This work adds to and compliments my Index of CV Catholic church translations --focusing on Sao Nicolau, Boa Vista, Santo Antao & Sao Vicente I learned how to read Portuguese as written by priests as I translated so make sure to check each record yourself. The most recent translations are, obviously, better.
Monday, December 27, 2021
Sunday, December 26, 2021
Brazil immigrations
There are over 5000 immigration cards and - of them - 413 are from
Cape Verde (some are duplicates so they may number around 408). The
following is arranged by island.
from Sao Nicolau
- 1956 - Jose Daniel Correia, born March/22/1905, pedreiro, s/o David Jose Correia & Maria do Rosario do Nascimento, md
- 1956 - Manoel Julia da Cruz, born Feb/1/1910, s/o Julio Maria da Cruz & Maria Rosa da Conceicao, md, pedreiro. lived in SN (though he said CV)
- 1956 - Antonia Luica Conceicao born Jan/11/1928, d/o Balbina Maria da Conceicao, single, domestic
- 1961 - Requelinda Luiza da Conceicao, born 9/12/1936 in Sao Nicolau but lived in SV, d/o Joaquim Jose da Conceicao & Luiza Jezuina da Conceicao, domestic
- 1955 - Jose Francisco Cabral Oct/15/1928, s/o Jose Cabral & Angelina Anna Monteiro, single, pedreiro;
- edit for year - Maria da luz Lisboa born Sept/22/1930, two entries, d/o Francisco Carlos Gomes & Eugenia Brito Lisboa, single, costureira
- 1955 - Sergio Silvestre Soares - b. 2/18/1920, md, s/o Silvestre Jose Soares & Francisca Antonia Lopes, agricoltur.
- 1961 - Jose Lourenco Lopes JUNIOR, born 2/9/1936, single, ajudante de barbeiro, s/o Jose Lourenco Lopes, SENIOR & Francisca Antonia Lopes
- 1955 - Boaventura Fermino Monteiro - b. 11/22/1914, single, empregado comercial, s/o Manoel Miguel Monteiro & Josefina Fermino
- 1961 - Lidia Fileta Monteiro
- two entries - born 3/27/1928, md, entering with her child Boaventura
Jose Cruz, 1y old, b. in SN but lived in Mindelo, w/o Boaventura
Germino Monteiro, domestica (So if they are married they give the name
of the spouse & not the parents)
- 1962 - Antonio dos Santos Lopes, born 3/2/1937, single, occupation is "servical", s/o Francisco Duarte Lopes & Antonia Narcisa de Brito.
- 1962 - Lucia Maria Brito Almeida, b. July/19/1934, domestic, single, d/o Roque Narciso de Almeida & Maria Pulqueria de Brito
- 1961 - Miguel Jose dos Santos - b. Nov/13/1920, single, pedreiro, born in SN but lives\d in Mindela, s/o Jose Antonio dos Santos & Antonia Marcelina Ramos
- 1960 - Antonio Conceicao Almeida - b. 6/10/1915, single, pedreiro, born in SN but lived in Mindelo, s/o Joao de Freitas Almeida & Maria Antonia da Conceicao.
- 1961 - Arminda Luisa dos Reis - b. Jan/6/1938 in SN but lived in Mindelo, single, domestica, d/o Jose Roberto Duarte & Lulisa Gonzaga Duarte.
- 1960 - Januario Manoel dos Santos, s/o Manoel Antonio dos Santos - born Jan/5/1937 in SN but lived in Mindelo, pedreiro, s/o Manoel Antonio dos Santos (no mother is mentioned).
- need date - Manoel A Edit Conceicao, born - no date, 23y, I think he was returned b/c there is no photo & just a card that says "ja retirado", servente de Pedreiro, Ship = Almanzora.
- 1955 - Satiro da Luz Nereu - b. July/9/1933, agricultor, s/o Manoel da Luz Nereu & Maria da Piedade dos Reis
- 1955 - Carlos St. Aubyn - born May/14/1926 - single, carpenter, s/o Antonio Saint Aubyn & Ana Maria Silva.
- 1960 - Julio Alpio Santos - born May/20/1931 in SN but lived in Mindelo, SV, s/o Rafael Julio Santos & Maria Clara Silva, pintor/painter.
- 1955 - Antonio Sousa Campos - b. March/11/1924 s/o Manoel Antonio dos Santos & Ema Costa dos Santos.
- Jose Napoleao de Sousa
- 1957 - Fortunato de Almeida Santos - born - 6/13/1899, md, s/o Jose de Sousa Santos & Maria Wahnon da Souza Santos.
- Maria Cristalina Lopes
- Eduardo Marques Lopes
- Atnonia Paulina Soares
- Maria Antonia Ramos
- Francisco Joaquim dos Reis
- Jose Felipe Gomes
- Sergio Silvestre Soares
- Jose Calasans Cardoso
- Miguel Jose dos Santos
- Jose Augusto do Rosario
- Pedro Alcantara Santana
- Francisco Pedro Evora
- Jose Manoel Brito
- Jose Sezinando Brito
- Antonio Henrique Brito
- Joan Margarida de Brito
- Crispiano Joaquim de Brito
- Maria Antonia Ramos
- Antonia Soares Oliveira
the settlement of Ribeira das Vaccas
Compiler and grandson in New Haven at 40th high school reunion. Around 2012
Sometimes in the middle of routine & tedious transcribing you will see something and a lightbulb will go off. That just happened. Though I don't have time to dwell on it right now this is what I will be looking into.
1. Somehow my SANTO ANTAO great-grandmother Joanna Maria Josefa found herself (after living in Sao Vicente) in Sao Nicolau in a section called Ribeira das Vaccas -
2. She would have brought along (in her various moves) her son Joao Antonio dos Santos who was born in Sao Vicente in 1894. Joao Antonio worked at the Seminary in SN but would leave for the US in 1920.
3. Apparently he was already the "intended" of my grandmother Maria Antonia Encarnacao (Varella/Almeida).
4. On the ship AMBROSE SNOW in 1922 my gram is travelling with Paula Alcantara (from memory I believe d' Oliveira) (who is an ABITBOL descendant).
5. Then today I find (in my notes) this Pedro Alcantera dos Santos whose son Antonio (b. in 1891 - right before my gram and a few years before my gramp) is born in Ribeira das Vaccas.
6. My great gram Joanna had children with Antonio Manoel dos Santos of SN. So at least two of her boys were dos Santos (with Antonio as their middle name).
So as I edit my notes and find info that would clarify this situation (support/controvert) I will add the info.
Chubby & the Turnpikes / TAVARES surname (all islands)
As a child and then teenager growing up in Connecticut I did not know
these guys, and didn't know them when I went to UCONN. However, in the
summer of 68 I moved back to New Bedford and somehow met the newly
formed and named group. In the fall I went to college in Boston and
started following them earnestly. They played in what was called the
Red Light District of Boston. I would walk to the club alone - skirting
the Boston Commons. Tiny was not yet singing with the group and he
would sit with me at times. During each set they would call him up for a
number. One time he sang "Cowboys to Girls". I once saw them at
Revere Beach. At that time, Butch was on crutches but I believe he
still performed. My mom was with me for that show. Somehow a
restrained and comfortable relationship began with some of the brothers
(even Victor who was no longer singing with the group). They have
always made the CV community proud. Never a misstep. My mom, Nita,
adored them. She allowed Tiny to take her car to his prom. Later his
car was the last car that she would drive in before she died. I think
the other person I knew was Roy (not a family member)- the sax player.
He played at a party that I went to in Back Bay and he was a sweet guy.
Also, Manny, (not a brother but probably might as well have been) of
course. I love what this photo reflects and am not quite sure how it
came into my possession. Things often do.
Ralph died on 12/9 or 12/10/2021. He was the oldest brother, had worked at the New Bedford Courthouse.
Unless it is otherwise specified, all records are from two churches in Sao Nicolau. "do Rosario" refers to Nossa Senhora do Rosaio and "da Lapa" refers to Nossa Senhora da Lapa.
This list now reflects everything that is in my 3000 page unpublished
index that I collected under the surname Tavares. I would strongly
suggest looking at do Rosario certificates first if you are researching
this name.
The family of Alfredo & Dominga Pina Tavares: 1940 Census, Mass, New Bedford,
127 Smith Street, He was 32, b. about 1908 in CV, cook on an oil
vessel. She was 25, b. in Mass. Their children were Alfred 3, &
Eugene 1. Also in the household was his brother in law (her brother)
Henry Pina 26, a laborer at the WPA's Stueb Project. (*The WPA was the
Work Project Administration - a government employment program.). Social Security Application for Dominga Pina Tavares: d/o Antonio Eugenio Pina & Margarida Pina. #032-40-8247. b. 1/10/1925, died 7/14/1992.
The family of Antone E. & Margaret Tavares: 1930 Census, Mass, NB, both were 40y old, with children Henry 16, Dominga 15, Daniel 13, Antone E. 12, Evelyn 8, & Joseph 6.
The family of Antonia Rosa Tavares & her husband Antonio Jose Silva This is a Boa Vista baptism record - On 7/3/1890, Manuel Baptista was born in Povoacao Velha, he was baptized on 4/15/1892 son of Pedro Antonio Silva (s/o Antonio Jose Silva & Antonia Rosa Tavares) & Carlota da Silva Brito (d/o Manoel Ramalho of Sao Nicolau & Monica da Silva Brito.
The family of Antonia Rosa Silva Tavares & her husband Manoel C.L. Tavares: See Manoel C.L. Tavares below.
The family of Balbina Tavares & her son Manoel Lopes Tavares & his wife Antonia Margarida Rodrigues: do Rosario Matrimonios 1902 - 1909 8/9, On 5/29/1902, Manoel Lopes Tavares, 30, single, trabalhador, from Sao Nicolau Tolentino, s/o Balbina Tavares married Antonia Margarida Rodrigues, 26, operaia, lived in Queimadas (Q), parishioner at N.S. da Lapa, d/o Margarida Isabel Rodrigues. The witnesses were Antonio Joaquim Duarte, married & Miguel Joao de Miranda, married.
The family of Benjamin Tavares & Anna: 1930 Census, Mass, NB, 15 Howland,
he is 67, b. in CV, she is 55. Their child is Maria Evora 22 &
their grandchildren (all surnamed Evora) are Elizabeth 8, Anna 6,
Clinton 4, & Junina 2.
The family of Charles & Myrtle Fields Tavares: 1930 Census, Mass, NB, Acushnet Avenue, he was b. 1901 in CV, 29y, she was b. in Mass, 27y (d/o Ella Fields, 46y, widowed, both of her parents were b. in South Carolina).
The family of Eugenio Bernardo Tavares: do Rosario Obits (in the BV tab) 1874 - 1876 16/3, On 1/19/1875, Eugenio Bernardo Tavares is mentioned.
The family of Florinda Tavares: Listed as the sister of Casimero Ingargiola on his ship manifest 5/28/1920.
The family of Francisco Rodrigues Tavares & Martha da Silva Almeida: New Bedford Marriages (1914)
- On 4/13/1914, Francisco Rodrigues Tavares, 30, mill operator
married Martha da Silva Almeida, 31, mill operator. Both were born in
The family of Joaquim Tavares: b. 1906. 1940 Census, Mass, NB, 211 Acushnet Ave. 34y, lodger with the Gilbert family (who had 12 children).
The family of Jose & Anna Tavares: Jose Tavares versus IRS, 32 T.C. 591. This matter was relative to the ownership of three Irish sweep stake tickets. He was the uncle of Mary G. Jardine. In 1951 Jose lived in Stoughton, Mass but he also had an address at 324 Atlantic Avenue, Brooklyn, NYC. He was a cook on a steamship. His wife lived in Brava.
The family of Jose de Pina Tavares: b. Fogo, 59Y, Immigration 11/1933 - Ship = CORONA.
The family of Jose & Innocencia Tavares: Immigration: Jose Tavares was from Fogo & he stowed away on the ship Adelia T. Carleton which arrived in New Bedford on 11/17/1916. He listed Innocencia Tavares as his father who he left behind in Fogo. He would join his aunt Marceline Pina.
