Compiler's grandmother - Maria Antonia da Encarnacao (Varella/Almeida) Santos Cruz feeding compiler's infant son. 1971
========================================================================== L
Leonor Anna
The family of Leonor Anna de Almeida & Estevao Antonio do Rosario
was b. (probably around or before 1870) & Leonor was b. Estevao
was the son of (probably a man named Antonio & Roza Tecla da Cruz)
& Leonor was the daughter of Anna Francisca da Silva. They were
married on .
Parents of
(1) Antonia Leonor de Almeida (b. 2/28/1889).
1889 -- doRBaps1888-92 -- 147 /83 - On 4/28/1889, Antonia was bap, b. 2/28/89, d/o Estevao Antonio do Rosario (s/o Roza Tecla da Cruz (d)) & Leonor Anna de Almeida (d/o Anna Francisca Silva), gods - Sebastiao Antonio dos Santos & Maria Jose de Carvalho Pinto, md. ========================================================================== LEONOR ROZA
Leonor Roza de Almeida -
b, 1850, See the family of Rosa Lopes de Almeida & Antonio Lourenco de Almeida at the LOPES de ALMEIDA tab. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- LEOPOLDINA
Leopoldina Julia de Almeida -- See the family of Clara Anna de Almeida. Leopoldina was b. 2/7/1889 to Julia Clara de Almeida, d/o Clara Anna de Almeida. =============================================================== Leopoldina Julia da Silva de Almeida / (Dona Leopoldina Silva de Almeida) -- See the family of Francisco Antonio Lopes de Almeida & Leopoldina Silva de Almeida under the LOPES de ALMEIDA tab. doRBaps1888-92 - 147/82 - On 4/28/1889, she was the godmother to Maria. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------LIBANIA
Libania Maria do Rosario de Almeida b. 1829 -- See the Family of Manuel Miguel de Almeida & Libania Maria do Rosario ======================================================================== LOURENCA
Lourenca Anna de Almeida *****
Lourenca Anna was probably b. on or around She was the daughter of
She was the mother of
(1) Jose (b. 3/29/1844, d. ) *****
1844 -- doRBaps1842-52 - 50/- On 4/9/1844, Joze was bap, b. 3/29/44, s/o Lourenca Anna de Almeida, gods - Jose Antonio Gomes & Margarida ? Alvares, m/d Antonio Lopes Segueira. =========================================================================== Lourenca de Lima de Almeida - See the family of Luis Miguel de Almeida & Lourenca de Lima de Almeida
1893 ----- doRBaps1892-5 - 172/202 - On 9/24/1893, Maria of Recanto, was bap, b. 9/1/1893, 2nd child of Maria Felippa de Brito, a trabalhadora, (d/o Antonio Soares de Brito & Felippa Maria Cabral), gods - Pedro Jose Fermino ( ) , md, empregado publico & Lourenca Lima de Almeida, md, of Recanto.***** ======================================================================== LOURENCO
Lourenco Antonio
The family of Lourenco Antonio de Almeida & Maria Antonia de Almeida
1880 -- doRObits1873-80 - 126/31 - On 3/6/1880, Maria Antonia de Almeida died at 60y, of Ribeira Brava, (widow of Lourenco Antonio de Almeida). (per KP). ========================================================================= Lourenco Joao de Almeida
1895 -- doRBaps1892-95 - 369/19 - On 1/13/1895, Lourenco of Praia Branca was bap, b. 8/94, 4th child of Joao Antonio de Almeida (x) (s/o Antonio Manoel de Almeida (x)& Francisca Almeida (x)) & Rosa Anna de Almeida (x) , d/o Manoel Miguel Gomes & Anna Rosa de Lima (x)), gods - Justiniano Joaquim Soares & Anna Francisca Soares. ======================================================================== LOURENCO MANOEL
Lourenco Manoel de Almeida
1861 -- doRObits1855-65 - This is the 9/1856 CHOLERA death of Lourenco Manoel de Almeida; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (Lourenco Manoel & Lourenco Miguel might be the same person.)
Lourenco Manoel de Almeida
1861 -- doRObits1855-65 - This is the 9/1856 CHOLERA death of Lourenco Manoel de Almeida; ==========================================================================
Lourenco Miguel de Almeida *****
Miguel was probably b. & he died in 1856 of CHOLERA. He was
the son of (probably a man named Miguel). .
