daughter of They were married on
Parents of:
(1) Clara Antonia (b. d. 10/5/1855) *****
1855 -- doRObits1855-65 - 11/- On 10/5/1855, Clara died at age ______ f/d Remigio Soares (? da Graca?) & Antonia Clara da Cruz of BOA VISTA. 1855 -- doRBaps1852-64 - 11/- On 10/5/1855, Clara died at _____ y, f/d Remigio Soars da Graca? & Antonia Clara da Cruz. (check Remigio's surname again), of BOA VISTA.
1858 -- doRBaps1852-64 - 87/- On 1/24/1858, Maria was bap., b. 1/12/58, d/o (priest first writes Regidio then he says "digo" Regimidio) Soares da Graca & Antonia Clara da
Cruz of BOA VISTA (x), gods - Agostinho Soares Ramos & Maria
Antonia Ramos.
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Antonia Joanna da Cruz
1898 -- doRObits1898-1900 36/155, On 10/22/1898, Eulalia Antonia da Cruz died at 18y, d/o Antonia Joanna da Cruz of BOA VISTA & also see on the next day at 36/157 - On 10/23/1898, Maria Antonia da Cruz died at 15y, d/o Antonia Joanna da Cruz. =========================================================================== Antonio Fortes da Cruz
_____ -- daLObits 1871-76 - 26/15 - On edit for date, Antonio Fortes da Cruz (x) died at 48 y "mais o menos", of BOA VISTA (x). -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Eufemia da Cruz of BOA VISTA & Serafim Nazario of BOA VISTA
1857 -- doRObits1855-65 -- On 7/22/1857, Serafim Nazario died, no
age given h/o Eufemia da Cruz, both he & his wife were from
VISTA (x),
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Eufemia da Cruz
1859 -- doRBaps1852-64 - 121/- On 7/10/1859, Thereza was bap, b. 7/1/59, d/o Eufemia da Cruz of BOA VISTA (x) , gods - Antonio Domingos Gomes & Theresa da Graca Spencer; ========================================================================= Eufemia da Cruz
1891 -- Sao Vicente da Luz Mats 1891 - 10/14 - On 11/28/1891, Aniceto Serafim de Brito md Rufina Eufemia da Cruz (d/o Eufemia da Cruz of BOA VISTA (x). -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Eulalia Antonia da Cruz-
b 1880, d. 10/22/1898 at 18y --- See the family of Antonia Joanna da Cruz --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Margarida da Cruz & Victor Juliana
Sal - das Dores - Mats1863-73 - 12/ - On 1/18/1877, Victor Julianna, 36, mercenario md Margarida da Cruz of BOA VISTA (x) - Sao Roque, she was a mercenaria. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Pedro Antonio da Cruz
1859 -- doRBaps1852-64 - 119/- On 6/121859, Jose was bap, b 5/31/59, s/o Rosa Cecelia Fortes, gods - Pedro Antonio da Cruz of BOA VISTA (x) & Antonia Roza Araujo of SN, also mentioned is Ignacia da Rocha of BOA VISTA (x) & Jose Manoel Soares da Luz & Jose Fernandes de Andrade; -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Remigio Elias da Cruz of BOA VISTA
b. in 1803, d. 1/9/1879 at 76y. *****
1879 -- daLObits1874-89 58/2, Remigio Elias da Cruz died on 1/9/1879 at 76y, single, of BOA VISTA =======================================================================
=========================================================================== Surname: DELGADO
Barbara Maria Delgado & Francisco Antonio Soares of BOA VISTA See the family of Francisco Antonio Soares ========================================================================== Surname: das DORES
Jesuina Maria das Dores
1871 -- doRBaps1866-74 -- 323/28 - On 2/2/1871, Rosa was bap, b. 1/18/71, d/o Jesuina Maria das Dores of BOA VISTA (x) , d/o Maria das Dores, gods - Justiniano Miguel da Cruz, single & Maria Narcisa, single. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Maria das Dores
1871 -- doRBaps1866-74 -- 323/28 - On 2/2/1871, Rosa was bap, b. 1/18/71, d/o Jesuina Maria das Dores of BOA VISTA (x) , d/o Maria das Dores, gods - Justiniano Miguel da Cruz, single & Maria Narcisa, single. ========================================================================== Surname: DUARTE
Maria Narcisa Duarte
1897 -- doRObits1890-93 - 74/38 - On 3/27/1897, Maria Narcisa Duarte died at 40 y, of BOA VISTA (x), (d/o Serafim Nicolau Duarte & Narcisa Pires).
The family of Narcisa Pires Duarte & Serafim Nicolau Duarte - Boa Vista See the family of Serafim Nicolau Duarte & Narcisa Pires Duarte.