The family of Joseph Tavares: 1920 Census, Mass, NB, 9y, boarder with Julino Gonsalves & Rosa Barbara.
The family of Joseph F. Tavares & Elvira H. Lomba Tavares: 1920 Census Elvira appears on the Census in NB at 204 County St., 13, b. 1907 in Mass, d/o Henry Lomba 38. 1930 Census, Mass, NB, 153 Acushnet, Joseph is 31, Elvira H. is 24, b. in Mass, but both of her parents were b in CV. 1940
Census, Mass NB, 107 6th Street. Elvira (listed as Eloisa) is shown as
married but her husband is not shown: Children: Margaret 16, Charlotte
14, Henry 12, Irene 10, Raymond 8. Mass Death Index shows Elvira as the wife of Joseph F. & the mother of Raymond.
Raymond - husband of (1) Rosie (2) See obit for Bruce Tavares in the Standard Times (d.9/13/2016).
for more information on Raymond see separate tab at "Raymond Tavares".
In this photo is this blogger, Carol, Irene Tavares Leitao, & Juanita.
The family of Luis Antonio Tavares da Lapa Baptisms 1875 - 1895
129/38 - On 4/28/1878, Archangela
was baptized, b. 2/28/1878, lived in Ribiera da Prata, d/o Luis Antonio
Tavares (s/o Antonio Jose da Costa & Maria Tavares Silva) &
Martha Archangela do
Rosario (d/o Miguel Manoel Gomes & Archangela Maria do Rosario).
The godparents were Miguel Antonio Lopes & Claudina Maria Silva.
The family of Lucadia/Leocadia Tavares & Francisco Adelberto Lopes: Parents
of Nonnie, Steven, Bumpy, Douglass & Jamie Lopes. Lived in New
Bedford. Frank was b. in 1917 in New Bedford. His parents were from
Sao Nicolau. Both are buried at St. John's Cemetery in New Bedford,
The family of Manoel Tavares & his wife Maria Tavares:
Their child was Federico Tavares who was the subject of a
"removability" appeal. Federico Tavares v. AG No 8 4360, Agency No
A36654822 USCA (check the citation as it might be off). He appealed his
removability to CV after being convicted of a felony, he was born in
CV, he entered the US as an 8 year old child, he was not legitimated but
his father later married his mother. He won. His first wife was Maria
Landin Tavares & his second wife was Maria Tavares.
The family of Manuel Bernardo Tavares & Antonia Anna Silva Tavares do Rosario Obits 1890 - 1893 62/104, On 12/13/1891, their daughter Maria died at 10 months.
The family of Manoel C.L. Tavares & his wife Antonia Rosa Silva Tavares: New Bedford Marriages -They were the parents of Flora Augusta Tavares who married Jose Ignacio da Cruz in New Bedford on 5/26/1914.
The family of Manoel Lopes Tavares & Antonia Margarida Rodrigues: See Balbina Tavares above. do Rosario Matrimonios 1902 - 1909 - Manoel Lopes Tavares & Antonia Margarida Rodrigues.
The family of Maria Tavares Silva da Lapa Baptisms 1875 - 1895 129/38 - On 4/28/1878, Archangela was baptized, b. 2/28/1878, lived in Ribiera da Prata, d/o Luis Antonio Tavares (s/o Antonio Jose da Costa & Maria Tavares Silva) & Martha Archangela do Rosario (d/o Miguel Manoel Gomes & Archangela Maria do Rosario). The godparents were Miguel Antonio Lopes & Claudina Maria Silva. (354/38)
The family of Maria Nascimento Tavares / Pedro Sanches Tavares FOR THIS FAMILY SEE THE BENTO TAB AS PEDRO married ONE OF THE BENTO DAUGHTERS da Lapa Baptisms 1875 - 1895 - 38/76 - On 9/12/1875, Manoel was baptized, b. 8/26/1875, s/o Pedro Sanches Tavares (s/o Maria do Nascimento Tavares of Santiago) & Maria Anna da Piedade (d/o Francisco Joao Bento & Anna Maria da Piedade) edit for godparents da Lapa Matrimonios 1874 - 1896 31/35, On 7/29/1874, Pedro Sanches Tavares, 37, of Sao Lourenco (s/o Maria de Nascimento from Santiago) md Maria Anna da Piedade, 36, single (d/o Francisco Joao Bento & Anna Maria da Piedade). The witnesses were Julio Bento d' Oliveira & Jose Joao de Brito. aria da Piedade). The godparents were Manoel Joaquim de Brito & Maria Anna de Brito. (266/76) da Lapa Baptisms 1875 - 1895 - 350/77 - On 10/26/1884, Eduardo was baptized, & Pedro Sanches Tavares & Roza Anna da Piedade were his godparents
The family of Rosa Tavares: See Rosa Tavares de Souza w/o (1) Manoel de Pina & (2) Joao Pereira de Souza.
The family of Rosa Francisca Tavares - do Rosario Baptisms 1852 - 1864 - 60/- On 1/25/1856, Francisca was baptized, d/o Rosa Francisca Tavares, the godparents were Candido Gomes Salomao & Joanna Gomes Salomao, mulher de Venancio Manoel da Rosa:
The family of Rosa da Silva Tavares - do Rosario Baptisms 1842-52 - 29/ mother of the baptized child Joze.
The family of Thomas & Frances Tavares: 1920 Census, Mass, New Bedford, Lexington Street, Thomas, Frances & their children Edith 7, Eugene 4, Elsie 2 & Belvedere (infant). Thomas Tavares immigrated in 1903.
The family of Venice Tavares: b. 1895. 1930 Census of Merchant Seamen - Baltimore - Ship = Somerset, 35y, married, his closest relative lives in Philadelphia.
The family of Wenclslau Tavares & Mathilde dos Santos: (need to edit to find name of church, volume, page number & document number Baptisms). On 4/4/1880, Joao dos Santos Tavares was ???? (s/o Wenceslau Tavares & Mathilde dos Santos. (Note that I have looked back through do Rosario Obits and Baptisms for this date to no avail & the same with da Lapa Baptisms - I tend to think it is an obit b/c it gives a full name for the subject of the document. I have left it b/c this limited & faulty info could be of benefit to someone in beginning a search).
PROFILE: Dr. Julio Jose Dias of Sao Nicolau
NOTE THAT JULIO JOSE DIAS SHOWS UP IN THE Sao Nicolau - do Rosario Baptisms 1842-1852 RECORDS AS Julio Jose Dias AND don't confuse with his son, Julio Jose Dias, Junior
DOCTOR Julio Jose Dias -
Husband of (Dona) Anna Rosa de Almeida Dias (b. 1817, d. 1893)
Father of Rosa
Maria Dias & Julio Jose Dias, Junior
do RBaps 1842-52 13/ - On 1/1/1843, Joze da Silva was bap, (b. ??? in Praia, there bap in emergency by the Vicar Bernardo Jose da Silva), s/o Theresa Carolina Medina, gods - Julio Joze Dias & Julia, f/d Maria Rosa da Conceicao; do RBaps 1842-52 -98/- On 10/5/`845, Julio was bap, b. 9/29/1845, s/o Joao Baptista da Sousa Almada of Portugal & Maria Romana Leite Almada, gods - Dr. Julio Jose Dias & Maria Rosa da Conceicao, single; do RBaps 1842-52 106/- On 11/29/1845, Thomaz was bap, b. 11/22/1845, s/o Thomas Miller of England & Julia Thomazia Miller "of this island", gods - Julio Jose Dias & Margarida Mc Cauley. do RBaps 1842 -52 - 146/- On 12/21/1846, Joze was bap, b. 12/12/1846, s/o Maria Magdalena, serva de Julio Jose Dias, gods - Theophilo Joaquim d' Oliveira & Jozefina f/d Antonio dos Santos de Brito doRBaps 1842-52 - 297/- On 3/13/1852, Julio was bap, b. 2/24/1852, s/o Perpetua Lopes de Almeida, gods - Julio Jose Dias, Junior & Anna Lopes de' Almeida; do RBaps 1842-52 - 297/- On 3/16/1852, Eugenia was bap b. 3/3/1852, d/o Joao Joaquim Marquis & Rofina Dias Marques, gods - Julio Jose Dias & (there was no godmother other than a saint & the proxy for that was) Rofina de Oliveira Dias. doRBaps 1842 -52 - 299/- On 4/10/1852, Anna was bap, d/o Luis Jose de Brito & J. Anna Monteiro, gods - Julio Jose Dias, JUNIOR & ?Carolina? Amalia Dias, single; doRBaps 1842 -52 - 301.- On 5/9/1852, Rosa was bap, b. 4/26/1852, d/o Magdalena, serva de Julio Jose Dias, gods - Theofilo Joaquim d' Oliveira & Jose Manoel St. Anna (Thesorino) tesoureiro (treasurer of the church was his occupation). do RBaps1852 - 64 - 10/ - On 11/21/1852, Julio was baptized, b.??, s/o Manoel Antonio Acrhangela & Gertrudes Maria Palinha, the godparents were Julio Jose Dias, Junior & Joanna Lopes d' Almeida. do Rosario Baptisms 1852 - 1864 - 34/ - On 6/3/1854 he was the godfather to Eliza. do RMats1883 - 89 , 19/2 - On 1/31/1884, Raphael Mayezes de Oliveira (s/o Maria das Neves Spencer) md Rosa Maria Dias (d/o D'or Julio Jose Dias & (Dona) Anna Rosa de Almeida Dias), w - Fitz-Ray Pleydell Goddard (Consul) & Correa Augusta Neves, commerciante. do RMats ? edit volume & 1883/89, (the record is contained in two volumes) 16/2 & 61/2 - On 3/13/1886, Julio Jose Dias was a witness to the marriage of Nicolau Miguel Soares & Anna dos Santos Ramos. do RObits1890- 93 - 118/88, On 10/31/1893, Anna Rosa de Almeida died at 76y, w/o Julio Jose Dias (d/o Rosa Antonia Almeida).
Note that much is said about him in the book Cape Verde Cultural and Tourist Roadmap - Island of Sao Nicolau - .
Cape Verdeans who appear in the 1950 Census for New Bedford
Enumeration District No. 25-143 - Enumerator = Joseph B. Lafferty
Page 2 - does not list anyone who was born in CV
Page 3 - does not list anyone who was born in CV
Page 4 - does not list anyone who was born in CV
Page 5 - 215 Purchase Street - 2nd Floor - Charlotte Santos 60, Widowed (WD), & her children - all b. in Mass.
Page 5 - 211 Purchase Street - 2nd Floor - Antone Fortes 78 , works in the card room in a cotton mill & w/ his wife (appears at the top of page 7) Adelaide Fortes 68
Page 6 - 211 Purchase Street - 2nd Floor - Antone P. Fortes 46, card tender in a cotton mill, w his wife Mary & kids who were all b. in Mass.
Page 6 - 203 Purchase Street - 1st Floor - Manoel Fortes 74, & his wife Emily 74, & his son Joseph 47, WD, who was b. in Mass & who was a city police officer.
Page 7 - 10 Washington Street - 2nd floor - Joaquim Andrade 59, w/ wife Margaret Andrade, 56 & their son (who appears on page 8) Edwin, 30, who was b. in Mass & who worked in the food industry.
Page 8 - 4 Washington Street - 1st Floor - Candida Soares, 66, WD w/ a lodger Antone Leighton, 56, separated , who was a speeder tender in a cotton mill
Page 8 - 4 Washington Street - 2nd Floor - John Lopes 71, w/ his wife Justa Lopes, 66
Page 8 - 251 Purchase Street - 2nd floor - Emilia Antunes, 59, WD, & her family (all b in Mass).
Page 8 - 245 Purchase Street - Julius Pires, 53, WD, cook for a tug company.
