***************************************************************************** Talaia
Antonio Talaia
b. 1891 Son of Miguel Lopes Talaia & Maria Anna Soares *****
1897 - doRObits1890-1901 63/30 - On 4/2/1897, Antonio died at 6y, s/o Miguel Lopes Talaia & Maria Anna Soares
Francisco Lopes Talaia
b. around 1795 Husband of Roza Josepha Ramos --- Father of Pio Lopes Talaia doRObitos1883 - 1890 111/44 - On 5/27/1888, Pio Lopes Talaia died at 70y, h/o Maria Rodrigues da Conceicao, (s/o Francisco Lopes Talaia & Roza Josepha Ramos). Note that I wrote this SOMEWHERE as GOLAIA.
Maria Anna Soares Talaia & Miguel Lopes Talia
Mother of Antonio *****
1897 -- doRObits1890 - 1901 63/30 - On 4/2/1897, Antonio died at 6y (s/o Miguel Lopes Talaia & Maria Anna Soares)
Maria Rodrigues da Conceicao Talaia & Pio Lopes Talaia See the entry at Rodrigues da Conceicao.
Parents of Theophilo Pio Lopes
do R1842-52 - 11/- m/d Pio Lopes Talaia
doRMats1883-89 - 70/18 - On 6/19/1886, Theophilo Pio Lopes, 24, of Faiel (s/o Pio Lopes Talaia & Maria Rodrigues da Conceicao) md Pulcheria Olimpia Araujo, 225y, (d/o Joao Nicolau Ribeiro & Olympia Pulcheria Neves), w - Theophilo Antonio Vieira, single & Francisco Joao Ramos, md.
do RObitos - 1883 - 1890 - 111/44 - On 5/27/1888, Pio Lopes Talaia died at 70y, h/o Maria Rodrigues da Conceicao, (s/o Francisco Lopes Talaia & Roza Josepha Ramos).
Maria Soares Neves Talaia & Miguel Lopes Talaia ---
Mother of Anna Maria Lopes
1891 -- doRObits1890-93 47/37 - Anna Maria Lopes died 4/1891 at 77y, w/o Narcizo Jose Andrade, (d/o Miguel Lopes Talaia & Maria Soares Neves) ====================================================================== MIGUEL
The family of Miguel Lopes Talaia & Maria Anna Soares Neves
Miguel was probably b. around or before 1795 & Maria Anna was probably b. aroiund or before 1795. Miguel was the son of & Maria Anna was the daughter of . They were the parents of Anna Maria Lopes (b. 1814, d. 4/1891) & the in laws of Narcizo Jose Andrade *****
doRBaps1842-52 - 31/- On 8/6/1843, .... Miguel Lopes Talaya.
doRObits1890-93 -47/37 - Anna Maria Lopes died 4/1891 at 71y, w/o Narcizo Jose Andrade, (d/o Miguel Lopes Talaia & Maria Soares Neves).
Another Miguel and Maria ---- Recheck - why are the dates so wildly off??????? doRObits1890-1901 63/30 - On 4/2/1897, Antonio died at 6y (s/o Miguel Lopes Talaia & Maria Anna Soares)
The family of Miguel Lopes Talaya & Maria Lopes da Conceicao - doRBaps1842-52 - 240/- On 11/20/1849, godmother was Maria Lopes da Conceicao, m/d Miguel Lopes Talaya.
========================================================================== PIO
Pio Lopes Talaia & Maria Rodrigues da Conceicao
b. 1818 Pio was the s/o Francisco Lopes Talaia & Roza Josepha Ramos
Parents of Theophilo Pio Lopes *****
1842 -- doRBaps1842-52 11/- On 12/15/1842 - Maria Rodrigues da Conceicao m/d Pio Lopes Talaia.
do RMats1883-89 70/18 - On 6/19/1886, Theophilo Pio Lopes, 24, of Faiel (s/o Pio Lopes Talaia & Maria Rodrigues da Conceicao) md Pulcheria Olimpia Araujo, 22 or 25y, (d/o Joao Nicolau Ribeiro & Olympia Pulcheria Neves), w - Theophilo Antonio Vieira, single & Francisco Joao Ramos, md.
doRObits1883-90 111/44 - On 5/27/1888, Pio Lopes Talaia died at 70y, h/o Maria Rodrigues da Conceicao, (s/o Francisco Lopes Talaia & Roza Josepha Ramos) ========================================================================= ROZA
Roza Josepha Ramos Talaia & Francisco Lopes Talaia
b. around 1795 Parents of Pio Lopes Talaia *****
doRObits1883-90 111/44 - On 5/27/1888, Pio Lopes Talaia died at 70y, h/o Maria Rodrigues da Conceicao, (s/o Francisco Lopes Talaia & Roza Josepha Ramos).
