Friday, October 4, 2024

Almeida -- N & O



The family of Narciza Maria de Almeida & Luiz Manoel Gomes

Luiz Manoel Gomes was b.      & Narcisa Maria was b.    Luiz was the son of   & Narciza was the daughter of         They were married on 

Parents of 

(1)  Maria (b. 

1863 --  doRBaps1852-64 -  198/ -- On 11/1/63, Maria was bap, b. 8/9/63, d/o Luiz Manoel Gomes & Narciza Maria de Almeida, gods - Francisco Antonio Lopes da Silva & Eugenia Georgianna Dias =========================================================================== NICOLAU ALMEIDA

There were a number of Nicolau Almeida in Sao Nicolau:
THE MIDDLE NAME SHOULD PROVIDE A CLUE TO THE FATHER'S FIRST NAME. =========================================================================== NICOLAU ALVES

The family of Nicolau Alves Almeida & Maria dos Santos Monteiro  

Nicolau was b.   around 1812 - 1831 & Maria dos Santos Monteiro  was b. around        .   Nicolau was the son of        & Maria was the daughter of         .   They were married on           .  

Parents of 

(1)    Anna Maria dos Santos (b. around 1832, d. 12/5/1898) md Jose Miguel de Almeida.      *****     

doRObits1898-1900, 42/188, On 12/5/1898, Anna Maria dos Santos died at 67y, proprietaria, (b. around 1832), w/o Jose Miguel de Almeida, (d/o Nicolau Alves de Almeida & Maria dos Santos Monteiro). =========================================================================== NICOLAU ESPANHAL

Nicolau Espanhal de Almeida 

1889 --    daLBaps1882-91  - 383/88 & 383/89 - On 9/8/1890,TWINS Nicolau & Lourenco were bap, b. 9/the date is obscured/1889, of Praia Branca, sons/o Manoel Antonio da Conceicao (s/o Antonio Rosa da  Conceicao & Francisca Genoveva da Conceicao) & Maria Rosa da Piedade (d/o  Rosa Maria da Piedade)  Note that the record for Nicolau is really messed up but the following record for Lourenco is clearer, the gods of Nicolau were Nicolau Espanhal de Almeida, single & Francisca da Piedade de Brito, single & the gods of Lourenco were Lourenco da Graca Talho, md, trabalhador, of Fanja & Rosa Anna de Brito, md, operaia, of Praia Branca.  Note - they are listed as "pobreza" & it appears that a man named Roberto Antonio do Rosario may have stepped in to pay, he was md & a proprietario.  --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NICOLAU FRANCISCO / JORJE

Nicolau Francisco/Jorje de AlmeidaSee the family of Francisco Jorje de Almeida & Maria da Piedade de Brito ========================================================================== The family of Nicolau Jorje de Almeida & Maria Anna Monteiro See the family of Francisco Jorje de Almeida & Maria da Piedade de Brito.    ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------The Nicolau Jorge de Almeida who were witnesses or godfathers without any other identifying information:  1849 - doRBaps1842-52 - 234/-  On 9/18/1849, Maria was bap, b. 9/1/49, d/o Jose Belchior Soares & Francisca da Silva Soares, gods -  Nicolau Jorje de Almeida & Maria da Graca, (widow of Jose Antonio da Encarnacao). --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------NICOLAU JOSE

Nicolau (Jose) de Almeida - b. 1877, d. 1/21/1891,   See the family of Jose Manoel Almeida & Rosa Francisca da Conceicao   

Nicolau Jose de Almeida  was b. 1877 and died in 1891.  I am assuming that his middle name was Jose b/c his father was Jose but I have no document which shows definitively that his middle name was Jose. =========================================================================== The family of Nicolau Jose de Almeida who was not md to Isabel Rosa Soares 

(1)   Margarida Isabel Soares  (b.11/24/93)

1894 --    doRBaps1892-95 - 291/150 - On 6/17/1894, Margarida of Cabacalinho was bap, b. 11/24/93, 1st child of Nicolau Jose de Almeida (s/o Anna Isabel de Brito) not md to Isabel Rosa Soares (d/o Antonio Carlos Gomes & Rosa Maria Soares), gods - Manoel Pedro Ramos & Margarida Rosa Soares. =========================================================================== NICOLAU MANOEL

(1)    The family of Nicolau Manoel de Almeida & Olympia Maria Ramos/ Olimpia Maria da Silva/Olympia Maria de Almeida      Also see the family of Manoel Joao de Almeida & Francisca Gomes da Conceicao

Nicolau Manoel was b. around 1850-4  &  Olympia Maria  was b. around        Nicolau  was the son of  Manoel Joao de Almeida & Francisca Gomes da Conceicao & Olympia was the daughter of  (probably a woman named Maria).   They were married on         

Parents of 

(1) Maria Olimpia (b. 4/13/1857, d.     )

(  )  Antonia Olimpia (b. 1857    d. 2/18/1860) IS SHE THE SAME PERSON AS MARIA b. 4/13/1857 - She has to be!!! 

(2)   Rufina Olimpia (b. 7/10/1858, d.  5/1/1870 at 14y)  

(2)  Antonio Nicolau de Almeida  (b. 5/6/1863   d.   )  md 4/25/1891 Anna Maria de Andrade. 