Page 9 - 77 South Street - Joaquim J. Ramos, 56, WD, card tender in a cotton mill
Page 10 - 120 Grinnel - 2nd floor - Antone Barros, 57 & his family, he is a deck hand on a steam ship;
Page 10 - 273 Purchase Street - Joseph Martin 42, & his family, he is a card tender in a cotton mill
Page 10 - 267 Purchase Street (compiler's family later owned this house) - Bartholomeu Dias 62 & his wife Maria 59, he was a drawing frame tender in a cotton mill
Page 11 - does not list anyone who was born in CV
Page 12 - 118 Sixth Sreet - 1st floor - Jose Araujo 66 his wife Julia 56
Page 12 - 118 Sixth Street - 2nd floor - Mary Cabral, 57 & her lodgers: John Rodrigues, 66; Joseph Oliveira 60; Adrian Correia 57; Antone M. Soares, 63
Page 12 - 112 South Street - 2nd floor - Amelia Reis 61, WD & her family & her son in law Joseph Coelho 27, a seaman in the Merchant Marine.
Page 13 - does not list anyone who was b. in CV
Page 14 - 153 Pleasant Street - 1st floor - Ernest Oliveira, 56, speeder tender in a cotton mill & his mother Henriqueta 81, WD
Page 14 - 153 Pleasant Street - 2nd floor - Julia Valles 57, & her daughter Leocadia 38, stitcher in a clothing factory
Page 14 - 135 Pleasant Street - 1st floor - Manoel Veiga, 69, WD.
Page 15 - 101 Pleasant Street - 1st floor - Theofel Freitas 59, & his wife Louisa 60
Page 15 - 103 Pleasant Street - 2nd floor - Zulmira Lopes, 72, WD. (Is this the stepmother of Frank "Chico" Lopes?)
Page 15 - 95 Pleasant Street - Manoel Rose, 64, card tender
Page 16 - 95 Pleasant Street - Ida Rose, 55 (wife of Manoel Rose)
Page 16 - 89 Pleasant Street - 1st floor - Manoel Fayal, 70 & his family - all b in the US
missing the second half of page 16
continue from 16 to 26
Page 26 - 77 South Street - 1st floor - Able Gonsalves, 28, h/o Maria Gomes Gonsalves ___ y.
Page 26 - 120 Sixth Street - John Burgo, 70 & Adeline 60
Page 26 - 116 Sixth Street - 2nd floor - Peter Grace 54 & his wife Anna 60
Page 26 - 100 Sixth Street - Third floor - Antone Figueredo, 67, WD, no occupation
Page 27 - 103 Pleasant Street - 2nd floor - John da Lomba 45, cook in a restaurant
Page 27 - 323 Purchase Street - 1st floor - Nicolas C. Fortes 51 & his wife Teolanda Fortes
Page 28 - 323 Purchase Street - 2nd floor - John A. Santos 56, card tender in a yarn mill, & his wife Mary A. 57, sweeper in a mill (these are compiler's grandparents - Joao Antonio Santos of Sao Vicente & Mary Antonia da Encarnacao of Sao Nicolau).
Page 28 - 16 Wing Street - 2nd Floor - Frances Azevedo 55, separated, food packer in a packing plant
Page 28 - 16 Wing Street - 3rd Floor - Maria A. Costa, 68, weaver
Page 28 - 117 Grinnel Street - 1st floor - Mary Gomes, 54, clothes presser
Page 29 - does not list anyone who was b. in CV
This enumeration district ends at page 29
Saturday, December 25, 2021
Ramos A & B
Adalberto Ramos
b. 1897 -
1920 --- Immigration:
8/22/1920 - Ship = WANDERER, at NB, b. in Sao Nicolau, 23y ========================================================================= AGUEDA
Agueda P. Ramos
Mother of Maria Aguida Ramos -
Listed as the mother of Maria Aguida Ramos on her ship manifest - 4/14/1914. ========================================================================== Agosta/Agostina Ramos - See Augusta Ramo =========================================================================== Agusto/Agostino Ramos - See Augusto/Augustino ============================================================== Alejo? & Martina Ramos - Santo Antao (Janelle) - b. -
Relative/friend of Lourenco Miguel Souza -
1914 -- Immigration - 4/14/1914 - Ship = TUSULANO, 42y, he left his wife, Martina Ramos, & he will join his uncle Lourenco Miguel Souza at 339 S Main St., Prov. ========================================================================== Alfredo Araujo Ramos - Sao Vicente -
b. 1902 -
Son of Geneveva F. Araujo - Nephew of Manoel Miguel Araujo -
1923 -- Immigration 12/3/1923 - Ship = BRITANNIA, b. 1902 at Sao Vicente, 21y, left behind his mother, Geneveva F. Araujo, will join his uncle Manoel Miguel Araujo at 459 S. Main St, Prov. =========================================================================== Amaro & Genevie Ramos
CV - b. 1895 -
1930 Census, NB, 17 Howland, 35y, b. CV, h/o Genevie 38, w/ kids: Senhorina 6, Julia 8 & John 4. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Amelia Ramos -
b. 1892 - Daughter of Jose Joao Ramos & Maria Rosa de Piedade -
1893 -- doRObits1890-93 - 116/78, On 8/1/1893, Amelia died at 1y, (d/o Jose Joao Ramos & Maria Rosa de Piedade). ========================================================================== Amelia Julia Almeida Ramos & Luiz Bartholomeu Ramos
Sao Nicolau - b. 8/24/1897
Daughter of Antone Reis & Julia Rosa Almeida. Mother of John Ramos, Joseph Ramos, & Julia Ramos Santos. See entry at Luiz Bartholomeu Ramos ========================================================================== Anacleto M Ramos Sao Nicolau -
Father of Luiz Anacleto Ramos -
Listed as the father of Luiz Anacleto Ramos on his ship manifest - 6/6/1923. =========================================================================== Andrea A. Ramos
Cousin of Jose Francisco Cardozo -
1922 -- Immigration -- Listed on the ship manifest of Jose
Francisco Cardozo as his cousin & the person who he wd join at 21
Jay St., Woonsocket when he arr’d on 4/13/1922. =========================================================================== Angelina Ramos
b. 1/1/1860 - RI State Census - b. 1/1/1860, 75 y, Md. =========================================================================== Angeline Ramos & John Ramos - See the family of John Ramos & Angeline Ramos, Providence (1940). ========================================================================== ANNA
Anna Josepha Ramos
1868 -- doRBaps1866-74 131/27 - MANDATE ----- On 2/10/1868, Anna Josepha Ramos
(x) appeared before the Church. Apparently the original bap record
could not be found so she needed the Church to declare her baptism facts. She was
the d/o Antonio Francisco da Silva & Josepha Lopes Ramos ( ) ========================================================================= Anna Roza Ramos & Antonio Thome da Silva
1872 -- daLBaps1866-81 - NO NUMBER - MANDATE- 138/- On 2/15/1872, Anna Rosa da Silva, b. in 10/1849, bap (probably in early 1850 - edit) by Rev. Padre Manoel Antonio do Espirito Santos, d/o Antonio Thome da Silva & Anna Roza Ramos, gods - Francisco Soares Ramos & Anna Roza da Graca: ========================================================================== Anna Roza Ramos
1855 -- daLMats1846-66 - On 1/20/55, On 1/20/1855, Antonio Thome da Silva, (widower of Anna Roza Ramos (x)) md Maria de Araujo Neves, (d/o Antonio da Silva Basilio & ? Barzilla Duarte Neves), w - Claudio Francisco Ramos (x). ==========================================================================
Anna Soares Ramos & Jose Soares da Gama
1843 -- doRBaps 1842 -52 - 18/ On 3/11/1843. =========================================================================== Anna Soares Ramos
On 8/3/1856, Jose was bap, b. 7/24/56, s/o Manoel Felippe Rodrigues & Anna Lopes do ?????, the gods - priest & Anna Soares Ramos ( ); =========================================================================== ANTONIA
The family of Antonia Anna Ramos & Joaquim de Oliveira -- See the family of Joaquim de Oliveira & Antonia Anna Ramos =========================================================================== ANTONIA FRANCISCA
Antonia Francisca Ramos
1888 -- doRMats1883-89 - 84/3 - On 2/11 Ignacio Pedro da Cruz 26y (x), s/o Antonia Francisca Ramos (d)(x) md Maria Francisca de Oliveira (x) 28, (d/o Nicolau Francisco Patricio (d) & Francisca da Luz da Piedade (x), w - Joao de Carvalho Moniz & Leandro Fernandes Andrade; ========================================================================== ANTONIO/ANTONE
Antonio da Cruz Ramos & Barbara Isabel dos Reis
Daughter of Miguel Antonio Pedro & Isabel Alves Delgado
1889 -- doRMats1883-89 - 112/16 - On _____1889, Antonio da Cruz Ramos, 31y, (s/o Anna Margarida Gomes) md Barbara Isabel dos Reis, 31y, (d/o Miguel Antonio Pedro & Isabel Alves Delgado), w - Antonio Romualdo da Luz, md & Antonio Francisco de Figueiredo, md.
Antonio da Cruz Ramos who were godfathers or witnesses: 1860 -- doRBaps1852-64 - page - On 3/30/1860, Jose was bap, b. 3/23/60, s/o Margarida da Cruz Ramos (x), gods - the priest & Antonia da Cruz Ramos (x); ========================================================================== ANTONE DUARTE
The family of Antonio Duarte Ramos & Anna Maria de Araujo
b. around 1882/1883
1883 -- daLBaps1882-91 - 50/38 - On 6/13/1883, Antonio was bap, b s/o Manoel Antonio Duarte (s/o Antonio Duarte Ramos & Anna Maria Araujo) & Roza Antonia Duarte (d/o Antonia Izabel Duarte), gods - Joaquim Miguel do Rosario & Anna Gertrudes Gomes
1889 -- daLBaps1889 - 11/13 - On 2/17/1889, Antonio of Carvoeiros was bap , b. ???, s/o Clara Anna Araujo (d/o Antonio Duarte Ramos & Anna Maria Araujo), gods - Antonio Joaquim da Conceicao & Rosa Francisca Gomes;
=========================================================================== The family of Antonio Duarte Ramos & TWO WIVES (1) Roza Maria Araujo & (2) Anna Maria da Silva
1858 -- daLMats1846-66 - 30/- On 2/15/1858, Antonio Duarte Ramos (x) (widower of Roza Maria Araujo) md Anna Maria da Silva, d/o Antonia Soares Colinho & Maria Duarte Araujo, w - Nicolau Manoel de Almeida (x) & Antonio Jose de Almeida (x); ========================================================================== Antone Duarte Ramos -
b. 10/22/1890 -
1917 -- WWI DRC - 464 So. Water, New Bedford, Mass. b. 10/22/1890 in Sao Nicolau, card stripper at Holmes Mills. Reg. 6/5/1917 =========================================================================
The family of Antonio Francisco Ramos & Narcisa Leonor Fortes
1858 -- doRObits1855-65 - 34/- On 5/?/1858, Josefa died, d/o Antonio Francisco Ramos & Narcisa Leonor Fortes. =========================================================================== Antonio Francisco "Sunshine" Ramos -
4/16/1884 - 3/12/1970
Antonio Francisco "Sunshine" Ramos was very close to my grandmother -
Maria Antonia de Encarnacao Santos (Maria da Main/Maria the daughter of Manoel). I spent a lot of
time with his grandchildren during the summer. ========================================================================== ANTONIO THOME
Antonio Thome Ramos & Narciza de Araujo Neves
1843 -- doRBaps1842-52 -- 39/- On 10/29/1843, Antonia was bap, b. 10/21/43, d/o Antonio Thome Ramos & Narciza de Araujo Neves , gods - Mathias Nicolau Duarte & Joanna de Lima, m/d Jose Monteiro de Brito. ========================================================================== AUGUSTINHO
The family of Augustinoho Soares Ramos & Archangela Lopes de Almeida
1868 -- doRBaps1866-74 - 140/31 - On 3/9/1868, Manoel was bap, b. 2/23/68, s/o Julio Araujo Neves (s/o Nicolau Araujo Neves & Maria dos
& Maria Lopes Araujo (d/o Augustino Soares Ramos (x) &
Archangela Lopes de Almeida (x)), gods - Manoel Antonio dos Santos & Maria Anna Gomes (x). HE WILL BE MANOEL JULIO DE ARAUJO NEVES.