Serafim Duarte Taya - doRBaps1842-52 - 23/0 On 8/18/1849, gods - was Serafim Duarte Taya.
========================================================================= TANTUNA
My grandmother's younger half sister - Josepha Antonia Encarnacao - had an ancestor who had a name & an "Also Known As" which was Tantuna. This name is not seen very often in the records - but it is seen enough that I wanted to make a tab. wSometimes unusual names can lead you to other names that you might be looking for.
Also, when I was unfamiliar with the names I initially wrote this name as Fantuma.
On 5/28/2022, this compiler heard from a number of individuals who indicated that TANTUN was a place & not a surname. Another individual indicated that there is a place called TANTUM in Brava. But, since there are so many who call themselves this in the Sao Nicolau records I am listing them here:
The oldest Tantuna would be AntoniO Rosa Tantuna - b. probably 1770.
Anna Gomes Tantuna
- daLBaps1875-95 - On 9/12/what year,. Maria was bap, granddaughter of
Luiz Fortes Ramos & Anna Gomes Tantuna AND THEN THEY ARE MENTIONED
AGAIN AT daLBaps1875-95, 80/2 - Antonio was bap, & they were the
grandparents. EDIT.
Antonio Gomes Tantuna - b. probably around 1820 - Husband of Francisca/Roza Gomes do Rosario ***** doRBaps1842-52 - 41/ - On 11/15/1843, Francisca was bap, d/o Anna, serva de Jose Francisco de Almeida, gods - Francisco Antonio Duarte & Francisca Gomes do Rosario, w/o Antonio Gomes Tantuna; daLMats1846-66
- 6/- On 4/27/1847, Antonio Gomes Tantuna (s/o Quiteria Gomes Tantuna)
md Roza Gomes do Rosario (d/o Antonio Gomes Lopes Leitao & Martina Gomes
do Rosario) , w -in this period there were no witnesses and the priest was lumping a # of Mats together in one entry.
AntoniO Rosa Tantuna & Maria Magdalena Soares/Magdalena Maria Soares -
b. probably around 1770 -- --- No doubt that his mother was Rosa --- Father of Rosa Magdalena Soares (b. 1788 d. 4/17/1884) ***** daLObits1874-89 - 109/6 - On 4/17/1884, Rosa Magdalena Soares, trabalhadora, died at 96y, d/o AntoniO Roza Tantuna & Maria Magdalena Soares. (b/c of the SN naming patterns I wd bet that the mother was actually Magdalena Maria Soares).
Archangela Gomes Tantuna b probably around 1833 *****
daLBaps1866-81 - 171/11, On 2/9/1873, Maria was
bap, of EdB, b. 1/21/1873, d/o Antonio Roberto Antunes (s/o
Roberto Manoel Antunes & Anna Domingas Correa) & Gertrudes
Archangela Tantuna, (d/o Luis Soares Martins & Archangela Gomes
Tantuna), gods - Manoel Miguel Ramos, single & Maria Rosa da Silva,
single; daLObits1882-89 42/27 - On 9/24/1888, Gertrudes Archangela do
Livramento of EdB died at 45y, operaia, (widow of Antonio Roberto
Antunes), d/o Luis Soares Martins, deixando filhos. (Archangela Gomes
Tantuna was not mentioned in the obit but she was the w/o Luis Soares Martins &
the mother of Gertrudes).
Delphina Duarte Tantuna - b. probably around 1827 - Daughter of Domingas Duarte Tantuna ****** doRBaps1842-52 - 53/ - On 4/21/1844, Maria was bap, b. 4/2/1844, d/o Delphina, d/o Domingas Duarte Tantuna, gods - Manoel Miguel Ramos & Maria, f/d Domingas Duarte Tantuna (so the mother of the child & the godmother of the child were sisters & both were the daughters of Domingas).