1856 -- doRObits1855-65 - 60/- In 9/1856, Lourenco Miguel de Almeida died of CHOLERA, buried at Calejao. The 1956 cholera deaths do not report the age of the decedent. ========================================================================= LUCAS =========================================================================
The family of Lucas Vicente de Almeida & Rosa Maria dos Reis/Rosa Maria Neves Also see his brother Pedro Vicente de Almeida & his father Vicente Antonio de Almeida.
of Covoada
Lucas Vicente was b. 1831 & he d. 12/26/1895 at 64y . Rosa Maria dos Reis / Rosa Maria das Neves was b. & she died . Lucas was the son of Vicente Antonio de Almeida & da mae incognita /an unknown mother. Rosa Maria was the daughter of They were married on
Parents of
(1) Amelia Rosa de Brito (b. Mother of Theotonio (b. 2/18/1890, d. )
(2) Antonio Lucas de Almeida (b. 3/22/1849 d.
(3) Maria Rosa (b. 1853, d. 7/14/1863)
(4) Manoel Lucas de Almeida md. Julia Maria Varella & they were the parents of Antonio (b. 9/12/1890) *****
1849 -- doRBaps1842-52 220/- 22/49 - On 3/29/1849, Antonio was bap, b. 3/22/49, s/o Lucas Vicente de Almeida & Rosa Maria das Neves, gods - Antonio Jose da Cruz & Candida Anna das Neves, m/d Bartholomeu Jose Marcello; doRBaps1842-52 - 224/- On 5/26/1849, Roberto was bap, b. 5/15/49, s/o Bartholomeu Jose Marcella & Candida Anna Maria, gods - Antonio Nicolau Basilio & Rosa Maria dos Reis, m/d Lucas Vicente Almeida.
1853 -- doRBaps1842-52 - 253/- On 6/2/1850, Maria was bap, b. _____, d/o Rosa Barbara de Oliveira, gods - Lucas Vicente de Almeida (x) & maria Rosa Neves, m/d Jose Manoel Soares. doRBaps1852-64 - what page? On 4/7/1853, Maria was bap, b. _____, d/o Lucas Vicente de Almeida & Rosa Maria dos Reis, gods - Pedro Vicente de Almeida & Archanja de Felipe do Rosario;
1863 -- doRObits1855-65 - 83/- On 7/14/1863, Maria died at 3 mos, d/o Lucas Vicente de Almeida & Rosa Maria dos Reis.
1891 -- daLBaps1882-91 - 405/23 - On 4/15/1891, Antonio was bap, b. 9/12/90, of Covoada, s/o Manoel Lucas de Almeida (s/o Lucas Vicente Almeida & Rosa Maria dos Reis) & Julia Maria Varella (d/o Maria Antonia Varella), gods - Manoel Jose Soares & Antonia Anna Soares. (JULIA VARELLA IS MY FAMILY)
1892 -- daLBaps1892-94 8/13 - On 2/22/1892, Theotonio was bap, b. 2/28/90, s/o Amelia Roza de Brito (d/o Lucas Vicente de Almeida & Rosa Maria dos Reis), gods Miguel Antonio da Conceicao, md, proprietario & Anna Julia da Crua, single, & also mentioned is Roberto Antonio do Rosario who seems to have signed for the mother & the godparents as, apparently, they did not know how to write.
1895 -- daLObits1895 - 13/42 - Lucas Vicente de Almeida died on 12/26/95 at 64y, of Covoada, h/o Rosa Maria dos Reis, (s/o Vicente Antonio de Almeida & “da mae incognita” (unknown mother)) ======================================================================== LUCIA
Lucia Maria de Brito (de Almeida) See the family of Roque Narciso de Almeida & Maria Pulqueria de Brito. Lucia is their daughter (b. 7/19/1934). ========================================================================= LUCIANO
The family of Lucianno Antonio de Almeida & Maria Minghinha
Luciano appears to have been b. 1795 in Portugal & Maria Minginha was b. *****
1875 -- doRObits1874-86 BoaVistatab 26/59 - On 11/11/1875, Lucianno Antonio de Almeida of PORTUGAL died at age 80, h/o Maria Minginha. (is it Margarida? - it was hard to read - on the second attempt it looked like Minganinha ) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The family of Luciano Antonio de Almeida & Maria Domingas da Conceicao
1888 -- doRObits1865-73 - 80/59 - On _________ Antonio Estevao de Almeida died at 30y, s/o Luciano Antonio de Almeia & Maria Domingas da Conceicao; ========================================================================== LUCINDA
Lucinda Maria de Almeida --- See the family of Miguel Francisco de Almeida & Maria Eugenia de Almeida Lucinda was the d/o Miguel & Maria. b. 1918. Immigrated to the US in 1921 ========================================================================== LUDOVENIA/LOUDEVINIA
Ludovinia Francisca de Almeida
1863 -- doRBaps1852-64 -- 188/- On 5/31/1863, Margarida was bap, b. 5/20/63, d/o Ludovinia Francisca de Almeida, gods - Manoel Antonio Lisboa & Margarida Josefa Ramos. ========================================================================== LUIS
Luis Almeida
SANTO ANTAO b. 9/23/1897 - Relative/friend of Antone Almeida -
WWI DRC 21y, lives at 69 South 6th St, NB, b. 9/23/1897 in CV, Black, mill
op at Rotch Mill in NB, his nearest relative is Antone Almeida in Santo
Antao, CV. Reg. ____ -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------LUIS ANTONIO
Luiz Antonio de Almeida -- b. 1861, d. 1/15/1885 -- Son of Josepha Anna Gomes *****
1885 -- doRObits1883-90
- 43/4 - On 1/15/1885, Luiz Antonio de Almeida died at 24y, single, s/o
Josepha Anna
Gomes. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------LUIS FORTES
Luis Fortes de Almeida - of BOA VISTA
Son of Manoel Innes de Almeida & Libania.