1868 -- doRBaps1866-74 - 151/68 -- On 4/20/1868, Rosa was bap, b. 4/10/68, d/o Theofilo Joao de Brito (x) (s/o Joao Aniceto Araujo & Maria Clara de Brito (x)) & Candida Rosa de Almeida (x) (d/o Agostinho Soares Ramos (x) & Archangela Lopes de Almeida (x)), gods - Pedro Joao de Brito (x) & Rosa Domingas Ignez;
the Augustinho Soares Ramos who were witnesses or godfathers - 1858 -- doRBaps1852-64 - 88/- On 1/24/1858, Agostinho Soares Ramos was a godfather. ==========================================================================
========================================================================== B
Barbara Anna Lopes Ramos & Nicolau Cypriano Ramos
Mother of Anna Barbara Lopes
1889 -- doRMats1883-89 109/11 - On 6/22/1889, Miguel Nicolau dos
Santos, 26y, of Cabacalinho (s/o Nicolau Miguel dos Santos (d)
& Antonia Soares Evora) md Anna Barbara Lopes, 30 y (d/o Nicolau
Cypriano Ramos & Barbara Anna Lopes), w - Jose Antonio Neves &
Padre Hermongenes Lopes da Silva. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Barbara Domingas Ramos
b. around 1865 - Mother of Archangela
1877 -- doRBaps1875-81 - 180/7 - On 1/7/1877, Archangela was bap, g. _____ (d/o Barbara Domingas Ramos), gods - _______________ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Barbara Isabel dos Reis Ramos - See the family of Antonio da Cruz Ramos & Barbara Isabel dos Reis
=========================================================================== Barbara Maria Vieira Ramos & Joaquim Mathias Ramos - the family of Joaquim Mathias Ramos & Barbara Maria Vieira
1898 -- 1898-1900BoaVista tab - 20/83 - On 5/28/1898, Barbara Maria Vieira died at 66y, viuva de Joaquim Mathias Ramos (d/o Antonio da Castro Vieira & Maria da Luz Carmo) See=========================================================================== Bartholomeu Miguel Ramos & Paula Roza Gomes
Father of
(1) Roberto Bartholomeu (b )
(2) Maria Paula (b. ) &
(3) Antonio Bartholomeu Ramos (b. 1879, d. 5/10/1897 at 18y) *************
1886 -- doRObits1883-90 - 65/26 - On 4/2/1886, Roberto died at 5y, (s/o Bartholomeu Miguel Ramos & Paula Rosa Gomes)
1888 -- doRBaps1888-92 - 22/32 - On 1/12/1888, father of the bap child Maria.
1897 -- daLObits1890-1901, 67/58 On 5/10/1897, Antonio Bartolomeu Ramos died at 18y, s/o Bartholomeu Miguel Ramos & Paula Rosa Gomes. ========================================================================== Beatrice Ramos
b. 1928 -
Daughter of Joaquim Ramos & Anna Ramos - Twin of Bevinda Ramos
1940 Census, NB, 65 So. Sixth St, 12y, d/o Joaquim & Anna, twin of Bevinda, 12y ========================================================================== Bemicio Ramos -
CV - b. -
WW 1 DRC: 19y, 12 Frank St., Bridgeport, CT, b. CV - Reg. 6/15/1917 =========================================================================== Benvinda Ramos -
b. 1928 - Daughter of Joaquim Ramos & Anna Ramos - Twin of Beatrice Ramos -
1940 Census, New Bedford, Massachusetts - 65 So. Sixth St, 12y, d/o Joaquim & Anna, twin of Beatrice 12y.
The family of Catharina Maria Ramos & Lourenco Silvestre Gomes See the family of Lourenco Silvestre Gomes & Catharina Maria Ramos ======================================================================== Christovao Domingos Ramos -
doRBaps1842-52 - 14/ ========================================================================= Christovao Nicolau Ramos -
1842 - doRBaps1842-52 - 8/ On 11/6/1842;
1843 -- doRBaps1842-52 - 14/ - On 1/29/1843;
1860 -- doRBaps1852-64 - 143/- On 10/4/1860, Manoel was bap, b. 9/4/60, s/o Christovao Nicolau Ramos (x) not md to Anna Maria Vieira, gods - Jose Miguel Cardoso & Anna Rosa de Brito (x). In the Act of Baptism Christovao declared that Manoel was his son; ========================================================================= Clara Archangela Ramos
1890 -- daLObits1890-1901 - 3/2 - Cypriana died on 1/28/1890 at 4y, of Carvoeiros, d/o Antonio Miguel Lopes (who legitimated her &) not md to Clara Archangela Ramos (x) ======================================================================== Claudio Francisco Ramos
1855 -- daLMats1846-66 - On 1/20/55, On 1/20/1855, Antonio Thome da Silva, (widower of Anna Roza Ramos (x)) md Maria de Araujo Neves, (d/o Antonio da Silva Basilio & ? Barzilla Duarte Neves), w - Claudio Francisco Ramos (x). ========================================================================= The family of Custodio Domingos Ramos & Patronilla da Silva Ramos
Parents of
(1) Domingos Custodio Ramos (b. probably around 1848)
1866 -- doRBaps1866-74 - 150/66 -- On 4/19/1868, Jose was bap, b. 4/7/68, s/o Domingos Custodio Ramos (x) (s/o Custodio Domingos Ramos (x) & Patronilla da Silva Ramos (x)) not md to Maria Julia do Rosario (d/o Antonio Silvestre dos Reis & Maria Rosa dos Reis), gods - Jose Joaquim Gonsalves Braga & Maria Anna Monteiro; ========================================================================= DELPHINA
Delfina Soares Ramos -
doRBaps1842-52 - 21/ - ========================================================================== Domingos Custodio Ramos not md to Maria Julia do Rosario
1868 -- doRBaps1866-74 - 150/66 -- On 4/19/1868, Jose was bap, b. 4/7/68, s/o Domingos Custodio Ramos (x) (s/o Custodio Domingos Ramos (x) & Patronilla da Silva Ramos (x)) not md to Maria Julia do Rosario (d/o Antonio Silvestre dos Reis & Maria Rosa dos Reis), gods - Jose Joaquim Gonsalves Braga & Maria Anna Monteiro; ========================================================================== & the Domingos Custodio Ramos who were witnesses or godfathers without any other identifying information: 1868 - doRBaps1866-74 - 146/53 -- On 4/12/1868, Antonia was bap, b. 3/23/68, d/o Maria Margarida dos Reis (d/o Margarida dos Reis), gods - Domingos Custodio Ramos (x) & Antonia Maria de Brito (x); ========================================================================== Domingos Monteiro Ramos - of Santiago *****
1882 -- daLBaps1875-95 - 226/11 - On 2/9/1882, Caetano was bap, b. 8/7/81, of Fanja de Baixo, s/o Manoel Luiz de Araujo (s/o Luiz Braz Araujo & Josefa Anna da Silva) & Antonia Catharina de Araujo (d/o Lourenco Silvestre Gomes & Catharina Maria da Silva), gods - Domingos Monteiro Ramos, md, of SANTIAGO & Maria Agueda Araujo, md, of Sao Vicente. ========================================================================== Eleuterio Francisco Ramos & Maria da Luz Monteiro
Parents of
(1) Miguel Eleuterio Ramos (b. d. ) md Maria Gaspar
Ensebio was b. Maria Rosa was b Ensebio was the son of Maria was the daughter of They were married on
Parents of
(1) Pedro Ensebio Ramos (b. ) md. 6/15/1899 Antonia Balbina do Rosario
1899 -- daLMats1897-1900 24/7 - On 6/15/1899, Pedro Ensebio Ramos edit for age (s/o Ensebio Francisco Ramos & Maria Roza da Silva) md Antonia Balbina do Rozario 26y (d/o Joaquim Nicholas Bento & Balbina Gertrudes do Rozario), w - Joaquim Manoel dos Santos & Joaquim Antonio Soares.
============================================================== LILLIAN
Lillian I. Livramento Ramos
Daughter of Joaquim Livramento & Clara Livramento
Mother of Wayne Ramos & Jacquelyn “Sister” Ramos
∙ Neighbor of Juanita Maria Santos Haynes when she lived at 244 Purchase St, NB.
∙ Close friends of compiler’s family (Encarnacao side) ========================================================================== Leon Ramos & Mary Ramos
1920 Census, So. Second St., 34, h/o Mary 24, f/o Annie (infant). ==============================================================
Ramos, Louisa & Justo Soares,
m/o Joaquim Justo Soares.
Ramos, Louise CV
b. 1902
1940 Census, NB, 573 Purchase St., 38 y, b. CV, w/ her sons August 6 & Joseph 5.
========================================================================== Ramos, Louise 1940 Census, NB, 65 So. Sixth St, 16, d/o of Joaquim & Anna. ===========================================================================
# 7 & Lourenco Soares Ramos & Rosa Maria da Cruz b. around 1825? Mother of Anacleto. ========================================================================= LUIS
Ramos, Louis & Jennie Ramos CV b.
Immigration 1911
1920 Census, NB, Acushnet Ave, 39y, imm 1911, h/o
Jennie 38y, imm 1912, w/ his brother John Brito 25y, imm 1918 ========================================================================== Ramos, Louis & Mary Ramos CV
b. 1883
1907 -- Immigration 1907
1920 Census, NB, 150 So. Second St., 37, b. abt 1883
in CV, imm 1907, both parents b. in CV, framer in a cotton mill, h/o
Mary Ramos 25, Pauline 3 & Julia 1. =========================================================================== Ramos, Louis & Mary Ramos CV
1930 Census, NB, 305 Grinnell St., 45y, b. CV, h/o
Mary 20y, b. CV, h/o Mary 25y, w/ Pauline 3y & Julia 1y. 1940
Census, NB, Grinnell St., 53y, tender in cotton mill, h/o Mary 54y,
guardian of Conna Grades 14y, & Charles Robert Avant 1y.
========================================================================== Ramos, Luiz
b. 2/4/1883
US SS Death Index: 020 01 7210 - b 2/4/1883, d/ 7/1974
========================================================================== Ramos, Luis
Relative/friend of Joao de Mota Britto
Listed as the contact for Joao de Mota Britto on his WW II Draft Registration Card ==========================================================================
========================================================================== Ramos, Luiz
Cousin of Manoel Ramos Miranda
1910 -- Listed as the cousin of Manoel Ramos Miranda & the
person who he wd join in the US when he arr’d on 4/24/1910. =========================================================================
Ramos, Luiz CV
b. 6/1883
Brother of Charles Ramos
1918 -- WW I DRC: 190 Wheeler, 35 yo, b.
6/1883, Negro. Labr at the US Housing Corp, nearest relative is his
brother, Charles Ramos in Plymouth. Reg. 9/12/1918
========================================================================= Luiz Ramos
1910 Census, NB, 20y, lodger w/ Joe & Angelica Gomes. ========================================================================= LUIS ANTONIO
Luis Antonio Ramos & Felippa Gomes Salomao,
father of Izabel,
1848 -- doRBaps1842-52 On 10/12/1848 =========================================================================== LUIS BARTHOLOMEU
Luiz Bartolomeu Ramos & Amelia Julia Almeida
b. 2/5/1883.
She was known as Amalia “Nha Malia” Julia Almeida Ramos. He was the brother of Miguel B. Ramos & the cousin of Maria Antonia Duarte.
His Mass Passenger & Crew Lists - 1820 to 1963: 8/10/1908 - all of the passengers are from Sao Nicolau & the person registering them abbreviated the names - Ship = EMMA R. SMITH - Fogo to Prov - Luiz Barth Ramos, 23/24t, b. abt 1885 in Sao Nicolau, a farmer, 5'7", passenger #17 of 30, he left behind his brother, Miguel B. Ramos in Sao Nicolau, & he wd be joining his cousin Maria Antonia Duarte at 317 So. Water St in NB.- Mass Marriages - Luiz Ramos md Amalia Julia Almeida in NB in 1915.