Serafim Nicolau Duarte & Narcisa Pires Duarte
1897 -- doRObits1890-93 - 74/38 - On 3/27/1897, Maria Narcisa Duarte died at 40 y, of BOA VISTA (x), (d/o Serafim Nicolau Duarte & Narcisa Pires). -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Rosa
Jacintha Duarte
may or may not have been from Boa Vista but she was married to a
who was named ANDRE BOAVISTA. She died at age 80 in November 1874,
Manoel Jose Duarte da Conceicao & two wives - (1) Maria Andreza Fortes da Cruz & (2) Maria da Cruz Boa Vista
THIS IS MY FAMILY See post for "The various Rosa Maria da Cruz". *****
1874 -- daLMats what volume? 30/56 - (& 255/56) On 6/10/1874, Julio
was bap., b. 3/10/75, of Covoada, s/o Antonio Manoel Duarte da
Conceico & Maria da Cruz Boa Vista) THESE ARE MY THIRD GREAT
GRANDPARENTS) & Guiomar Roza da Piedade (d/o Roza da Piedade), gods -
Julio Bento de Oliveira & Maria Roza da Cruz. Note - ROSA da CRUZ #1 is my 2nd gg Rosa da Cruz #2's half sister
1875 -- daLBaps1875-95 -23/40 - On 4/25/1875, Josefa was bap, b. 3/28/75, of Covoada d/o Jose Manoel Duarte, (s/o Manoel Duarte da Conceicao & Maria da Cruz Boa Vista) & Julia Anna do Rosario, (d/o Antonio Manoel Ribeiro & Anna Domingos do Rosario), gods - Antonio Jose da Silva & Josefa Roza Lopes. (249/40) ===========================================================================
=========================================================================== Surname: EVORA
The family of Andreza Maria Evora & Constantino da Graca
157/91 - On 5/31/1868, Jose was bap, b. 5/4/68, s/o Bebiana da Graca (d/o Constantino da Graca & Andreza Maria Evora of BOA VISTA (x), gods - Jose Joao do Rosario & Eugenia Enriqueta Dias;
========================================================================== Bebiana Evora/ Bebiana Fortes de Evora -
1865 -- doRObits - 99/ - 12/8/1865, Joao died at 6y, s/o Bebiana Evora. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Justinia Fortes de Evora
The family of Justinia Fortes Evora & Matheus Jose Evora
BOA VISTA / Sao Nicolau - *****
1891 -- doRObits 1890 - 44/19 On 2/3/1891, Justinia Fortes Evora died, looks
like she had some association w/ Boa Vista, w/o Matheus Jose Evora.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Luis Joaquim Evora of BOA VISTA & Ignez Juliana
1894 -- doRObits1876-96 - 365/7 - On 1/19/1894, Luiz Joaquim Evora died at 78y, of BOA VISTA, (widower of Ignez Juliana), s/o Joaquim Joao Paula of BOA VISTA & Rita Tinhara Evora Paula; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Maria Olympia de Brito Evora & Francisco dos Santos Delgado of BOA VISTA ---
b 1853
Daughter of Olimpia de Oliveira *****
1888 -- doRMats1883-89 - 101/33, On 8/23/1888, Francisco dos Santos Delgado 27y, md Maria de Brito Evora, 35y, of BOA VISTA (d/o Olimpia de
Oliveira), w - __________________________.
-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Maximiano da Cruz Evora - See my EVORA section - but he married Maria do Rosario Moraes & they had two children (1) Miguel who md Catharina Maria da Cruz (my 2nd great grandmother's sister) & they had a child, Julia b. 8/21/1878 AND (2) Josefa de Moraes Evora who
md Marcos Pascoal & they had a chikld Narcisa/Julia b. 10/5/1877.
Theophilo Fortes Evora & Joanna Fortes Alves
b 1827 ---
1897 -- daLObits1890-1901 - 55/3 - On 1/11/1897, Theophilo Fortes Evora,
died at 70y, of BOA VISTA, h/o Joanna Fortes Alves, s/o pais
incognitos ===========================================================================
=========================================================================== Surname: FERNANDES
Anna Maria Fernandes & Candido Evora
1889 -- doRBaps1882-1892 - On 8/4/1889, Olimpia was bap b. 3/16/89, d/o Iria Candido Evora, (d/o Candido Evora & Anna Maria Fernandes of BOA VISTA (x), gods - Antonio Luiz de Almeida & Olimpia Soares da Luz. ==========================================================================
=========================================================================== Surname: FORTES AND FORTES-EVORA
Gertrudes Francisca Fortes
1895 -- doRObits1876-96 - 399/15 - On 2/25/1895, Maria Gertrudes Fortes of BOA VISTA died at 47y, d/o Gertrudes Francisca Fortes. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Maria Gertrudes Fortes
1895 -- doRObits1876-96 - 399/15 - On 2/25/1895, Maria Gertrudes Fortes of BOA VISTA died at 47y, d/o Gertrudes Francisca Fortes. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Maria da Luz Fortes -
b. probably before 1840 (as both of (or two of) her children died in 1857) *****
1857 -- doRObits1855-65 - 24/- On 5/17/1857, Maria Paxiba died, d/o Maria da Luz Fortes (also see Antonio Lopes) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ========================================================================== The family of Theophilo Fortes Evora & Joanna Maria Fortes Alves
Parents of -
(1) Hipolito (b. 11/18/1862
1862 -- doRBaps1852-64 - 174/- On 12/23/1862, Hipolito was bap, b. 11/18/62, s/o Theofilo Fortes Evora (x) & Joanna Maria Fortes Alves; gods - Antonio Joao da Cruz & Josefa Theresa da Cruz of BOA VISTA (x);