(3)  Maria Olimpia (b. 1867, d. 9/30/1870)

(4)   a recem  (b. 4/1/1874, died 4/9/1874) &  

(5)  OlimpiO Nicolau de Almeida (b. 1883, d. 5/17/1885)    ***** ******

1857 --      doRBaps1852-64 -  On 4/18/1857, Maria was bap, b. 4/13/57, d/o Nicolau Manoel de Almeida & Olimpia Maria de Almeida, gods -   _____________________

1858 --     doRBaps1852-64 -  On 7/18/1858, Rufina was bap, b.  7/10/58, d/o Nicolau Manoel de Almeida (x) & Olympia Maria de Almeida (x), gods - Antonio Gomes Dias & Rufina Maria de Lima (x). 

1869 --     doRObits1865-73 -- 88/15 - On 2/18/1860, Antonia died at 3y, d/o Nicolau Manoel de Almeida & Olimpia Maria da Silva   

1870 --     doRObits1865-73 -  113/43 -  On 5/1/1870, Rufina Olimpia de Almeida died at 14y, d/o Nicolau Manoel de Almeida & Olimpia Maria de Almeida.  doRObits1865-73 - 134/60 -  On 9/30/1870, Maria died at 3y, d/o Nicolau Manoel de Almeida & Olimpia Maria da Silva.       

1874 --     doRObits1874-1886BV tab -  5/11 -- On 4/9/1874, a recem died, child of Nicolau Manoel de Almeida & Olimpia Maria de Almeida.  =========================================================================== The family of Nicolau Manoel de Almeida JUNIOR & Antonia Isabel Soares 

Nicolau Manoel Junior   was b. in 1842  & Antonia Isabel was (b. 1846 )    Is she the sister of Maria Isabel Soares?   Nicolau Manoel was the son of Manoel Joao de Almeida (b. around 1820) & Francisca Gomes da Conceicao & Antonia was the daughter of Jose Marcos Diniz & Isabel Roza Soares .   They were married on         .   Nicolau & Antonia were the parents of  Manoel (b. 1874, d. 10/10/1876)       the grandparents of      & the in laws of       -----     

See  the famly of Manoel Joao Almeida & Francisca Gomes da Conceicao    

1876 --     daLObits874-76 - 40/13 --    On 10/10/1876, Manoel died at 2y, s/o Nicolau Manoel de Almeida, Jr. & Antonia Isabel Soares. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------The family of Nicolau Manoel de Almeida & Rosa Francisca do Rosario

Parents of 

(1)    Antonio Claudio de Almeida (b.      ) md Margarida Ignacia de Lima

1889 --     doRBaps1888-92 - 123/28 - On 2/24/1889,  Isabel was bap, b. 10/3/88, d/o Antonio Claudio de Almeida (s/o Nicolau Manoel de Almeida & Rosa Francisca do Rosario) & Margarida Ignacia de Limia (x)  (d/o Joaquim Nicolau Duarte & Ignacia Francisca de Lima  (     )), gods - Valentim Miguel do Rosario & Isabel Rosa do Rosario.  -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------  & the Nicolau Manoel de Almeida  who were witnesses or godfathers without other identifying information: 1856  doRBaps1852-64 - 68/-  On 7/21/1856, Francisca was bap, b. 6/12/56, d/o Francisco Jose Soares & Felicia Maria da Conceicao, gods - Nicolau Manoel de Almeida & Agueda Lopse dos Reis; 1857 -- doRBaps1852-64 - 82/- On 10/11/1857, Nicolau  (wd be Nicolau Antonio Dias) was bap, the godfather was Nicolau Manoel de Almeida;  1858 -- daLMats1846-66 -  30/ - On 2/15/1858, Antonio Duarte Ramos, (widower of Roza Maria Araujo) md Anna Maria da Silva, d/o Antonia Soares Colinho & Maria Duarte Araujo, w -  Nicolau Manoel de Almeida & Antonio Jose de Almeida. 1881 - daLBaps1875-95 - 180/ - On 2/2/1881, Nicolau Joaquim da Silva sought a MANDATE from the Church in order to verify & proclaim that he had been bap in 1851 & that he was the s/o Joaquim da Silva Tantuna & Roza Anna Motta & that the baptizing priest was Rev. Valentim da Costa Barradas, & gods -  Nicolau Manoel de  Almeida & Gertrudes Anna Motta  1882 - daLBaps1875-95 -  257/79 - On 9/24/1882, Felippe was bap, b. 9/13/82, of Serrado, s/o Jose Joao de Brito (s/o Joao Francisco de Brito & Anna Francisca Monteiro) not md to Pulqueria da Graca (d/o Antonio Ignacio da Luz & Gertrudes Fortes da Graca), gods - Nicolau Manoel de Almeida & Rosa Francisca Neves. =========================================================================   for Olalia also see Eulalia 


Almeida, Olalia Pulcheria & Pedro A. Almeida     -----     See the family of Pedro A. Almeida & Olalia Pulcheria de Almeida ========================================================================== OLIMPIA                          

Olimpia Maria de Almeida & Nicolau Manoel de Almeida     -----   See the family of Nicolau Manoel de Almeida & Olimpia Maria de Almeida 

1858 --     doRBaps1852-64 -  On 7/18/1858, Rufina was bap, b.  7/10/58, d/o Nicolau Manoel de Almeida (x) & Olympia Maria de Almeida (x), gods - Antonio Gomes Dias & Rufina Maria de Lima (x).  

1870 --     doRObits1865-73 -  113/43 -  On 5/1/1870, Rufina Olimpia de Almeida died at 14y, d/o Nicolau Manoel de Almeida & Olimpia Maria de Almeida.  ========================================================================== OLIMPIO

Olimpio de Almeida   b. 1883  See the family of Nicolau Manoel de Almeida & Olimpia Maria de Almeida  

========================================================================== OLIVIA

Olivia Fortes de Almeida      See the family of Candido de Almeida & Olivia Fortes

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