WWI DRC - 150 So. Second St, NB, 35 y, b. 2/5/1883, Labr City of NB, his nearest relative is Aimaleia Romes (same add). (Lewis Bartholem Romes).Reg. – Listed on the death certificate of his wife, Amelia Almeida Ramos. (Luiz B. Ramos) 9/30/1981 -
WWII DRC - 597, 471 Purchase Street, New Bedford, works at Firestone Cotton Mill.
1915 -- Mass Marriages - Married Luiz Bartolomeus Ramos in NB in 1915.
1920 Census - he is 37y, 150 S. Second, with Mary, Pauline, Julia; 1930 Census 1940 Census - b. around ..., CV, 19 Cannon Street, w/ Amelia 48, Pauline, 24 (later Pauline Cruz), Julia 22, Joseph 19, Mary 17 (later Maria R. Groebe), Albert 15, Lucy 13, Alves 11, John 9, Dehlia??? (her name is difficult to read) 7 -
Listed on the WW II Draft Registration Card of Luiz Bartolomeu Ramos as his nearest relative (Aimaleia Romes) -
Her Death Certificate - Commonwealth of Massachusetts,
#1086, Amelia Almeida Ramos, female, d. 9/30/1981 at 3:20 a.m., at St.
Luke’s Hospital, NB, Bristol, Mass, Cape Verdean, 84y, b. 8/24/1897 in
St. Nicholas, CV, Widowed, w/o Luiz B. Ramos, housewife, SS #
023-12-7650, lived at 107 Griffin Court, NB, 02740, d/o Antone Reis
& Julia Rosa Almeida, both b. St. Nicholas, the informant was her
daughter, Julia Santos, 146 Sycamore St, Fairhaven, disposition of body
on 10/3/1981, burial at St. John’s Cemetery, NB, by George D. Pina,
Burgo Funeral Home, 8 Wing St., NB, arteriosclerotic heart disease,
cerebral vascular accident, one month between onset of illness &
death, Cemetery: St. John’s Cemetery, NB, St. Paul Section #1237 =========================================================================== Ramos, Luiz Anacleto Sao Nicolau (Campinho)
b. 1899
Son of Anaclete M. Ramos
Brother of Manuel Anacleto Ramos
Immigration: 6/6/1923 Ship = AMBROSE SNOW, Sao Nicolau to Prov, 13
passengers - 24y, single, b. Sao Nicolau (Campinho), left behind his
father, Anaclete M. Ramos, will join his brother, Manuel Anacleto Ramos,
46 School St., NB
Ramos, Luiz Antunes (came in through Rio - look at international subscription)
Ramos, Luiz Bartolomeus & his wife Amelia Julia Almeida - Sao Nicolau
H was b. 2/5/1883. She was known as Amalia “Nha Malia” Julia Almeida Ramos. He was the brother of Miguel B. Ramos & the cousin of Maria Antonia Duarte. His Mass Passenger & Crew Lists - 1820 to 1963: 8/10/1908 - all of the passengers are from Sao Nicolau & the person registering them abbreviated the names - Ship = EMMA R. SMITH - Fogo to Prov - Luiz Barth Ramos, 23/24t, b. abt 1885 in Sao Nicolau, a farmer, 5'7", passenger #17 of 30, he left behind his brother, Miguel B. Ramos in Sao Nicolau, & he wd be joining his cousin Maria Antonia Duarte at 317 So. Water St in NB.- Mass Marriages - Luiz Ramos md Amalia Julia Almeida in NB in 1915. WW I Draft Registration Card - 150 So. Second St, NB, 35 y, b. 2/5/1883, Labr City of NB, his nearest relative is Aimaleia Romes (same add). (Lewis Bartholem Romes).Reg. – Listed on the death certificate of his wife, Amelia Almeida Ramos. (Luiz B. Ramos) 9/30/1981 - WWII Draft Registration Card - 597, 471 Purchase Street, New Bedford, works at Firestone Cotton Mill. Mass Marriages - Married Luiz Bartolomeus Ramos in NB in 1915. 1920 Census - he is 37y, 150 S. Second, with Mary, Pauline, Julia; 1930 Census 1940 Census - b. around ..., CV, 19 Cannon Street, w/ Amelia 48, Pauline, 24 (later Pauline Cruz), Julia 22, Joseph 19, Mary 17 (later Maria R. Groebe), Albert 15, Lucy 13, Alves 11, John 9, Dehlia??? (her name is difficult to read) 7 - Listed on the WW II Draft Registration Card of Luiz Bartolomeu Ramos as his nearest relative (Aimaleia Romes) - Her Death Certificate - Commonwealth of Massachusetts, #1086, Amelia Almeida Ramos, female, d. 9/30/1981 at 3:20 a.m., at St. Luke’s Hospital, NB, Bristol, Mass, Cape Verdean, 84y, b. 8/24/1897 in St. Nicholas, CV, Widowed, w/o Luiz B. Ramos, housewife, SS # 023-12-7650, lived at 107 Griffin Court, NB, 02740, d/o Antone Reis & Julia Rosa Almeida, both b. St. Nicholas, the informant was her daughter, Julia Santos, 146 Sycamore St, Fairhaven, disposition of body on 10/3/1981, burial at St. John’s Cemetery, NB, by George D. Pina, Burgo Funeral Home, 8 Wing St., NB, arteriosclerotic heart disease, cerebral vascular accident, one month between onset of illness & death, Cemetery: St. John’s Cemetery, NB, St. Paul Section #1237 ========================================================================== Ramos, Luiza da Cruz & Antonio Sebastiao de Almeida & Justo Joaquim Soares Sao Nicolau
widow of Antonio Sebastiao Almeida, & then w/o Justo Joaquim Soares==========================================================================
Ramos, Luzia Sao Vicente
See Luzia Ferreira Ramos Lopes, w/o (1) Ramos (2) Honorio Lopes,
d/o Malgnias Ferreia & Juana Santos ========================================================================== MANOEL
Ramos, Manuel & Francisca Ramos CV
b. 1893
1930 Census, NB 116 So. St., 37, b. CV, h/o Francisca
39, b CV & kids (all b. in Mass) Anna 15, Mary 11, Antone 4 &
Joseph 2 ========================================================================== Ramos, Manuel & Maria Ramos Fogo
b. 3/21/1893
Mass Naturalizations - b. 3/21/1893 at Fogo, lives in
Scituate, h/o Maria, imm 4/18/1914, Ship = SAVOIA, he md Maria
11/28/1924 in Fogo. ========================================================================== Ramos, Manoel
Son of Joaquim Manoel Ramos & Gertrudes Rosa Duarte
1898 -- doRObits1898-1900Boa Vista tab 37/163 - On 11/2/1898, Manoel died, edit for age,
child of Joaquim Manoel Ramos & Gertrudes Rosa Duarte. =========================================================================== Ramos, Manuel CV
b. 1891
Immigration 10/19/1920
Rio to NY =========================================================================== Ramos, Manuel Fogo
b. 3/21/1893
Immigration 4/18/1914 ========================================================================== Rames, Manuel CV
WW I DRC - 76 So. First St., NB,
edit for doffer at Passaic, African, pled guilty to failing to register
before the US Commissioner. =========================================================================== Ramos, Manuel b. 1898
1920 Census, NB, 543 Maxfield St., 22y, boarder w/ Julius & Rose Encarnacao ===========================================================================
Ramos, Manuel b. 1925
Son of Joe Ramos & Mary Ramos
1930 Census, NB, So. Second St, 5y --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MANOEL ANTONIO
Manoel Antonio Ramos
b. 1891
Son of Antonio Joaquim Ramos & Julia Maria da Conceicao
1893 -- do RObits 1890 - 1893 122/104 - On 11/9/1893, Manoel died at 2y (s/o Antonio Joaquim Ramos & Julia Maria da Conceicao)
========================================================================== Manoel Antonio Ramos Sao Nicolau
b. 1879
Son of Arcangela Francesca Soares
Brother of Pedro Jose Brito
Immigration 5/3/1909 Ship: MANOELINHO, 30y, seaman, left his brother
Arcangela Francesca Soares in Sao Nicolau, will join his brother Pedro
Jose Brito on Benefit St in Prov ======================================================================= Manuel F.B. Ramos & Maria da Piedade Ramos
Parents of
(1) Cecelia Maria Ramos (b. 1896 ) md 6/20/1914, Antonio Jose Gomes
1914 -- NB Marriages (1914) - On 6/20/1914, Antonio Jose
Gomes, 26y, b. Sao Nicolau, occ = buoy tender, (s/o Jose B. Gomes &
Maria Rosa Gomes) md Cecelia Maria Ramos, 18y, (d/o Manuel F.B.
Ramos & Maria Piedade Ramos).
=========================================================================== Ramos, Manoel Francisco b.
1899 -- doRObits1898 - 1900Boa Vista tab 50/190 - On 12/7/1899, Anna Maria Ramos died at 46y, single, (d/o Manoel Francisco Ramos & Maria Anna Ramos). ========================================================================== Manoel Francisco Ramos
b. 1888
Son of Francisco Pedro Ramos & Felippa Francisca Ramos
1893 -- doRObits 1890-93 115/73 - On 7/9/1893, Manoel died at 5y, (s/o Francisco Pedro Ramos & Felippa Francisca Ramos) ============================================================== Ramos, Manuel John Sao Nicolau
b. 1/8/1890
Mass Naturalizations - Declaration (Boston), b.
1/8/1890 at Sao Nicolau, arr’d 8/25/1904, 21, Mariner, 5'10", he lives
on the Barge BANTER in Boston, he originally immigrated on the Ship =
DAVID STORY. =========================================================================== Ramos, Manoel Jose & Maria Roza Lopes ---
Parents of
(1) Theophilo
1877 -- doRBaps1875-81 193/46 - On 3/8/1877, Theophilo was bap, b. _____ (s/o Manoel Jose Ramos & Maria Roza Lopes), gods - _______________________ =========================================================================== Manoel Jose Ramos *****
1864 -- doRObits1855-65 - On 11/17/1864, Anna Soares da Graca died at 63, (widow of Jose Ramos da Luz), d/o Joao Soares da Catao & Clara da Graca Talho.