1897 - daLObits 1897 - 55/3 - Theophilo Fortes Evora died on 1/11/1897 at 70y, b. 1827, of BOA VISTA (x), h/o Joanna Fortes Alves, paes incognitos ========================================================================== Surname: GOMESManoel Lourenco Gomes - b. d. 6/18/1898 *****
1898 -- doRObits1898-1900 - BV tab - 21/89, Manoel Lourenco Gomes died on 6/18/1898 at 48y, of BOA VISTA, single, pais incognitos. ==========================================================================
============================================================================ Surname: da GRACA
Andreza da Graca
1892 - doRObits1890-93 81/66 - On 7/6/1892, Bebiana Maria da Graca (of BOA VISTA (x)) died at 64y, (d/o Andreza da Graca (d)). ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Bebianna Maria da Graca
1892 - doRObits1890-93 81/66 - On 7/6/1892, Bebiana Maria da Graca (of BOA VISTA (x)) died at 64y, (d/o Andreza da Graca (d)). ======================================================================== Joaquina Soares da Graca of BOA VISTA
1896 -- doRObits1876-96 - On ____, 1896, Joaquina Soares da Graca of BOA VISTA died at 82y, wife of Miguel Antonio Ramos, d/o Vital Soares & Apolonia Soares. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The family of Maria das Dores da Graca of BOA VISTA & Manoel Antonio
1864 -- doRBaps1855-65 - 90/- On 6/12/1864, Manoel Antonio died at ____ h/o Maria das Dores da Graca, s/o Romualdo da Rocha & Antonia Fortes de Barros (Look for Manoel Antonio da Rocha to see if it might be the same person) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ The family of Maria das Dores da Graca of BOA VISTA & Lourenco Manoel Rocha
1857 -- doRObits_____ 31/ On 12/22/1857, Lourenco Manoel Rocha died at _____, h/o Maria das Dores da Graca of BOA VISTA. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The family of Maria Felippa da Graca of BOA VISTA & Simao da Rocha
1866 -- doRObits1865-73 - 29/109 - On 11/3/1866, Izabel Maria da Graca died at 25y, d/o Simao da Rocha & Maria Felippa da Graca of BOA VISTA ==========================================================================
The family of Remigio Soares da Graca & Antonia Cara da Conceicao
1855 -- doRBaps1852-64 - 11/- On 10/5/1855, Clara died at _____ y, f/d Remigio Soars da Graca? & Antonia Clara da Cruz. (check Remigio's surname again), of BOA VISTA.
========================================================================== IGNACIA
The family of Maria Rosa Ignacia of BOA VISTA & Joao da Motta of BOA VISTA
1856 -- doRObits1855-65 - 13/- On 4/15/1856, Joao da Motta of BOA VISTA died at 34y, h/o Maria Rosa Ignacia of BOA VISTA ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- de JESUS
Hermelinda de Jesus
1857 -- doRBaps1852-64 - p. ______ On 12/20/1857, Angelina was bap, b. LIBERTA d/o Ignacia serva de Jose Antonio Dias de Pina, gods - Manoel ? Ramos & Hermelinda Maria de Jesus (either one or both were from BOA VISTA (x) ; -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------The family of Maria Theresa de Jesus of BOA VISTA & Modesto Gonsalves Ramos of BOA VISTA
1857 -- doRObits_____ -- 25/- On 8/27/1857, Modesto Gonsalves Ramos of BOA VISTA died at ___, h/o Maria Theresa de Jesus of BOA VISTA. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
=========================================================================== Surname: JOANNA
Jose Joanna of BOA VISTA
b 1823 d. 7/8/1883 *****
1883 -- doRObits1874-86 BV tab -39;54- On 7/8/1883, Jose Joanna
died at 60y, single, of BOA VISTA
The family of Maria Joanna of BOA VISTA & Antonio Manoel da Conceicao
Mother of Francisco Antonio da Conceicao (b. 1834 - d. 12/30/1899 *****
1899 -- doRObits1898-1900 -- 9/219, On 12/30/1899, Francisco Antonio da Conceicao died at 65y, s/o Antonio Manoel da Conceicao (d) & Maria Joanna of BOA VISTA (d). ==========================================================================
======================================================================== Surname: JULIA
Maria Julia of BOA VISTA *****
1865 -- doRObits1865-73 - 6/- On 10/2/1865, Nicolau died at 4y, s/o Maria Julia of BOA VISTA =========================================================================== Surname: do Livramento
Maria Rosa do Livramento
1853 -- doRBaps1852-64 -- On 12/7/1853, Maria Rosa do Livramento - this is a JUSTIFICATION that she was bap in BOA VISTA (x) on 4/2/1835, d/o Rosa Maria do Livramento, gods - Jeronimo Lopes Benthino & Maria Cazamira; ========================================================================== Surname: LOPES
Antonio Lopes -
b. probably around or before
Son of Maria da Luz Fortes *****
1867 -- doRObits1855-65 - 24/ - On 5/17/1857 Antonio Lopes of BOA VISTA died, at _____ s/o Maria da Luz Fortes of BOA VISTA (also see the entry at Maria Paxiba) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The family of Antonio Roberto Lopes of BOA VISTA & Rosa Francisca Gomes
b probably around 1830 ---
Son of Roberto Antonio Lopes & Clara Fortes Fernandes *****
1858 -- daLMats1846-66 - 33/ - On 8/5/1858, Antonio Roberto Lopes of BOA VISTA, (s/o Roberto
Antonio Lopes & Clara Fortes Fernandes) md Roza Francisca Gomes,
(widow of Claudio Manoel de Almeida), w - Felippe Mathias
Duarte & Candido Joao do Rosario.