Domingas Duarte Tantuna - b. probably 1806 - Mother of Delphina (b ) & Maria (b. ), Grandmother of Maria (b. 4/22/1844 ***** doRBaps1842-52 - 53/ - On 4/21/1844, Maria was bap, b. 4/2/1844, d/o Delphina, (d/o Domingas Duarte Tantuna), gods - Manoel Miguel Ramos & Maria, f/d Domingas Duarte Tantuna (so the mother of the child & the godmother of the child were sisters & both were the daughters of Domingas).
Francisca Nicolaia Tantuna & Antonio Gomes Soares
b. probably around - Parents of Maria Francisca Custodio (b. probably around *****
da LBaps1866-81 141/16 - On 3/10/1872, Antonio
was bap, b. 1/15/1872, s/o Manoel Joaquim Lopes, single (s/o
Antonio Gomes Soares & Francisca Nicolaia Tantuna) who was NOT md to
Maria Francisca Custodio, trabalhadora of RF (d/o Marcelino Antonio de
Oliveira & Roza Nicolaia Tantuna), trabalhadores, of Ribeira
Funda, , gods -
Antonio Joao de Oliveira & Clara Anna Soares. (Because of the
consistent naming patterns in SN, this compiler feels that the priest
has the parents mixed up - Maria Francisa = Maria the daughter of
Gertrudes Archangela Tantuna / Gertrudes Archangela do Livramento - b. 1843 - d. 9/24/1888 - Wife of Antonio Roberto Antunes - ***** daLObits1882-89 42/27 - On 9/24/1888, Gertrudes Archangela do Livramento of EdB died at 45y, operaia, (widow of Antonio Roberto Antunes), d/o Luis Soares Martins, deixando filhos. daLBaps1866-81 - 171/11, On 2/9/1873, Maria was bap, of EdB, b. 1/21/1873, d/o Antonio Roberto Antunes (s/o Roberto Manoel Antunes & Anna Domingas Correa) & Gertrudes Archangela Tantuna, (d/o Luis Soares Martins & Archangela Gomes Tantuna), gods - Manoel Miguel Ramos, single & Maria Rosa da Silva, single;
Ignacio Gomes Tantuna & Joanna Soares Ramos/Joanna Maria Neves/joanna Natalia Neves
b. probably around ____ - died 3/17/1859
Father of Jose Ignacio Gomes (b. 1838, d. ); Grandfather of Antonia (b. 3/22/1881, d. ) & Ignacia (b. 6/2/1843; *****
1847 -- doRBaps1842-52 - 189/- On 12/27/1847, Serafim was bap, b. 12/20/1847, s/o Anna, f/d Maria do Rosario de Araujo, gods - Serafim Joze Duarte & Joanna Maria das Neves, m/d Ignacio Gomes Tantuna; doRObits1855-64 - 43/- On 3/17/1859, Ignaciao Gomes Tantuna died, (widower of Joanna Natalia Neves) daLMats1874-96 - 14/9 - On 6/27/1874, Jose Ignacio Gomes, 36, (s/o Ignacio Gomes Tantuna & Gertrudes Francisca do Rosario (compiler feels that this was a mistake & that the priest put the groom's mother with the same name as the bride's mother), md Francisca do Rosario, 22, single, (d/o Joao Lourenco Duarte & Gertrudes Francisca do Rosario), w - Jose Manoel Ramos & Roberto Antonio do Rosario. da LBap1875-95 - 190/29 - On 4/10/1881, Antonia was bap, b. 3/22/1881. d/o Jose Ignacio Gomes (s/o Ignacio Gomes Tantuna & Joanna Soares Ramos) & Francisca Gertrudes do Rosario (d/o Joao Lourenco Duarte & Gertrudes Francisca do Rosario), gods - Antonio Roberto Lopes & Maria Rita Soares;; daLBaps1875-95 - 289/43, On 6/24/1883, Ignacia was bap, b. 6/2/1843, d/o Jose Ignacio Gomes & Francisca Gertrudes do Rosario. (same grands as above), gods - Joaquim Lopes Monteiro & Ignacia Gertrudes do Rosario.