The document mentions her son (& b/c I could not figure out what
the rest of the document said I consulted RoWad who provided this
explanation: "the deceased mother did not receive the sacraments. Her
son had arranged to meet the priest on the afternoon of the 16th "to
teach & guide him" to where his mother was but the son did not come
& when he came the following day early in the morning the priest
could not go as it was service time". ) =========================================================================== Ramos, Manuel Miguel who were godfathers or witnesses: 1884 -- *** There are 2 records for this marriage: daLMats1866-86 128/18 - On 6/28/1884, Antonio Manoel da Cruz, 24y
(s/o Maria Nicolau Lopes) md Maria Anna Gomes, 27y (d/o Felippe
Jose Lopes & Anna Roza Gomes), mentioned - Antonio Manoel Ganeto & Manoel Miguel Ramos. daLMats1866 - 86 17/18 - On 6/28/1884, Antonio Manoel da Cruz 24y (s/o
Maria Nicolau Lopes) md Maria Anna Gomes 27 y, (d/o Felipe Jose
Lopes & Anna Roza Gomes) *** daLMats1897-1900 24/6 - On 6/1/1899, Joao Antonio do Rosario, 32y, (s/o
Antonio Manoel do Rosario & Pulcheria Maria Duarte) md Clara
Anna Gomes, 29y (d/o Jose Domingas de Brito & Anna Rosa Gomes) mentioned - Joao Baptista Gomes, Manoel Miguel Ramos, &
Manoel Miguel Rodrigues. 1891 -- daLBaps1882-91 - 427/68 - Engracia was b. on 3/13/1891 & bap
on 7/19/1891, 1st child of Jose Joao Soares & Rosa Catharina dos
Santos (both of Estancia de Braz), paternal
grandparents are Clara Anna da Silva & Joao Antonio Soares &
Cataharina Anna dos Santos, gods - Manuel Miguel Ramos & Engracia Paula Fortes. =============================================================== MANOEL PEDRO
The family of Manoel Pedro Ramos & Clara Maria Duarte
Parents of:
(1) Pedro Manoel (b. 1889, d. 1897 at 8y *****
1888 -- doRMats1883-89 100/31 - On 7/28/88, Manoel Pedro Ramos (x) 27y (s/o Joaquina Maria Monteiro) md Clara Maria Duarte (x) 27y (d/o Maria Clara Duarte (x), w - Francisco Manoel Ramos (x) & Jose Antonio da Silva;
1897 -- daLObits1897 - 66/53 - In 4/or 5/1897, Pedro died at 8y, s/o Manuel Pedro Ramos & Clara Maria Duarte. =========================================================================== Manoel Pedro Ramos not md to Maria Roza da Silva
1860 - doRBaps1852-64 - 137/- On 5/1/1860, Rosa was bap, b. 4/24/60, d/o Manoel Pedro Ramos (x) not md to Maria Roza da Silva, gods - Athanzazio Manoel Cabral & Rosa da Cruz Ramos (x); ============================================================================ Manuel Silvestre Ramos CV
Immigration 4/14/1914
Ship = TUSULANO, 29y
========================================================================== Ramos, Manoel Silvestre CV
b. 10/8/1887
Relative/friend - John Almeida
1918 -- WW I DRC 120 High St., 40y, b. 10/8/1877, Negro, labr at Leary & Co.,
Bridgeport, CT, contact = his friend John Almeida, 80 Holland Ave, NB Reg. 9/12/1918 =========================================================================== MARCELLO
Marcello Francisco Ramos & Julia Maria de Lima
Parents of:
(1) Maria Julia Ramos (b. d/ 1/22/1892 at 33y
1892 -- doRObits1890-93 70/19 - On 1/22/1892, Maria Julia Ramos, single, 33y, died, (d/o Marcello Francisco Ramos & Julia Maria de Lima ( )). =========================================================================== Marcilliana Ramos
b 1926
Daughter of Joe Ramos & Mary Ramos
1930 Census, NB, So. Second St, 4 =========================================================================== MARCO
Marco N. Ramos & Antonia Joseph Ramos Sao Nicolau
Father of Maria Antonia Ramos
Immigration -- Listed as the father of Maria Antonia Ramos who
md Raphael Carlos Santos in NB. On 5/30/1914, h/o Antonia Joseph
Ramos. ========================================================================= MARGARIDA
Margarida da Cruz Ramos
Mother of:
(1) Jose (b. 3/23/1860, d. )
1860 -- doRBaps1852-64 - page - On 3/30/1860, Jose was bap, b. 3/23/60, s/o Margarida da Cruz Ramos (x), gods - the priest & Antonia da Cruz Ramos (x); ===========================================================================
Ramos, Margaret /Margarida M. Spencer & Francisco S. Ramos
Sao Nicolau
b. 1875
Parents of
(1) Clarice Fermina Diniz
Mother in law of Germano Diniz (compiler’s family)
Immigration 1896
Mass Births - On 10/11/1913, Clarice Ramos was b to
Francisco Ramos & Margarida Spencer. He was a mill op. Both
parents were from Sao Nicolau.
1920 Census, NB, 45y, w/o Frank 42 (enumerated as Mercedes Ramos which is a mistake!!)
1930 Census, NB, Wing St. (Block 1340), 55y, married, b. CV, imm 1896, w/o Francisco 53
1940 Census, NB, 235 Pleasant St., 65 yo, Widowed,
head of household, w/ her daughter Clarisse Diniz, 26, b. CV, & her
son in law, Jermano Diniz, & her grandson Frank, infant.
UK Outward Passengers List - listed as Mercedes Ramos, need
International Subscription to to obtain this information.
(See Germano Diniz who is compiler’s maternal grandmother’s cousin).
Listed on the US SS. Apps & Claims of her daughter, Clarice Fermina Diniz. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ramos, Margarida Antonia & Antonio Francisco de Almeida Sao Nicolau
m/o Francisco Antonio Almeida -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Ramos, Margarida Rosa
b. 1843
Daughter of Remigio Manoel Gomes & Rosa Josepha Ramos
1897 -- doRObits1890 - 1901 62/35, On 3/25/1897, Margarida Rosa Ramos died at 54y, single, (d/o Remigio Manoel Gomes & Rosa Josepha Ramos). ========================================================================= Ramos, Maria & Pedro M. Duarte,
m/o Manuel Pedro Duarte.
======================================================================== Ramos, Maria & Antonio Ramos m/o Isabel Maria Ramos ========================================================================
Ramos, Maria b. 1885
Daughter of Maria Rosa Ramos
Twin of Rosa Ramos
1885 -- doRObits1883-90 45/14 - On 2/12/1885, Maria & Rosa (twins - 12
days old) died, they were the (daughters of Maria Rosa Ramos.)
Ramos, Maria
b. 1888
Daughter of Joao Francisco Ramos & Antonia Ramos Almeida Ramos
1890 -- doRObits1890-93 27/54 - Maria (child) ? 21 mos, died on 9/25/1890, (d/o Joao Francisco Ramos & Antonia Ramos Almeida). ========================================================================= Ramos, Mary & Louis Ramos b. 1895
1920 Census, NB, 150 So. Second St., 25y, w/o Louis Ramos 37 check ages
1930 Census, 40y, w/o Louis 45
1940 Census, NB, Grinnell St., 54y, w/o Louis Ramos 53y
Ramos, Mary Massachusetts
b. 1904
Wife of Raymond Ramos
1930 Census, NB, 118 South St, 26y, b. Mass, w/o Raymond Ramos.
Ramos, Mary b. 1906
Wife of Joe Ramos
1930 Census, NB, So. Second St, 24, w/o Joe Ramos, 32y
Ramos, Mary Massachusetts
b. 1919
Daughter of Manuel Ramos
& Francisca Ramos
1930 Census, NB 116 So. St., 11y
Ramos, Mary b. 1921
1940 Census, NB, 65 So. Sixth St, 19, d/o Joaquim & Anna.
Ramos, Maria Fogo
Wife of Manuel Ramos
Listed on the Mass Naturalizations of Manuel Ramos as his wife who he married in Fogo on 11/28/1924.
Ramos, Maria Sao Nicolau
Wife of Antonio Francisco Ramos
Mother of the deceased child - Jose
doRObits 1890 - 1893 - 12&13/8 - Jose (child) died on 1/29/1890, (s/o Antonio Francisco Ramos & Maria Ramos)
========================================================================== Mary Agueda
Ramos, Maria Agueda Sao Nicolau (Calejao)
b. 1889
Daughter of Agueda P. Ramos
Relative/friend of Antonio S. Ramos
1914 -- Immigration 4/14/1914 Ship = TUSULANO, Fogo to NB, 25y, b. 1889 at Calejao,
Sao Nicolau, her friend is Antonio S. Ramos, she left her mother -
Aguida P. Ramos.
Mary Amelia
Ramos, Mary Amelia & Louis Alexander Ramos Brava
b. 11/5/1894
Mother of Amelia Sylvia
Mass Naturalizations - 770 Onset Ave, Onset, Mass,
b. 11/5/1894, spouse of Louis Alexander Ramos who she
married on 6/8/1912 (in St. Vincent or he is from St. Vincent) (he is
deceased). Mother of Amelia Sylvia b. 4/26/1913 in Onset. =========================================================================== Mary Anna / Maria Anna
Maria Anna Ramos & Francisco Joao Duarte Sao Nicolau
m/o Anna Maria Ramos
============================================================== The family of Maria Anna Ramos & Julio Silvestre Gomes - See the family of Julio Silvestre Gomes & Maria Anna Ramos. Maria was the daughter of Anna Josefa Ramos. ============================================================= Maria Anna Ramos & Manoel Francisco Ramos
1899 -- doRObits 1898 - 1900 Boa Vista tab 50/190 - On 12/7/1899, Anna Maria Ramos died at 46y, single, (d/o Manoel Francisco Ramos & Maria Anna Ramos). ========================================================================== Ramos, Maria Anna Insert entry for Pedro Antonio Martins, h/o Constantina Anna de Piedade, she is the mother of Pedro who died on 11/5/1901.
& the Maria Anna Ramos who were godmothers with no other identifying information: 1860 - doRBaps1852-64 - 143/- On 10/7/1860, Rosa was bap, b. 9/29/60, d/o Manoel Bartholomeu Fortes & Antonia da Silva do Rosario, gods - Joaquim Agostinho Ramos (x) & Maria Anna Ramos (x); ========================================================================== Maria Anna Silva Ramos Sao Nicolau ???? ==============================================================
Ramos, Maria ?Anneurreis b.
Mother of Jose Elias Ramos
1922 -- Listed as the mother of Jose Elias Ramos & the
person he left behind - 4/13/1922 when he arr’d in the US. ==========================================================================
========================================================================== MARIA ANTONIA
Maria Antonia Ramos & Joao Baptista da Costa Sao Nicolau
d/o Francisco Nicolau Duarte & Antonia Clara Ramos ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Maria Antonia Ramos & Raphael Carlos Santos Sao Nicolau
d/o Marco N. XXX & Antonia Joseph Ramos
& the Maria Antonia Ramos who were godmothers: 1858 -- doRBaps1852-64 - 88/-On 1/24/1858 Maria Antonia Ramos was a godmother. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------========================================================================== MARIA AUGUSTA
Maria Augusta Ramos Sao Nicolau
b. 1896
1921 -- Immigration 6/15/1921 Ship = Bark “GREYHOUND” - Sao Vicente to Prov. Maria was 25y ======================================================================== MARIA CANDIDA
The family of Maria Candida de Brito Ramos & Pedro Cypriano Ramos b. 1835
Daughter of Candida Quiteria
1887 - doRObits1883-90 - 82/24 - On 4/15/1887, Maria Candida de Brito died at 52y, w/o Pedro Cypriano Ramos, (d/o Candida Quiteria).
1898 -- doRObits 1898-1900 Boa Vista tab 9/28 - On 2/2/1898, Pedro Cypriano Ramos died at 69y, h/o Maria Candida de Brito, (s/o Cypriano das Neves Ramos & Anna Jacintha Soares) ========================================================================== MARIA CLARA
& the Maria Clara Ramos who were godmothers without any additional identifying information: 1856 - doRBaps1852-64 -- 70/- On 8/3/1856, Maria was bap, b. 7/27/56, d/o Joaquim de Oliveira (x) & Antonia Anna Ramos (x), gods - Joao Eleuterio Ramos (x) & Maria Clara Ramos (x); =========================================================================== MARIA da CRUZ
Maria da Cruz Ramos
1902 -- doRObits1902 5/150 - In 1902, Maria da Cruz Ramos died at 50y, single, (d/o Delphina Maria Ramos). ========================================================================== MARIA da LUZ
Maria da Luz Monteiro Ramos & Eleuterio Francisco Ramos See the family of Eleuterio Francisco Ramos & Maria da Luz Monteiro. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MARIA FRANCISCA
Maria Francisca Ramos & Silvestre Antonio da Costa Sao Nicolau =========================================================================== Maria Francisca Ramos Sao Nicolau
Mother of
(1) Antonio Soares da Luz
1889 -- doRMats1883-89 -- 110/13 - On 7/4/1889, Antonio Soares da Luz, 26y, (s/o Maria
Francisca Ramos) md Gertrudes Maria de Brito (d/o Joao Antonio
Soares & Maria Gertrudes de Brito), w - Guilherme
Duarte, md & Antonio Manoel dos Santos, single. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Maria Francisca de Brito Ramos & Francisco Pedro Ramos See the family of Francisco Pedro Ramos & Maria Francisca de Brito. ========================================================================= MARIA GASPAR
Maria Gaspar Ramos & Miguel Eleuterio Ramos Sao Nicolau
33&34/74 - Miguel Eleuterio Ramos died at 77y, (widower of Maria
Gaspar), (s/o EleUterio Francisco Ramos & Maria da Luz Monteiro) ============================================================== MARIA GENOVEVA
Maria Genoveva Ramos & Antonio Jose Spencer Sao Nicolau
m/o Augusto Antonio Spencer & Sebastian Antonio Spencer.