Eugenia Maria Lopes of BOA VISTA
1893 - doRObits1890-93 -- 106/39 - On 4/2/1893, Francisco died at 3 mos, s/o Eugenia Maria Lopes of BOA VISTA. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Faustino Antonio Lopes of BOA VISTA
1857 -- doRObits1855-65 - 24/- On 5/15/1857, Faustino Antonio Lopes of BOA VISTA died, no age given =========================================================================== Surname: LOPES da SILVA
1864 -- doRObits1855-65 - 89/- On 5/20/1864, Manoel of BOA VISTA died at 70y, LIBERTO of Miguel Lopes da Silva. =========================================================================== MANOEL as a firat name
MANOEL - b. probably 1784 --
1864 -- doRObits1855-65 89/- On 5/20/1864, Manoel, 70y, LIBERTO de Miguel Lopes da Silva, died. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ MANOEL as a last name ===========================================================================
========================================================================== Surname: MARIA
Anna Maria of BOA VISTA -
1863 -- doRObits1855-65 - 80/ - On 1/10/1863, an infant died, child of Anna Maria of BOA VISTA. ========================================================================== Lourenco Jose Maria & Francisca Pinheiro
1872 -- doRMats1871-1884 - 39/36 - On 12/28/1872, Manoel Francisco Ramos (widower of Maria Antonia do Rosario) md Rosa Maria of BOA VISTA (d/o Lourenco Jose Maria & Francisca Pinheiro) ========================================================================== Manoel da Cruz Maria
1888 -- doRObits1883-90 - 117/62 - On 9/9/1888, Manoel da Cruz Maria died at 60y, he was from Boa Vista (x). ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Rosa Maria & Manoel Francisco Ramos
872 -- doRMats1871-1884 - 39/36 - On 12/28/1872, Manoel Francisco Ramos (widower of Maria Antonia do Rosario) md Rosa Maria
of BOA VISTA (d/o Lourenco Jose Maria & Francisca Pinheiro)
=========================================================================== Surname: MODESTO
The family of Modesto Goncalves Ramos & Maria Theresa de Jesus *****
1857 -- doRObits1855-65 - 25/- On 8/27/57, Modesto Gonsalves Ramos died, h/o Maria Theresa de Jesus. ===========================================================================
=========================================================================== MONTEIRO
The family of Candida da Luz Monteiro & Francisco Fernandes de Azevedo *****
1855 -- doRBaps1852-64 - 58/- On 12/2/1855, Maria was
bap, b. 11/4/55, d/o Francisco Fernandes de Azevedo & Candida da
Luz Monteiro of BOA VISTA (x), gods - Diogo Isidorio da Silva & Maria
Clara de Almeida, widow of (not named). 1855 -- doRBaps1852-64 - On 12/6 - Maria was bap., b. 11/4/55, d/o Francisca Fernandes de Azevedo & Candida da Luz Monteiro - both of BOA VISTA (x) , gods - Diogo Isidoro da Silva & Maria Clara de Almeida, (widow but husband not named); WAS IT 12/2 OR 12/6?
========================================================================== Jacinta Monteiro - See entry at Bento Ramos
The family of Jacob da Cruz Monteiro of BOA VISTA & Maria das Neves da Cruz
1894 -- doRObits1876-96 - 364/4 - On 1/9/1893, Jacob da Cruz Monteiro of BOA VISTA (x) died at 76y, h/o Maria das Neves da Cruz, s/o Jose Antonio da Cruz & Maria Fortes Monteiro; ============================================================ The family of Rita Monteiro of BOA VISTA & Anselmo de Barros
b. probably around or before 1822
Mother of Mauricio de Barros (b. 1839 d. 10/18/1865) *****
1865 -- doRObits1865-73 - 6/- On 10/18/1865, Mauricio de Barros died at 26, s/o Anselmo de Barros & Rita Monteiro of Sao Joao, BOA VISTA. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
The family of Victor Joaquim Monteiro & Antonia Maria do Rosario
b ---
Father of
Julio (b. 1891, d. 12/27/1899) *****
1899 -- doRObits1898-1900 58/216, On 12/27/1899, his son Julio died at 8y, his wife was Antonia Maria do Rosario ===========================================================================
=========================================================================== Surname: MORAES
Domingos Monteiro Moraes
1859 -- doRBaps1852-64 -- On 4/23/1859, Joze was bap, b. 4/10/59, s/o Domingas Monteiro de Moraes of BOA VISTA (x), gods - Pedroso Fermino Olimpio (x) & Maria do
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The family of Miguel da Cruz Moraes & (1) Catharina Maria da Cruz & (2) Serafina Maria de Brito
what year? daLMats1874-96 125/2 - On 5/26, Miguel da Cruz Moraes, 46y, (widower of Catharina Maria da Cruz) md Serafina Maria de Brito, ( ) 41y, single, operaia, (d/o Joaquim Domingos Santiago & Maria Francisca de