Ignacio Gomes Tantuna b. around - Husband of Antonia Soares da Silva ***** daL Mats 1846-66 - 9/- On 5/4/1848, Manoel Domingos de Brito (s/o Domingos Francisco de Brito & Rosa Maria da Silva) md Clara Antonia da Silva (d/o Ignacio Gomes Tantuna & Antonia Soares da Silva).
Joaquim Maria Tantuna b. probably around ***** daLBaps1875-95 - 59/34 - On 4/2/1876, Maria was bap, b. 1/28/1876, of Fanja, d/o Joao Pedro Gomes (s/o Pedro Gomes Mathias & Francisca Maria da Conceicao) who was NOT md to Anna Roza Motta (d/o Joaquim Maria Tantuna & Roza Anna Motta), gods - Luiz Diniz & Maria Roza Duarte. (285/34)
Joaquim da Silva Tantuna - b. probably around 1830 - Husband of Rosa Anna Motta -- Father of Nicolau Joaquim da Silva (b. 1851, d. ) ***** daLBaps1875-95 - 180/ - On 2/2/1881, Nicolau Joaquim da Silva sought a MANDATE
from the Church in order to verify & proclaim that he had been
bap in 1851 (no other info re the date), that he was the s/o Joaquim da Silva Tantuna & Roza Anna Motta, the baptizing priest was Rev. Valentim da Costa Barradas, & that his gods were Nicolau Manoel Almeida & Gertrudes Anna Motta. daLB1882-91 - 395/2 - On 1/6/1891, Lourenca was bap, b. 8/10/1890, d/o Antonio Joaquim Silva, (s/o Joaquim da Silva Tantuna & Rosa Anna Motta) & Maria Francisca Silva (d/o Joao Aniceto de Araujo & Francisca Maria Silva), gods - Manoel Miguel Ramos, md & Maria Anna Gomes, md.
Jose Joao Tantuna b. probably around - Husband of Anna Maria Antonia ****** doR Baps 1842-52 - 210/- On (date is obscured)/1848,,, (around October), Rosa was bap, b. 10/13/1848, d/o Domingos Joze de Araujo & Rosa Sabina do Rosario, gods - Sebastiao Soares Colinho & Anna Maria Antonia, m/d Joze Joao Tantuna. doRBaps1842-52 - 210/- On 10/29/1848, Sebastiao was bap, HE MUST BE THE TWIN OF ROSA BUT IT SHOWS HIS BDAY AS 10/21/1848 - i may have read the dates wrong - s/o Domingos Joze de Araujo & Rosa Sabaina do Rosario, gods - Sebastiao Soares Colinho & Anna Maria Antonia, m/d Jose Joao Tantuna;
Fantuna, Manuel Francisco b. Husb of Maria das Dores Soares ---- Father of Maria das Dores Duarte Vianna ***** daL1899 Obits 121/31 - In 1899, Maria das Dores Duarte died at 81y, w/o Antonio Gomes Vianna, d/o Manuel Francisco Fantuna & Maria das Dores Soares.
Manoel Gomes Tantuna -b. probably around 1780 - Husband of Antonia Paula Joia ***** da Lapa Obits what volume? - 48/15 - On 6/13/1889, Anna Soares Duarte died at 88y, (widow of Thome Jose Lopes), d/o Manoel Gomes Tantuna & Antonia Paula Joia of Campinho.
The following are father and son:
Manoel Gomes Tantuna (Sr.) b probably around or before 1810 --- Husband of Maria Antonia Clara --- Father of Manoel Gomes Fantuma (Jr). (b. 1830, d. 6/1/1874) ***** daLObits1871-76 24/8 - On 6/1/1874, Manoel Gomes Fantuma died at 44y, h/o Rufina Margarida Ramos (s/o Manoel Gomes Fantuma & Maria Antonia Clara)
Manoel Gomes Tantuna (Jr.) b. 1830, d. 6/1/1874 --- Husband of Rufina Margarida Ramos
- Son of Manuel Gomes Tantuna (Sr.) & Maria Antonia Clara ***** daLObits1871-76 - 24/8 - On 6/1/1874, Manoel Gomes Tantuna died at 44y, h/o Rufina Margarida Ramos (s/o Manoel Gomes Tantuna & Maria
Antonia Clara).