Grandmother of Hermenegilo Spencer. (Also see Genoveva Maria Ramos) –
Also see Genoveva Maria Ramos===========================================================================
Ramos, Maria Gertrudes BOA VISTA
b. around 1870
Mother of Anna
do RObits 1890 - 93 - 17/24 - Anna (child) 11 mos died on 5/8/1890, (d/o Maria Gertrudes Ramos (who appears to be from Boa Vista)) ========================================================================== Maria Gertrudes Monteiro Ramos & Francisco Jose Ramos Sao Nicolau
1892 -- doRObits1890-93 93/115 - In 1892, Francisco Jose Ramos died at 65y,
h/o Maria Gertrudes Monteiro, (s/o Jose Antonio Ramos & Maria de
Piedade da Silva) ============================================================================ Maria Gomes Ramos & Theophilo Antonio Ramos Santo Antao
b. 1895
1914 -- NB Marriages (1914) - On 12/18/1914, Theofo Antonio
Ramos, 35y, b. Santo Antao md Maria Gomes, 19y, b. Santo Antao. ===========================================================================
Ramos, Maria da Graca Vieira Sao Nicolau
Wife of Miguel Antonio Ramos
Mother of the bride Eliza Maria Vieira
107/8 - On 6/15/1889, Jose Joao Almeida, 34y (s/o
Joao Miguel Almeida & ? Benvenalda Clara Gomes) md Eliza Maria
Vieira, 17y (d/o Miguel Antonio Ramos & Maria da Graca), W - were Jose Antonio de Carvalho, widow & Theodore de Almada
de Oliveira, single.
Ramos, Maria Jacintha Monteiro Sao Nicolau
Wife of Jose Rodrigues Ramos
Mother of the decedent - Joaquina Maria Ramos da Pina
Rosario - Obits 1890 - 1893
11&12/4 - Joaquina Maria Ramos, 48y, died on 1/10/1890. She appears
to have an association with Boa Vista. She was the wife of Pedro
Feliciano de Pina & (daughter of Jose Rodrigues Ramos & Maria
Jacintha Monteiro).
Maria Josepha
=========================================================================== MARIA JOSEPHA
The family of Maria Josepha Ramos & Antonio Jose de Almeida
Parents of
(1) Pedro Antonio Almeida &
(2) Josepha Maria Almeida Leitao =========================================================================== The family of Maria Josepha Ramos & Miguel ? Cotto
She d. 10/13/1898)
1898 -- doRObits1883-90 55/73 - On 10/13/1898, Maria Josepha Ramos, widow of Miguel ?Cotto? died at edit for age. =========================================================================== The family of Maria Josepha Ramos & Miguel Francisco Lopes
1856 -- doRBaps1852-64 -- 64/- On 4/23/1856, Rosa was bap, b. 4/16/56, d/o Antonio Soares da Silva & Theresa Soares da Silva, gods - Andre da Silva Ramalho (x) & Maria Josefa Ramos (x), m/d Miguel Francisco Lopes; =============================================================================
========================================================================= MARIA JULIA
Maria Julia Ramos
Mother of
(1) Joao (b. 1890, d. 2/20/1898)
1898 -- doRObits1898-1900BOA VISTA TAB - 11/40 - On 2/20/1898, Joao died at 8y (s/o Maria Julia Ramos) ======================================================================== Maria Julia Ramos
Daughter of Marcello Francisco Ramos & Julia Maria de Lima
1892 -- doRObits1890-93 70/19 - On 1/22/1892, Maria Julia Ramos, single, 33y, died, (d/o
Marcello Francisco Ramos & Julia Maria de Lima (x)). ========================================================================== Maria Julia Ramos
Parents of
(1) Fermino Frances Almeida
what year? Listed on the ship manifest of Fermino Frances Almeida as his mother & the person who he left behind. =========================================================================== MARIA LOPES
Ramos, Maria Lopes Sao Nicolau
See Maria Lopes Ramos de Brito, w/o Jose Antonio de Brito, m/o PUlcheria Maria de Brito
Ramos, Maria Lopes Sao Nicolau (Estancia de Bras)
Mother of Pedro Antonio Martins ***
1885 -- There are two sets of records for this marriage: daLMats 1884 - 85 24/4 - On 4/23/1885, Pedro Antonio Martins, 29y, of Estancia de Bras, (s/o Maria Lopes Ramos) md -
“esta uniao conjugal” - Constantina Anna da Piedade 17y, d/o Antonio
Manoel Fortes & Anna da Piedade. daLMats1866 - 86 134/4 - On 4/23/1885, Pedro Antonio Martins, 29y, from
Estancia de Bras, (s/o Maria Lopes Ramos) md Constantina Anna de
Piedade, 17 y, from Estancia de Bras, (d/o Antonio Manoel Fortes &
Anna da Piedade) & the record notes that the father assented to the
daughter’s marriage despite her minority/age, w - Manoel
Francisco de Figueiredo & Antonio Miguel Soares & Miguel
Antonio Fortes.
Ramos, Maria Lopes & Joao Francisco Araujo Sao Nicolau
m/o Antonio Joao de Faria
end Maria Lopes
=============================================================== Maria Magdalena Lopes Ramos & Joao Francisco Ramos See the family of Joao Francisco Ramos & Maria Magdalena Lopes ========================================================================== Maria Narcisa Ramos
1860 -- doRBaps1852-64 - 141/- On 8/5/1860, Maria Narcisa Ramos was a godmother. ===========================================================================
Ramos, Maria das Neves
1888 -- do RBaps - 1888 - 92
27/43 - On 1/29/1888, Manoel was bap, (s/o Anna
Eugenia dos Santos), grandson of Bartholomeu Antonio ?Jo?XXX &
Eugenia Maria dos Santos, gods - Manoel Lopes Cruz &
Maria das Neves Ramos
Maria das Neves Ramos, b. around 1821 do RBaps 1842 - 1852 - 50/ On 4/8/1844 ===========================================================================
=============================================================== MARIA das NEVES
Maria das Neves Ramos Sao Nicolau
doRObits1898-1900Boa Vista tab - 20/84 - On 5/3-/1898, Rosa Maria Ramos died at 44y,
w/o Silvestre Manoel da Graca, (d/o Maria das Neves Ramos). =========================================================================== Maria Nicolaia Ramos
1860 -- doRObits1855-65 - 47 - On 1/29/1860, Maria Nicolaia Ramos died, no age given -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------MARIA da PIEDADE
Ramos, Maria Paula da Piedade & Jose Joao Ramos Sao Nicolau See the family of Jose Joao Ramos
1888 -- doRMats1883 - 89 86/8 - On 5/5/1888, Jose Joao Ramos md Maria Paula da Piedade.
Ramos, Maria da Piedade Sao Nicolau
See Maria da Piedade Ramos de Brito, w/o Manoel
Felippe de Brito, d/o Joao Francisco de Brito (liyoAraujo) & Maria
Anna da Piedade.
Ramos, Maria da Piedade Sao Nicolau
See Maria da Piedade Ramos dos Reis, w/o Manoel Roberto
dos Reis, m/o Joaquim Manoel Ramos, grandmother of Archangela da Graca
Maria da Piedade Ramos & Mauricio Fortes Ramos BOA VISTA See the family of Mauricio Fortes Ramos & Maria da Piedade Ramos
Ramos, Maria Piedade & Manuel F.B. Ramos
Mother of Cecelia Maria Ramos
Listed as the mother of Cecelia Maria Ramos who married Antonio Jose Gomes in NB on 6/20/1914.
Ramos, Maria Piedade Coracao & Antonio Claudio Ramos Sao Nicolau (Agua de Patas)
b. 186__
Daughter of Miguel Gomes Salomao & Maria Michaela de Almeida
1889 -- doRMats1883 - 89 105/3 - On 5/25/1889, Antonio Claudio Ramos, 36y, (s/o Claudio Francisco Ramos & Maria Pulcheria de Brito - both deceased) md Maria Piedade Coracao, 27y, from Aguas de Patas, (d/o Miguel Gomes Salomao & Maria Michaela Almeida), w - Ricardo Thome da Silva, a widower & Theophilo Jose Dias de Pina, single.
Ramos, Maria da Piedade de Silva Sao Nicolau
See Maria da Piedade da Silva Ramos, w/o Jose Antonio Ramos, m/o Francisco Jose Ramos
The family of Maria da Piedade Ramos & Manoel Roberto dos Reis
1888 -- doRMats1883-89 - 85/6 - On 4/28/1888, Joaquim Manoel dos Reis 25y, (s/o Manoel Roberto dos Reis & Maria da Piedade Ramos (x) md Gertrudes Roza Duarte (x) 29y, (d/o Antonio Carlos Fermino (x) not md to Rosa Joanna Fortes of SANTO ANTAO), w - Theophilo Jose Dias de Pina & Jose Antonio Vieira; ==============================================================================
Ramos, Maria Pulcheria de Brito & Claudio Francisco Ramos Sao Nicolau
Mother of Antonio Claudio Ramos
1889 -- doRMats1883-89 105/3 - On 5/25/1889, Antonio Claudio Ramos, 36y, (s/o
Claudio Francisco Ramos & Maria Pulcheria de Brito - (both d)
md Maria Piedade Coracao, 27y, from Aguas de Patas, (d/o Miguel
Gomes Salomao & Maria Michaela Almeida), w - Ricardo
Thome da Silva, a widower & Theophilo Jose Dias de Pina, single. ===========================================================================
Ramos, Mary R. & Antone Jacintha Ramos
Listed on the WW I Draft Registration Card of her husb Antone Jacintha Ramos. ============================================================================
Ramos, Maria Ramos Delgado Sao Nicolau
Wife of Jose Ramos
b. 1806
do RObits 1883 - 1890 26/25 - On 2/24/1884, Maria Ramos Delgado died at 78y, widow of Jose Ramos.
========================================================================= Ramos, Maria Rodrigues de Brito & Joaquim Francisco Ramos
b. 1819
Daughter of Manoel Joao Silva & Josepha Rodrigues de Brito
doRObits 1890 - 93 70/20, On 1/23/1892, Maria Rodrigues de Brito died at 73y, w/o Joaquim
Francisco Ramos, (d/o Manoel Joao Silva & Josepha Rodrigues de
Maria Roza Duarte Ramos & Joao Jose Ramos
Ramos, Maria Roza Duarte Sao Nicolau
1902 -- doRObits1902 6/151 - In 1902, Antonio Joao Ramos died, single, (s/o Joao Jose Ramos & Maria Roza Duarte). ========================================================================= Ramos, Maria Roza Lopes & Manoel Jose Ramos Sao Nicolau
b. around 1850
Mother of Theophilo
1877 -- doRBaps1875-81 193/46 - On 3/8/1877, Theophilo was bap, (s/o Manoel Jose Ramos & Maria Roza Lopes). ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Ramos, Maria Rosa da Piedade & Jose Joao Ramos Sao Nicolau
b. around 1870
Mother of
1893 -- doRObits1890-93 - 116/78, On 8/1/1893, Amelia died at 1y, (d/o Jose Joao Ramos & Maria Rosa da Piedade). -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Ramos, Maria Rosa Sao Nicolau
b. around 1865
Mother of
(1) Maria
(2) Rosa
This poor woman lost two of her daughters on the same day.