Brito ( )). The groom was from St. John the Baptist Parish in BOA
VISTA & he was b. in 1841. THIS IS MY FAMILY - The deceased 1st
wife is
my family - she was my 2nd great-grandmother's sister; EDIT
for witnesses. ========================================================================== The family of Pedro Antonio de Moraes & Rosa Ignacia Moraes of BOA VISTA
Pedro was b. probably before 1810 --- Rosa was b. 1813 & died 10/21/1874 at 61y *****
1874 -- doRObits1874-86 (BV tab) - 11/45 - 10/21/1874, Rosa Ignacia Moraes of BOA VISTA died at 61y, widow of Pedro Antonio de Moraes. =========================================================================
========================================================================== MOTTA
The family of Joao da Motta of BOA VISTA & Maria Rosa Ignacia of BOA VISTA
b. 1822 --- ****
1856 -- doRObits1855-65 - 13/- On 4/15/1856, Joao da Motta of BOA VISTA died at 34y, h/o Maria Rosa Ignacia. ===========================================================================
=========================================================================== Surname: NASCIMENTO
Maria do Nascimento of BOA VISTA
b. in BOA VISTA probably around
Daughter of Faustino da Graca & ? Andreza Maria *****
1864 -- doRObits1855-65 - 91/- On 7/14/1864, Maria do Nascimento of BOA VISTA died at _____, d/o Faustino da Graca & ? _____________Andreza Maria. ===========================================================================
=========================================================================== Surname: NAZARIO
The family of Serafim Nazario of BOA VISTA & Eufemia da Cruz of BOA VISTA
1857 -- doRObits1855-65 -- On 7/22/1857, Serafim Nazario died, no
age given h/o Eufemia da Cruz, both he & his wife were from BOA
VISTA (x), ==========================================================================
Olimpia de Oliveira -
b probably around 1840 ---
Mother of Maria de Brito Evora (b. 1853) *****
1888 -- doRMats1883-89 - 101/33, On 8/23/1888, Francisco dos Santos Delgado 27y md Maria de Brito Evora, 35y, of BOA VISTA, d/o Olimpia de Oliveira (x). ========================================================================== PATI
Domingos da Silva Pati
1902 -- doRObits1902 -- 8/162 - On November/terceiro/1902, Domingas da Silva Pati died at 71y, of BOA VISTA (x), d/o Joanna Maria Vieira; ========================================================================== Surname: PAULA
Joaquim Joao Paula
1894 -- doRObits1876-96 - 365/7 - On 1/19/1894, Luiz Joaquim Evora died
at 78y, of BOA VISTA, (widower of Ignez Juliana), s/o Joaquim Joao
Paula of BOA VISTA & Rita Tinhara Evora Paula;
-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Surname: (unusual name) PAXIBA
Maria Paxiba of BOA VISTA
b. probably --- Daughter of Maria da Luz Fortes *****
1857 -- doRObits1855-65 - 24/- On 5/17/1857, Maria Paxiba of BOA VISTA died at _____ y, d/o Maria da Luz Fortes (also see Antonio Lopes) ==========================================================================
========================================================================== Surname: PEDRO
Rosa Maria Pedro -
b. probably around ---
Daughter of Maria Pedro *****
1858 -- doRObits1855-65 - 37/- On 7/3/1858, Rosa Maria Pedro of BOA VISTA died, d/o Maria Pedro. ========================================================================== Surname: PINA
The family of Pedro Feliciano de Pina of BOA VISTA & Joaquina Maria Ramos
1896 -- doRObitsd1876-1896 - 410/38 - On 4/26/1895, Pedro Feliciano de Pina of BOA VISTA (widower of Joaquim Maria Ramos), s/o Feliciano de Pina & Antonia Juliana da Natividade. ==========================================================================
-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Surname: PINTO
Domingos Pinto
1897 -- daLapaObits1890-1901 - 24/12 - Gertrudes Isabel Rodrigues died on 3/9/1897, at 93y, (widow of Andre Antonio da Silva), d/o Domingos Pinto (x) of BOA VISTA & Isabel Joanna Rodrigues; ========================================================================= Pinto, Eugenia BOA VISTA b. 10/28/1888 -
Daughter of Jose Alexandre Pinto & Maria do Coracao Duarte Pinto ---
1888 -- SVda Luz (Baps 1893-97 (this certificate was graciously translated by RoWad). Eugenia was b. 10/28/1888 & bap on 9/2/1892. Daughter of Jose Alexandre Pinto (Jr) of Boa Vista (s/o Jose Alexandre Pinto (Sr) & Eugenia de Sousa Pinto) & Maria do Coracao Duarte Pinto, from do Rosario, Sao Nicolau (d/o Nicolau Antonio Duarte & Maria Narcisa Castro), gods - Teofilo Duarte from Sao Nicolau & Eugenia de Sousa Pinto).