Maria Antonia Clara Tantuna b.probably around 1810 --- Wife of Manoel Gomes Tantuna (Sr.) --- Father of Manoel Gomes Tantuna (Jr). daLObits1871-76 24/8 - On 6/1/1874,
Manoel Gomes Tantuna died at 44y, h/o Rufina Margarida Ramos (s/o Manoel
Gomes Tantuna & Maria Antonia Clara).
Maria Duarte Tantuna - b. 4/2/1844 - Daughter of Domingas Duarte Tantuna ****** doRBaps 1842-52 - 53/ - On 4/21/1844, Maria was bap, b. 4/2/1844, d/o Delphina, d/o Domingas Duarte Tantuna, gods - Manoel Miguel Ramos & Maria, f/d Domingas Duarte Tantuna (so the mother of the child & the godmother of the child were sisters & both were the daughters of Domingas).
Maria das Dores Duarte b. --- Wife of Antonio Gomes Vianna --- Daughter of Manuel Francisco Tantuna & Maria das Dores Soares - daLObits1899 121/31 - In 1899, Maria das Dores Duarte died at 81y, w/o Antonio Gomes Vianna, d/o Manuel Francisco Tantuna & Maria das Dores Soares.
Maria Fortes Tantuna - probably b. around 1824 ***** doRBaps1842-52 -64/ - On 9/15/1844, Bartholomeu was bap, b. 8/22/1844, s/o Maria Fortes Tantuna, gods - Gaspar Lopes da Silva & Anna, f/d Maria Soares da Silva.
Maria Rosa Tantuna& Manoel Lopes Justo -
(Estancia de Bras) - b. around 1780 Parents of Anna Maria da Piedade Faria (b. d. 5/10/1890) *****
da LObits1890-91 - 3/5 - On
5/10/1890, Anna Maria da Piedade died at 90y, (widow/o Antonio Joao de
Faria) (d/o Manoel Lopes Justo & Maria Rosa Tantuna). "deixando
filhos"/leaving children.
Nicolau Joao Tantuna & Catharina Soares Florinda
b. probably around 1825 Parents of Joao (b. ) *****
1847 --- doRBaps1842-52 - 166-167/ - On 6/19/1847, Joao
was bap, b. 6/12/1847, s/o Nicolao Joao Tantuna & Catharina
Soares Florinda, gods - Joze Nicolau Duarte & Rosa Maria Soares, m/d
Francisco Antonio Gomes;
Rosa Gomes Tantuna / Rosa Antonia da Silva & Joao Manoel Gomes
b. probably around 1855 Mother of Manoel Joao Gomes *****
1878 --- daLBaps1875-95 - 136/54,
On 7/14/1878, Isabel was bap, b. 6/30/1878, d/o Manoel Joao
Gomes (s/o Joao Manoel Gomes & Roza Gomes Tantuna) &
Antonia Isabel de Brito (d/o Francisco Carlos Gomes
& Isabel Rosa de Brito), gods - Jose Antonio Custodio
& Rosa Anna da Lima. (361/54)
Rosa Nicolaia Tantuna & Marcelino Antonio de Oliveira
b. probably around -- *****
daLBaps1866-81 141/16 - On 3/10/1872, Antonio was bap, b. 1/15/1872, s/o Manoel Joaquim Lopes, single (s/o Antonio Gomes Soares & Francisca Nicolao Tantuna) who was NOT md to Maria Francisca Custodio, trabalhadora of RF (d/o Marcelino Antonio de Oliveira & Roza Nicoaia Tantuna), trabalhadores, of Ribeira Funda, d/o Antonio Gomes Soares & Francisca Nicolaia Tantuna, gods - Antonio Joao de Oliveira & Clara Anna Soares. (Because of the consistent naming patterns in SN, this compiler feels that the priest has the parents mixed up - Maria Francisa = Maria the daughter of Francisca). REDO THIS ONE.
Rufina Margarida Ramos Tantuna b. - Wife of Manoel Gomes Tantuna (Jr.) (b. 1830, d. 6/1/1874) ***** daLObits871-76 - 24/8 - On 6/1/1874, Manoel Gomes Tantuna died at 41y, h/o Rufina Margarida Ramos (s/o Manoel Gomes Tantuna & Maria Antonia Clara)
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