1885 -- doRObits 1883 -90 45/14 - On 2/12/1885, Maria and Rosa (both 12 days old) died, they were the daughters of Maria Rosa Ramos. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Ramos, Maria Rosa Sao Nicolau
b. around 1840
Mother of the decedent - Analeza Maria Ramos
1888 -- doRObitos1883-90 117/63 - On 9/12/1888, Analeza Maria Ramos died at 30y, (d/o Maria Rosa Ramos). ========================================================================== Maria Rosa da Silva Ramos & Ensebio Francisco Ramos
See the family of Ensebio Francisco Ramos & Maria Rosa da Silva ========================================================================== The family of Maria dos Santos Ramos & Joaquim Hermogenes de Oliveira ----- See the family of Joaquim Hermogenes de Oliveira & Maria dos Santos Ramos ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Ramos, Maria dos Santos Sao Nicolau
b. around 1850
Mother of Roza Maria Ramos
1890 -- doRObits1890-93 127/ - Roza Maria Ramos died on 1/27/1890 at 14y, (d/o Maria dos Santos Ramos). ========================================================================== Marianna & Peter Cruz Ramos Brava
Daughter of Nicholas Ramos & Julia Fernandes Ramos
1902 -- NB Marriages (1902) -
On 10/11/1902, Peter Cruz, 26y, mill op, b. Brava, (s/o Pelinairo Cruz
& Marianna Santos) md Marianna Ramos 22y, mill op, b. Brava,
(d/o Nicholas Ramos & Julia Fernandes). ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------& the Marianna Ramos who were godmothers without any other identifying information: 1894 -- SV daLuzBaps1893-97 319/25 - On 2/12/1894, Maria was bap b _____ (d/o Francisca
Anna dos Santos of SANTO ANTAO) (d/o Antonio Joao Conceicao & Anna Maria dos Santos), w - Pedro Joao Gomes & Manuel Julio do Rosario, gods - Joaquim Silva & Marianna Ramos, mentioned is Francisco Manoel Gomes.
========================================================================= Martina Ramos & Alejo Ramos Santo Antao (Janelle)
1914 -- Immigration - Listed on the ship manifest of ? Alejo Ramos as the
person who he left behind in Santo Antao when he arr’d in the US on
========================================================================== MATHIAS
Ramos, Mathias Relative/friend of Joao Ramos
Listed on the ship manifest of Joao Ramos ========================================================================== Ramos, Matias J. Sao Nicolau (Cachaco)
b. 1998
Son of Anna M. Araujo
1918 -- Immigration: 7/29/1918 Ship = AMBROSE SNOW – Sao Vicente to NB, 20y - from Sao Nicolau, Cachaco - Left behind Anna M. Araujo
=========================================================================== MATILDA
Ramos, Matilda Coelho Brava See Matilda Coelho Ramos Santos, w/o Joaquim Pina Santos. =============================================================== MAURICIO
The family of Mauricio Fortes Ramos & Maria da Piedade Ramos Boa Vista
Son of Teresa de Jesus
Daughter of Manoel Ines Almeida & Libania Almeida
Parents of
(1) Joao Mauricioa (b. 1/6/1892 ******
1892 -- Boa Vista Bap Records provided to this compilation by RoWad. Joao, b. 1/6/92 was bap on 8/13/1892. He was the s/o Mauricio Fortes Ramos (s/o Teresa de Jesus) & Maria Piedade Ramos (d/o Manuel Ines Almeida from Sao Nicolau & Libania Almeida (d)). ============================================================================ Maurice Francis Ramos /Rames Massachusetts
b. 1897
1917 -- WW I DRC - 477 So. First St., 20y,
vaudeville performer, single, natural born (b. Mass). Reg. 6/2/1917
========================================================================== Mercedes Ramos See Margaret Spencer Ramos, w/o Frank Ramos, m/o Clarissa Fermina Ramos Diniz. ========================================================================== MIGUEL
Michael Ramos
b. 1900
1930 Census, Mass, Fall River. 52 Allen St, 30y, boarder w/ Rafina Britto. =========================================================================== Miguel Antonio Ramos & Maria da Graca
Parents of
(1) Eliza Maria Vieira
1889 -- doRMats1883-89 - 107/8 - On 6/15/1889, Jose Joao de Almeida, 34y (s/o Joao
Miguel de Almeida & ? Benvenalda Clara Gomes) md Eliza Maria
Vieira, 17y (d/o Miguel Antonio Ramos & Maria da Graca), w - Jose Antonio de Carvalho, widow & Theodore de Almada de Oliveira (x), single. =========================================================================== Ramos, Miguel B. Sao Nicolau
Brother of Luiz Bartolomeus Ramos
1908 -- Listed on his ship manifest as the brother of Luiz
Bartolomeus Ramos & the person who he left behind in Sao Nicolau -
Ship = EMMA R. SMITH, 8/10/1908 ============================================================================
Miguel EleUterio Ramos & Maria Gaspar
Son of Eleuterio Francisco Ramos & Maria da Luz Monteiro
what date? doRObits1890-93 33/74 - On edit for date, Miguel Eleuterio Ramos died
at 77y, widow of Maria Gaspar, (s/o Eleuterio Francisco Ramos &
Maria da Luz Monteiro) =========================================================================== Miguel Manuel Ramos & Clara Ramos Santo Antao (Tarrafal)
b. 4/7/1888
1941 -- Immigration 4/14/1941- Conn
Naturalizations - b. 4/7/1888 in Tarrafal, Santo Antao, arr’d
4/14/1941, 5'11" lives in Bridgeport, his spouse is Clara (b. Brava
& they married in Bridgeport in 1941). =========================================================================== Miguel Rodrigues Ramos & Joanna Anna dos Reis
1858 -- doRObits1855-65 On 9/56/ Joanna Anna dos Reis died of CHOLERA (x), w/o Miguel Rodrigues Ramos (x);
Nancy Baptista Ramos
Daughter of Augusto Baptista & Charlotte Baptista
Find a Grave Listed on the Find a Grave for her father Augusto Baptista. =========================================================================== NarcisA
Narcisa Delfina Ramos Sao Nicolau
1883 -- doRObits1883-90 5/11 - On 1/26/1883, Serafim died at 4 mos (s/o Narcisa Delfina Ramos). ===========================================================================
Narcisa Fortes Ramos & Antonio Francisco Ramos
b. 1813
1883 -- doRObits 1883-90 16/72 - On 9/22/1883, Narcisa Fortes Ramos died at 70y, widow of Antonio Francisco Ramos -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Ramos, Narcisa Maria Sao Nicolau (Coelba)
See Narcisa Maria Ramos Vieira, w/o Manuel S. Vieira, mother of Antone M. Vieira, Jose Manuel Vieira, & Theophile Viera
Narcisa Maria Ramos Nascimento, w/o Manuel Soares
Nascimento who came into the US on 6/22/1921 on the Ship = ACCAO (from
Sao Nicolau (Coelba)).
Are these the same person or two different people? ========================================================================== NARCISO
Ramos, Narcizo Sao Nicolau
Relative/friend of Joana Maria Ramos
Listed on the ship manifest of Joana Maria Ramos as
the person who she left behind in Sao Nicolau when she arr’d in the US . =========================================================================== Ramos, Narcizo Antonio Sao Nicolau
b. around 1868
Husb of Antonia Felippa Silva
Father of Jose
1888 -- doRBaps1888-92 28/45 - On 2/2/1888, Jose was bap, b _____ (s/o Narciso Antonio Ramos & Antonia Felippa Silva), gods - __________________ ==============================================================
Ramos, Nicolaia das Neves & Lourenco Jose Soares Sao Nicolau
m/o Antonio Lourenco Soares ========================================================================= NICOLAU
Ramos, Nicolau
1902 -- doRObits1902 10/168 - On 12/”oitavo”/1902, Nicolau Ramos died at 32y, single, (s/o Anna Phillipa Ramos). ========================================================================== Nicolau Ramos & Antonia Neves Almeida
Father of Francisco Manuel da Gama
1897 -- daLMats1897-1900 5/4 - On 7/1/1897, Francisco Manuel da Gama, (widower
of Anna Maria Ramos), (s/o Nicolau Ramos & Antonia Neves de Almeida)
md Antonia Arsenia da Graca, 22y, (d/o Joaquim Francisco Ramos
& Arsenia Antonia da Graca), w - ___________________________.
Ramos, Nicholas
Relative/friend of Antone Ramos
1918 -- Listed on the WW I DRC for Antone Ramos. 9/26/1918. =========================================================================== Nicholas Ramos &Julia Fernandes Ramos
Father of Marianna Ramos
Listed as the father of Marianna Ramos who married Peter Cruz in NB on 10/11/1902. ========================================================================== Nicolau Ramos
Cousin of Antonio Pedro Ramos
1922 -- Listed as the cousin of Antonio Pedro Ramos & the person who he wd join in the US on 4/13/1922. ========================================================================== Nichols Ramos CV
b. 1834
Father in law of Manuel Britto
1930 Census, NB, 412 Water St., 96y, b. CV, father in law of Manuel Britto 53y. ========================================================================== Nicolau Cypriano Ramos & Barbara Anna Lopes / Barbara Anna da Luz
Parents of
(1) Maria (b. d. 7/13/1858) & Anna Barbara Lopes *****
1858 -- doRObits1855-65 - 38/- On 7/13/1858, Maria died, d/o Nicolau Cypriano Ramos & Barbara Anna da Luz;
1889 -- doRMats1883-89 - 109/11 - On 6/22/1889, Miguel Nicolau dos Santos, 26y, of Cabacalinho (s/o Nicolau Miguel dos Santos (d) & Antonia Soares Evora) md Anna Barbara Lopes, 30y (d/o Nicolau Cypriano Ramos & Barbara Anna Lopes), w - Jose Antonio Neves & Padre Hermongenes Lopes da Silva. ========================================================================== Nicolau Francisco Ramos Sao Nicolau
1884 -- *** There are two sets of records for this marriage: daLMats1884 & 1885 & 1866 - 1886 13/13 &125/13 - On 6/5/1884, Manoel Francisco Duarte, 24y (s/o Francisco Joao Duarte & Barbara Antonia Gomes) md Antonia Anna de Brito, 22y, (d/o Anna Isabel da Piedade), w - Antonio Francisco Delgado, Miguel Lopes Monteiro & Nicolau Francisco Ramos.
1885 -- There are two entries: daLMats1866-86 - 133/2 - On 2/14/1885, Carlos Joaquim Ramos, 21y (s/o Joaquim Francisco Ramos & Arsenia Antonia da Graca) md Constancia Anna Ramos, 39y, (d/o Antonio Thome da Silva & Anna Roza Gomes), w - Carlos Nicolau Monteiro & Nicolau Francisco Ramos. daLMats 1884-85 - 22/2 - On 2/4/1885, Carlos Joaquim Ramos (s/o Joaquim Francisco Ramos & Arsenca Antonia da Graca) md Constancia Anna Ramos 39, (d/o Antonio Thome da Silva & Anna Roza Gomes). *** daLMats - 1884-85 - 9/8 & 122/8 - On 5/15/1884, Pedro Antonio Fortes 26y (s/o Antonio Luiz Fortes & Gertrudes Antonia Gomes) md Margarida Anna da Conceicao 20y (d/o Antonio Claudio de Andrade & Anna Maria da Conceicao, w - Theophilo Antonio Vieira & Nicolau Francisco Ramos. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ & the Nicolau Francisco Ramos who were godfathers or witnesses without any other identifying information: 1883 -- doRMats1883-89 14/9 - On 5/24/1883, Roberto Francisco Ramos (s/o
Francisco Antonio Lourenco & Maria Rosa da Silva) md Clara
Maria de Brito (d/o Andre Silva Ramalho & Maria Clara de Brito), W - Nicolau Francisco Ramos, md & Theophilo
Antonio Vieira, single. ============================================================================
Ramos, Olympia See Olympia Ramos Araujo, w/o Miguel S. Araujo, m/o Joaquim Miguel Araujo
Ramos, Olimpia Anna
b. around 1873
1893 -- doRObits1890-93 123/107 - On 11/9/1893, a recem-nascido died at 7 days, child of Olimpia Anna Ramos