Pinto, Eugenia de Souza Pinto Sao Nicolau - b. Wife of Jose Alexandre Pinto, Sr. --- *** There are two records for this marriage -- Sao Nicolau Marriages - 17/4 - On 5/8/1886, Jose Alexandre Pinto (Jr) married Maria do Coracao Duarte
Sao Nicolau - da Lapa Mats1882 - 1889 -
62/4 - On 5/8/1886, Jose Alexandre Pinto, Jr., 28y, from Boa Vista -
interim director of Alfandega (s/o Jose Alexandre Pinto (Sr) &
(Dona) Eugenia de Souza Pinto) md Maria do Coracao Duarte, 30y, (d/o Nicolau Antonio Duarte & (Dona) Maria Narcisa Duarte), w - Jose Antonio de Carvalho, widow & Joe Fernandes Henriques Morris, md.
Eugenia de Sousa Pinto - also see Eugenia de Sousa Pinto - Boa Vista - b. before 1872 - Godmother of the bap child - Eugenia -- (Note: This name was both the paternal grandmother of the child Eugenia who was baptized AND the godmother) -
1888 -- daLuzBaps1893-97) (this certificate was graciously translated by RoWad). Eugenia was b. 10/28/1888 & bap on 9/2/1892. Daughter of Jose Alexandre Pinto of Boa Vista (s/o Jose Alexandre Pinto & Eugenia de Sousa Pinto) & Maria do Coracao Duarte Pinto (of do Rosario, Sao Nicolau (d/o Nicolau Antonio Duarte & Maria Narcisa Castro), gods - Teofilo Duarte from Sao Nicolau & Eugenia de Sousa Pinto). -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
========================================================================== Maria Rosa das Prazeres
BOA VISTA --- Godmother of Antonio - da Luz Sao Vicente BaPs 1893-97 (this certificate was graciously translated by RoWad). Antonio was b. on 12/4/1878 & bap on 3/15/1877? s/o Jose Manuel de Andrade (of NS do Rosario, Sao Nicolau)(s/o Manuel Custodio de Andrade & Antonia Lopes da Palina) & Maria Alves de Andrade (of Mindelo, Sao Vicente), (d/o Luis Antonio Alves & Ana Maria do Rosario Alves), gods - Joao da Silva Brito & Maria Rosa dos Prazeres. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------***********************************************************************************
Surname: RAMOS
The family of Bento Ramos & Jacinta Monteiro of BOA VISTA
Bento was b. probably around or before ..... Jacinta was b. 1775 in BOA VISTA , d. 10/12/65 at 90y, in Sao Nicolau *****
1865 -- doRObits1865-73 - 6/- On 10/12/1865, Jacinta Monteiro died at 90y, (widow of Bento Ramos of BOA VISTA). ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Eufemia Maria Ramos
b --- Daughter of Joaquim Gomes Ramos & Maria Ramos *****
1876 -- doRObits1874-76 - BV tab - On 9/6/1876, Eugenia died at 17 days, d/o Eufemia Ramos of BV. =========================================================================== Gertrudes Emidio Ramos
1854 - doRBaps1852-64 -- 43/- On 12/17/1854, Antonia was bap., b. 11/29/54, d/o Gertrudes Emidio Ramos of BOA VISTA (x), gods - Joao Manoel da Luz & ?Antonina Soares da Luz; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
The family of Gertrudes Fortes Ramos & Antonio Fortes Andrade --
Mother of Maria Gertrudes Ramos (b. 1880, d. 1/5/1900) *****
1900 -- doRObits1898-1900 62/4, On 1/5/1900, Maria Gertrudes Ramos died at 20y, d/o Antonio Fortes Andrade & Gertrudes Fortes Ramos ========================================================================== JULIA SOARES RAMOS - w/o Jose Pinto dos Santos of Rio Grande, BRAZIL
I meander - and recently this has led me to work on A to L dos Santos & 1855 - 1865 deaths at the same time. I consult - and since around 2017 I have often consulted with Rosario on certain confusing info that I have found. Today these two things (meandering & consulting) came together to provide an interesting "thumbnail" regarding the lives of two middle 1800's Sao Nicolau residents. I wrote to Rosario (on our CV DNA page) & I said that I had found a death certificate that was somewhat unusual - that while I understood the basics of the record, the priest had seemed to provide much more information than usual. She responded. But first let us look at what I had done on my own -- before today -- so that you can see how collaboration adds value.
I had a 9/1856 record - page 38 in the doRObits1855-1865
volume. Thee record indicated that JULIA SOARES RAMOS of Boa Vista,
had died in 9/56 of CHOLERA, & that she was the wife of Jose Pinto dos
Santos of Rio Grande. No age was given and no other information about
relatives or the number of children that she "left" behind was given.
As of today I had already done research on a # of men named Jose Pinto dos Santos. Go to Jose Pinto dos Santos in the Santos section =========================================================================== Modesto Gonsalves Ramos of BOA VISTA & Maria Theresa de Jesus of BOA VISTA
1857 -- doRObits_____ -- 25/- On 8/27/1857, Modesto Gonsalves Ramos of BOA VISTA died at ___, h/o Maria Theresa de Jesus of BOA VISTA. ========================================================================== Vicente Fortes Ramos
1859 -- doRBaps1852-64 - On 2/28/1859, Joze was bap, b. _____ s/o Joanna Maria Gomes, gods - Vieira & ______dos Santos, an acknowledgment was supported by Vicente Fortes Ramos of BOA VISTA (x) GO BACK AND CHECK TO SEE WHO THE FATHER WAS AND WHO THE WITNESS FOR THE FATHER WAS =========================================================================== Surname: dos Reis
1876 -- doRObits1874-1886 BV tab: 66/169 - On 12/23/1875 Maria dos Reis of BOA VISTA died at 60y, no relatives are mentioned ========================================================================== Surname: RITA
Joanna Rita
1898 -- doRObits1898-1900BV tab 10/35, On 2/14/1898, Theresa Joanna Rita died at 30y, single, of BOA VISTA, d/o Joanna Rita.