Father of Carolina Fortes de Almeida Rocha Father in law of Severiano Francisco Rocha *****
1921 -- Immigration: SHIP CANADA - Carolina departed from Lisbon 1921 on the SHIP CANADA & arrived in Providence, RI on 7/27/1921, (she appears on line 6), her age at the time of immigration was 26, she was 5'2", had $25., was a domestic, her final destination place was New Bedford, Mass; she left behind her father - Luis Fortes de Almeida in BOA VISTA, she will join her husband, Severiano Francisco Rocha at 29 L Second St (it actually does say L & I am not sure what the L stands for - maybe the Lower floor), New Bedford, she had lived in BOA VISTA.
- See the tab "People from Sao Nicolau who appear in RoWad's Boa Vista
indexes" - On 7/28/1878, his child was baptized or born. His wife is
Antonia Lopes da Rocha He is the son of Manoel Innes de Almeida & Libania. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Luiz Francisco de Almeida of Pico Agudo. See the family of Francisco Joaquim de Almeida & Joanna Francisca de Brito (who were the parents of Luis Francisco de Almeida who was married to Rufina Isabel de Brito.
& the Luiz Francisco de Almeida who were godfathers or witnesses without any other identifying information: daLObits1874-76 43/20- On 10/23/1876, Delfina died at 3y, d/o Barbara Maria da Graca, w - Luiz Francisco de Almeida. daLObits1874-76 - 45/29 - On 10/28/1876, Maria died at 1y8d, d/o Maria Rosa Alves, w - Luiz Francisco de Almeida. daLBaps,1892-94 - 4/5 - On Constantino was bap, b. 9/4/88, of EdB, s/o Antonia Maria da Cruz,
(d/o Martinho Manoel Lopes & Maria Anna da Cruz), gods - Luiz Francisco Almeida & Maria Josephina Fermino ( ); -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------LUIS MIGUEL
The family of Luis Miguel de Almeida & Lourenca de Lima de Almeida/Lourenca de Jesus Lima
Luis Miguel was b. & Lourenca was b. Luis was the son of Miguel Jose Nereu & Margarida Anna da Costa & Lourenca was the daughter of Joaquim Antonio de Almeida Spencer & Felicia de Jesus Lima. They were married on
Parents of
(1) infant boy (b. died on 10/10/1881
(2) ElizardA Lourenca (b. 2/16/88, d. )
(3) Antonio Luis de Almeida (b. 1890, d. 1/3/1894)
(4) Clara Lourenca (b.6/5/1895, d. ) ************
1881 -- doRObits1873-82 - 160/889 - On 10/10/1881 an infant boy died, child of Luiz Miguel de Almeida & Lourenca de Jesus Lima. (per KP)
1888 - doRBaps1888-92 - 56/106 - On 4/12/1888, ElizardA was bap, b. 2/16/88, d/o Luis Miguel de Almeida (s/o Margarida Maria da Costa (d)) & Lourenca de Almeida Lima (d/o Antonio de Almeida Spencer & Felizarda de Jesus Luiza), gods - Antonio Guilherme Duarte & his wife Joaquim Anna Silva Duarte.
1894 -- doRObits1876-96 - 364/3 - On 1/3/1894, Antonio died at 4y of SANTO ANTAO, s/o Luiz Miguel de Almeida & Lourenca Lima de Almeida.
1895 -- doRBaps1892 - 95 466/218 & 219 - Felippe was bap, b. ______, s/o Pio Joao Soares & Violante Antonia Soares, gods - ______________ doRBaps1892-95 - 466/219 - On 7/8/1895, Clara was bap, b. 6/5/95, d/o Luis Miguel de Almeida (s/o Miguel Jose Nereu & Margarida Anna da Costa) & Lourenca de Lima de Almeida (d/o Joaquim Antonio de Almeida Spencer & Felicia de Jesus Lima), gods - ____________Fermino & ___________ Spencer. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------LUIZA
Luiza Mary de Almeida & Antone Joseph de Almeida - See the family of Antone Joseph de Almeida & Luiza Mary de Almeida.
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