Maria Rita
1897 -- daLObits 1890-91 - 87/146 - On 11/28/1897, Theresa Maria Rita of BOA VISTA died at 28y, d/o Maria Rita.
Theresa Joanna Rita -
b 1868 --- Daughter of Joanna Rita *****
1898 -- doRObits1898-1900 - BV tab 10/35, On 2/14/1898, Theresa Joanna Rita died at 30y, single, of BOA VISTA, d/o Joanna Rita.
Theresa Maria Rita
1897 -- daLObits 1890-91 - 87/146 - On 11/28/1897, Theresa Maria Rita of BOA VISTA died at 28y, d/o Maria Rita. ===========================================================================
=========================================================================== Surname: ROCHA
Ignacia da Rocha
1859 -- doRBaps1852-64 - 119/- On 6/121859, Jose was bap, b 5/31/59, s/o Rosa Cecelia Fortes, gods - Pedro Antonio da Cruz of BOA VISTA (x) & Antonia Roza Araujo of SN, also mentioned is Ignacia da Rocha of BOA VISTA (x) & Jose Manoel Soares da Luz & Jose Fernandes de Andrade; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Lourenco Manoel da Rocha
========================================================================== Manoel Rocha & Maria das Dores da Graca
1857 -- doRObits1855-65 - 31/- On 12/22/1857, Lourenco, infant, of BOA VISTA died, s/o Manoel da Rocha & Maria das Dores da Graca. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Romualdo da Rocha & Antonia Fortes de Barros
b. d. 6/2/1864 ---
Son of Romaldo da Rocha & Antonia Fortes de Barros *****
1864 -- doRObits1855-65 - 90/- On 6/2/1864, Manoel Antonio died, no age given, h/o Maria das Dores da Graca, s/o Romualdo da Rocha & Antonia Fortes de Barros. Was Manoel Antonio actually Manoel Antonio da Rocha? =========================================================================== Severiano Francisco Rocha
1921 -- Immigration for his wife, Carolina: SHIP CANADA - departed from Lisbon 1921 & arrived in Providence, RI on 7/27/1921, (she appears on line 6), her age at the time of immigration was 26, she was 5'2", had $25., was a domestic, her final destination place was New Bedford, Mass; she left behind her father - Luis Fortes Almeida in BOA VISTA, she will join her husband, Severiano Francisco Rocha at 29 L Second Street (it actually says L), New Bedford, she had lived in BOA VISTA. b. 2/23/1892 d. 8/12/1875 - Father of Frank, Mary, Grace, Isabel, & Louis ***** Immigration for his wife, Carolina: SHIP CANADA - departed from Lisbon 1921 & arrived in Providence, RI on 7/27/1921, (she appears on line 6), her age at the time of immigration was 26, she was 5'2", had $25., was a domestic, her final destination place was New Bedford, Mass; she left behind her father - Luis Fortes Almeida in BOA VISTA, she will join her husband, Severiano Francisco Rocha at 29 L Second Street (it actually says L), New Bedford, she had lived in BOA VISTA. =========================================================================== Surname: Roque
Antonia Barbara Roque
1876 -- doRObits1874-76 - BV tab - 45/53 - On 9/6/1876, Maria do Carmo of BOA VISTA died, single, no age given, (d/o Joao Roque & Antonia Barbara Roque).
Joao Roque
1876 -- doRObits1874-76 - BV tab - 45/53 - On 9/6/1876, Maria do Carmo of BOA VISTA died, single, no age given, (d/o Joao Roque & Antonia Barbara Roque). ========================================================================== Surname: do ROSARIO
Anna Maria do Rosario & Luis Antonio Alves
1854 -- doRBaps1852-64 48/- On 3/18/1855, Maria was bap, b. 3/7/55, d/o Luis Antonio Alves & Anna Maria do Rosario of BOA VISTA (x), gods - Thome Jose Monteiro & Maria Fortes do Rosario
1858 -- doRBaps1852-64 - 94/- On 4/20/1858, Thomazina, was bap, b. 12/29/57, d/o Luis Antonio Alves & Anna Maria do Rosario -- of BOA VISTA (x) , gods - Francisco Joaquim Spencer & Maria do Rosario Spencer ; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Francisca Maria do Rosario
1895 -- doRBObits1876-96 -- 400/16 - On 2/25/1895, Pedro died at 3y, s/o Francisca Maria do Rosario of BOA VISTA (x);
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Surname: SANTOS
Manuel Silva dos Santos of Boa Vista b, 5/7/1884
what year? -- Naturalization: Manuel Silva Santos, 25y, Seaman, from Boa Vista, 44 Phillips St. Ship = FLOWER OF CAPE VERDE via Fogo. b. 5/7/1884, single. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Senhorinha Rosa dos Santos
1863 -- doRBaps1852-64 -- 1/11/1863, Pedro was bap, b. ______ s/o Antonio Lopes da Rocha & Senhorina Rosa dos Santos of BOA VISTA (x) gods - Castro & do Rosario ===========================================================================
Surname: da SILVA
Canuto da Graca da Silva of BOA VISTA & Josepha da Silva -
He was b 1820 & he died on 12/7/1897 ---
Son of Rosa da Graca da Silva *****
1897 -- daLObits1890-1901 - 88/151 - On 12/7/1897, Canuto da Graca da Silva died at age 77, trabalhador, (widower of Josepha da Silva), s/o Rosa da Graca da Silva. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Domingas Francisca da Silva
1862 -- doRBaps1852-64 -- On 4/27/1862, Maria was bap, b. 4/13/62, d/o Domingas Francisca da Silva of BOA VISTA (x), gods - Carlos Jose de Oliveira (x) & Maria da Piedade do Livramento; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The family of Isabel da Cruz da Silva of BOA VISTA
1893 -- doRObits1890-93 - 98/14 - On 1/30/1893, Isabel da Cruz da Silva of BOA VISTA died at 76 y, w/o Manoel Pati de Castro, d/o Manoel Costa & Domingas da Cruz. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The family of Jose Paula da Silva - of BOA VISTA *****
1843 -- doRBaps1842-1852 - 19/- On 3/19/1843, Roberto was bap., b. 3/2/43, s/o Rosa serva de Antonio Lopes da Silva -- gods - Jose Paula da Silva of BOA VISTA & Maria Sabina do Rosario, m/d Candido Antunes da Silva. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Josepha da Silva b See the family of Cassito da Graca da Silva ========================================================================== Maria de Jesus da Silva
1856 -- doRBaps1852-64 -- 66/- On 6/15/1856, Elvira was bap, b. 6/7/56, d/o Maria de Jesus Silva of BOA VISTA ( ) , gods - Antonio Spencer & Maria ?Jermina Marques; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Rosa da Graca da Silva See the family of Cassito da Graca da Silva ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Roza Barbara Silva b. 1870 d. 1/26/1900 *****
check to see which one is correct 1890 or 1900? 67/20 - On 1/26/1890, Roza Barbara da Silva died at 30y, of BOA VISTA (x), paes incognitos;
1900 -- doRObits1898-1900 67/20, On 1/26/1900, Roza Barbara Silva died at 30y, paes incognitos ==========================================================================
========================================================================== Surname: SOARES
Antonio Jose Soares of BOA VISTA --- b 1836, d. 10/6/1891 --- See the family of Jose & Barbara Anna Soares
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Barbara Anna Soares - of BOA VISTA -- See the family of Jose & Barbara Anna Soares ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Francisco Antonio Soares of BOA VISTA & Barbara Maria Delgado
Francisco was b 1837 - d. 3/19/1897 *****
1897 -- daLObits1890-1901 - 61/33, On 3/19/1897, Francisco Antonio Soares died at 60y, of BOA VISTA, h/o Barbara Maria Delgado. pais incognitos ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------The family of Jose Soares & Barbara Anna Soares of BOA VISTA
1891 -- doRObits1890-93 - 59/90 - On 10/6/1891, Antonio Jose Soares died at 55y, s/o Jose & Barbara Soares.
1895 -- doRObits1876-96 - 431/101 (check the page number) On 12/27/1895, Barbara Anna Soares of BOA VISTA died at 84, (widow of Jose Soares), pais incognitos. ========================================================================== Maria da Piedade Sousa
Maria da Piedade Sousa BOA VISTA (x) Godmother of Paula Teixeira SV daLuzBaps 1893-97) (translated by RoWad). Paula was b. on 8/4/1880 & bap on 5/22/1881, d/o Sebastiao Antonio Teixeira (? of Sao Nicolau, s/o Antonio Teixeira & Maria Sabado/Sabaido) & Sabina dos Santos (d/o Sabina dos Santos), gods - Fortunato dos Santos Brito (a carpenter) & (Dona) Maria da Piedade Sousa (a teacher). Note: (Dona) is an honorific used as in “senhora”. ========================================================================== Surname or Nickname: TECHETE
Aniceto Vulgo Techete of BOA VISTA
b d. 7/30/1864 *****
1864 -- doRObits1855-65 - 91/- On 7/30/1864, Aniceto Vulgo Techete died, no age is given, widower but no wife is shown. (RW says that "vulgo" means commonly known as --- so she thinks he was "Aniceto commonly known as Techete" ===========================================================================
=========================================================================== Surname: VIEIRA
Anna Maria Vieira of BOA VISTA
1895 -- doRObits1876-96 -- 403/23 - On 3/14/1895, Anna Maria Vieira died at 86y, of BOA VISTA -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Ignacio Vieira of BOA VISTA ---
b 1812, d. 1/22/1877 --- *****
1877 -- daLObits1874-79 - 38/5 - On 1/22/1877, Ignacio Vieira died at 65y, of BOA VISTA. Three children
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